Is your current partner your first?

Contributor: BunnyBoy BunnyBoy
Just curious. Is your partner your first in bed.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Armsjlove , Ajax , Lilbee , bunny love , leatherlover , LadyEarlGrey , P'Gell , Valentinka , Dusk , ellejay , tim1724 , ScottA , mystepmotherisafish , Lio , charip , PiratePrincess , ichwillwaffels , ss143 , Purpleducklings , loveshocks , Hallmar82 , Legigi , mama2007 , cherie2188 , PersonalAngel , tickle me pink , Lithaewyn , Akira , AOutrajus , mandiegk , ThoughtsAblaze , DTV88 , CharlieBrown , ily , Maeby , Acorn , amandaco2011 , mzhoneythang , guard083 , Vanille , pleasurehunter , kinky girlfriend , WhoopieDoo , Belleuma Slle , Girly Girl , butterflygirlxo , Mr. E , lobstermanswife , SexyStuff , ~miss senora~ , Squeaky , mandaj , Teaser , elli , randallssexymama , pootpootpoot , Arch600 , Mistress Sassy , lovekink , potstickers , SavingMyself , Checkmate
62  (35%)
Tori Rebel , PussyGalore , DeliciousSurprise , sexyintexas , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Eliza , RubberDuckie , liilii080 , Joie de Cherresse , Lucidity , beautifulpierced , ToyTimeTim , Haiku , danellejohns , Jobthingy , Collodion , UnknownGirl , KaraSutra , Pixel , PinkPedal , *HisMrs* , *Ashley* , toxie m , xoflxokcxo , clp , Cedarlooman , Naughty Student , indiglo , dhig , StrawberryEve , Taylor , ZenaidaMacroura , Illusional , slynch , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , Gunsmoke , extrafun , Lady Marmelade , NaughtyButterfly , Coralbell , Midway through , jakjak , ninaspinkturtle , 0 , LavenderSkies , AYoungMan , Michelle Menace , Lolla Munz , Jul!a , RonLee , BadassFatass , ID42 , Scarlette , Lummox , darthkitt3n , Sohotdinosaur , BelleIsabelle15 , Rossie , Eden C. , Rika , Waterfall , froggiemoma , Liz2 , mariedoll , newfoundlust , Chilipepper , Anjulie , Howells , K101 , BBW Talks Toys , link82 , Lady Venus , Choolz , Mikey Likesit , ellieprobable , Jazz , Elaira , LostBoy988 , ns143ts , redstarr681 , Endocott , Hanna , Reyes , Marble , Orion , jeangel246 , Jewelweed , NaturalWoman , Peggi , Alyxx , Angelica , ~LaUr3n~ , CreamySweet , Defiledpixxy , Cherrylane , pinkzombie , JessCee , authorzero , Katelyn , Blooddragon , The Mother of a SiNner , Envy , OroNomi , her angelness , Ivy Wilde , beachluv51800 , padmeamidala , thisisadeletedaccount
108  (61%)
No, but I consider him/her to be
SapphirexIce , MaryExy , idunshire , Screen Door , cburger , AnnRob , MissYouBubbles
7  (4%)
Total votes: 177
Poll is closed
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Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Not even close!
Contributor: ❦Angel Of Music❦ ❦Angel Of Music❦
Originally posted by sexyintexas
Not even close!
Same here!
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Nope, but that's okay.
Contributor: RubberDuckie RubberDuckie
No, but I love her as if she was.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
No and that's ok. Life experience can be a good thing.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
No, but he's the best I've ever had...
Contributor: beautifulpierced beautifulpierced
im with u brandi, my husbad isnt my first but he sure is the best ive ever had...
And im his second so thats nice!
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
My current is my first
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
No she is not, but I am here first.
Contributor: Haiku Haiku

um. no.
Contributor: danellejohns danellejohns
Technically , no but I do percieve him as my first. I do know he will probably be my last as well.
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
She is my first and only.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
Oh christ no.


My daughter is the offspring of my first.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
It's complicated (OMG, it sounds like Facebook.) We got together when I was very young. We actually met when I was about 8 or 10 or so, and he was a punk teenager. There was no romantic involvement then, we just had a stick fight and my friend and I defended the Fort at the park from this gang of punk teenage boys. Forward many years, I'm in High School, I'm about 15 or 16 somebody introduces us (I thought he was a drug dealer before I met him. LOL! He wasn't.) We started to go out, and things went on and we got serious and monogamous and he had been with other women in the past. He'd been having sex since he was 14, he's older than I am. I was a child when he started fucking girls. Not me, of course, I didn't really see him again after that day in the park until I was in High School. We start to see each other a lot and we started to have sex. A while later, we decided that neither of us wanted to wake up 20 years hence and think (mostly me) "WTF did I miss?" so we had an open relationship for about 6 years, both of us seeing other people. We then closed the relationship when I was almost finished with college, then got engaged; kids, marriage, house etc.

So, he was my first, not my only. I was NOT his first, nor his only. But, we are together now. I'm glad he was my first. Our first time was beautiful.
Contributor: Collodion Collodion

Not a chance - I started when I was 17 and I've been increasing my number (with stops and starts) ever since.

Although I do envy those people who are with their "first and only" I happen to love the variety of partners that I've had. My insatiable curiosity tends to lead to me getting into all sorts of people's pants, but I certainly wouldn't trade that for a life of monogamy. *grin*
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
No, but he is my husband.
Contributor: KaraSutra KaraSutra
LOL~! not even close to first...though he's the first Man I'm willing to marry
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
*slightly hysterical giggle* Yeah, no. Not even close.
Contributor: PinkPedal PinkPedal
haha nope, but he is my first with anal and he's the first person I gave a blow job to.
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
I voted considering my current partner is my first PIV partner
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
Originally posted by RubberDuckie
No, but I love her as if she was.
me too. (but him*/he*)
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by sexyintexas
Not even close!
Me too
Contributor: ScottA ScottA
First and only. Hopefully that will continue for a long time.
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
Not the first, but hopefully the last
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
No, but I'm his first!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
No, he isn't, but as a couple people above me said he's the best I've ever had.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Originally posted by Lucidity
Not the first, but hopefully the last
Ditto that for me!
Contributor: StrawberryEve StrawberryEve
Nope, but I'm theirs.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by indiglo
Ditto that for me!
Ditto for me as well.