I'm male, 26, a virgin and have met a woman that I've clicked with like no other, on a very deep level. We've been dating a month but it feels like we've known eachother for 10 years. She makes me very very happy.
She is very honest and upfront and related to me that she has HPV and beat cervical cancer two years ago.
This has depressed both her and I since we might never have a sexual relationship/long term relationship together. She really is not taking it well...She even went as far as to get re-tested today at the her doctor. Heck, I'm not taking it well either...
Does anyone have any similiar stories and or advice they could offer to two people in this situation?
Appreciate everyone taking the time to read this.
I'm male, 26, a virgin and have met a woman that I've clicked with like no other, on a very deep level. We've been dating a month but it feels like we've known eachother for 10 years. She makes me very very happy.
She is very honest and upfront and related to me that she has HPV and beat cervical cancer two years ago.
This has depressed both her and I since we might never have a sexual relationship/long term relationship together. She really is not taking it well...She even went as far as to get re-tested today at the her doctor. Heck, I'm not taking it well either...
Does anyone have any similiar stories and or advice they could offer to two people in this situation?
Appreciate everyone taking the time to read this.