Last night my SO and me had a fight. We both said some mean things, but it actually resulted in really good communication and today we had an amazing day. We hardly ever fight, so I found it not to be a bad thing. Do your fights ever end productively?
Do you find your fights are productive.
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Yes, my partner and I have productive fights which lead to us opening up more about things.
Most of the time they are, unless I'm just venting.
nah useless bloody things
no, it usually just leads to me getting more angry because he will say something dumb lol
Sometimes a good argument gets the issues out there and clear the air, but other times it is the same old fight that has no solution. The only upside to those is the makeup sex.
We don't get to the point of fighting anymore.
most of the time yes but we dont fight too much
We don't fight much these days, but when we did they were bad. We both have terrible tempers and they got out of hand. Nothing was ever really accomplished with them other than both of us ending up pissed off. Now we don't really fight, but we talk or email when we have issues. Resolves a lot more than fighting ever did.
yes, we rarley fight but it helps to clear the air
Originally posted by
Last night my SO and me had a fight. We both said some mean things, but it actually resulted in really good communication and today we had an amazing day. We hardly ever fight, so I found it not to be a bad thing. Do your fights ever end
Last night my SO and me had a fight. We both said some mean things, but it actually resulted in really good communication and today we had an amazing day. We hardly ever fight, so I found it not to be a bad thing. Do your fights ever end productively?
We met when we were both fifty, no longer kids. We have had disagreements but never fights. We both recognize that compromise is best for many differences of opinion. Where we disagree, we agree to disagree and let it go at that.
Uh...sort of. My husband and I don't usually fight in the traditional sense. We tend to get away from each other before it gets too heated (life lessons learned). We come back together later and the offending party apologizes, and we go about our business.
Yep, since we both tend to think it over after we fight and learn a different perspective on things
Yep, since we both tend to think it over after we fight and learn a different perspective on things
Yep, since we both tend to think it over after we fight and learn a different perspective on things
Not really, because we get mad, talk about what we want instead, but then forget what we said the next day
Arguments, yes. Fights, no.
After 23+ years we don't fight. We know what is expected and respect each others priorities. Fights are just a waste of energy and emotion.
Originally posted by
After 23+ years we don't fight. We know what is expected and respect each others priorities. Fights are just a waste of energy and emotion.
We argue sometimes. Conflict is pretty much inevitable in any relationship. The closer the relationship, the more likely conflict becomes. Sometimes it can be good to vent, as long as you both understand that's what's happening and you both listen to each others' point of view.
No, most of our fights are counter productive during the actual argument. We usually have to go and simmer down and talk about it another day and settle it.
recently yes but in our first year together they werent at all
Other - I didn't vote.
We've been together 19+ years and I can't recall ever having a fight. Strong disagreements, yes, but nothing I'd define as a fight - saying things we wish we could take back, things said for the sole purpose of hurting the other, etc.
We've been together 19+ years and I can't recall ever having a fight. Strong disagreements, yes, but nothing I'd define as a fight - saying things we wish we could take back, things said for the sole purpose of hurting the other, etc.

No fight or argument I've ever had has been productive.
A great deal of the time, we make some sort of progress. I've been trying really hard not to fight in the first place, though.
We don't "fight" in that sense of the word. When we disagree about something, we just talk about it and figure out what to do. If there is a misunderstanding, or we disappoint the other person for some reason - again we talk about it and figure out what to do. For us actual fighting isn't really helpful - sometimes you say hurtful things in a fight you wish you could take back later, but you can't take those things back.
In a relationship, feelings are going to get hurt occasionally. It isn't the end of the world - especially when we remind each other we're sorry and certainly would never do it on purpose. Why fight over a mistake the other person is sorry for making?
In a relationship, feelings are going to get hurt occasionally. It isn't the end of the world - especially when we remind each other we're sorry and certainly would never do it on purpose. Why fight over a mistake the other person is sorry for making?
I voted yes because sometimes they do, but most of the time they are ridiculous
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