I'd do a combination of a few of these things. Personally, I was only broken up with once, I usually break up with the person. Regardless of who-dumped-who, break-ups HURT. Getting over a breakup, I usually don't talk to that person or their friends for a while (even if we agree to just be friends, it takes me a little while (a few weeks tops) to get over seeing them as my partner/ex and start seeing them as a friend) to give myself and them time to calm down. I focus on myself, my life, any aspirations I had neglected during the relationship.
Currently, I'm in what was supposed to be a long-term-relationship with a man ten years older than I am, and we rushed into the relationship. I moved in, we got engaged, he was talking about adopting my son. I'm going to visit my mother (15+ hours away) for a month, and potentially moving to the area she's in, because I feel there are a lot of things I have to do in my life before I can settle down like this. I don't know if it's going to be a break-up yet or being put on hold or what, but if we do break up I'll be surrounding myself with all the things I need to get done in my life (potentially college, getting a license, getting some work experience, etc.)