My last few boyfriends were all sort of long distance relationships. Neither more than an hour away, but still only really saw each other on the weekends. The first one we didn't fight much, but instead just grew apart. My last one was only an hour away, and we constantly fought. Mostly about sex but also about other things like he didn't think I contributed enough financially to our relationship as far as buying food and other things of that nature, even though I drove out there at least once a week. But it was fighting about the sex that drove me away the most, I don't appreciate being told that it's not fair to anybody that I'm just not in the mood. And I would have a lot of problems getting in the mood partially because he was always asking for it, but mostly because I had gotten so used to being by myself most of the time that I didn't want to do anything when I did see him.
I know there are a lot of you where either you, or they, are away at school, or travel a lot, or whatever, but you maintain a mostly long distance relationship. How do you deal with the space? Does sex become an issue when you do get a chance to see each other? Do you find that the distance affects your communication with each other?
I know there are a lot of you where either you, or they, are away at school, or travel a lot, or whatever, but you maintain a mostly long distance relationship. How do you deal with the space? Does sex become an issue when you do get a chance to see each other? Do you find that the distance affects your communication with each other?