Do you ever wish your SO/partner/husband/wif e/woo-woo buddy could read your mind?

Contributor: PumpkinPasty PumpkinPasty
Okay so when I say read your mind - don't you just wish there were times that they'd understand what you're upset about, know why you're feeling down or whatever so that you didn't have to spell it out each time?
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Grrrl u so crazy
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Contributor: CrystaCat CrystaCat
I wish my husband could read my mind because we think a lot different. But if he could read my mind that would be nice everyonce in awhile.maybe I would get what I want.
Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
For the most of the time W/we are totally GMTA, but when it comes to sentimental things yes, I sometimes wish He knew totally accurately what is being in my mind - but I write Him daily before going to bed, so it isn't such a big thing because He pretty damned well knows every single little thing about me... ^^
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
It would be nice for him to know some things yes.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Hee-hee. Master complained about women in his culture expecting this as a normal thing. I'm glad he doesn't ... openness like that on such a primal and raw level intimidates the hell out of me.

Although I sometimes wish I could figure out his - on top of coming from another culture he's also rather private, so it's difficult getting him to say anything about himself.
Contributor: Ilovelingerie Ilovelingerie
Sometimes yes... and also so he would know when I want sex and when he wasn't getting out of it
Contributor: In Between Soliloquies In Between Soliloquies
Yes, but definitely not always. If I can't be alone in my head, then sheesh, where will I think all those strange thoughts?
Contributor: Swish Swish
sometimes but not always i do wish my partner could understand me better sometimes we think so differntly
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro

Other times, it'd just get me in trouble.
Contributor: oneeyedoctopus oneeyedoctopus
I would not want him in my head ever for any reason.
Contributor: PumpkinPasty PumpkinPasty
I definitely don't want the person there all the time, or any time really. But every once in awhile, there's that moment where you think, "Hmm. Maybe you could figure this one out without me bluntly telling you?"
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I don't want him to read my mind. If I am "upset" it is my responsibility, if I want to share with him, to tell him WHY I am upset. He's human, how should he know why I'm upset? 20+ years of dealing with men on a day to day basis has taught me this.

I think this kind of thinking ("I'm upset and he should know why.") gets a LOT of women in trouble, as they expect their partners to have knowledge that no human could possibly have.

If you're upset, talk about it in as shortly and clearly and simply as possible. Expecting men to have ESP is only asking for irrational things from a relationship. That's not how most mens minds work. They concentrate on what is in front on them and see most things as problems to be solved. They aren't great at subtexual or overtly emotional thinking as a rule, so if you want him to KNOW something, you have to SAY something.

TALK. But, with a man, be to the point, do it in as few words as possible and let him know you don't expect him to fix it, you just need to share.
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
My thoughts aren't even coherent to me sometimes, why would I want another person to have tp try to decipher that?
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by P'Gell
I don't want him to read my mind. If I am "upset" it is my responsibility, if I want to share with him, to tell him WHY I am upset. He's human, how should he know why I'm upset? 20+ years of dealing with men on a day to day ... more
We need a "THIS!" button. So totally and completely true, P'Gell.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Sometimes it'd be nice in theory but I'd be afraid he might be hurt by some of my thoughts when I get angry.
I think lots of things I never say and don't mean when I get upset.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
If it had an on/off switch, then sure. But since I filter about 90 percent of what I say, I don't think it would end well...
Contributor: arewehavingfun? arewehavingfun?
There are many times I wish he understood why I was upset or why I was happy without me having to explain and still he doesn't get it so I don't think if he could read my mind it would make a difference--he'd be getting the samething as when I explain it to him, so he still wouldn't get it!! Then, there are times that the LAST thing I want is for him to know what I am thinking!!!!!
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by PumpkinPasty
Okay so when I say read your mind - don't you just wish there were times that they'd understand what you're upset about, know why you're feeling down or whatever so that you didn't have to spell it out each time?
at times
Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
Only when I'm being completely honest and she still won't believe me so she'd know I'm not just saying something to make her feel better. Other times...not so much.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
Contributor: Hibangel Hibangel
Yeah definately, you'd think he'd get it by now..
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Yes, absolutely. Words and body language are so inefficient and insufficient at describing many things.
Contributor: nova2014 nova2014
God yes. It'd make things so much easier and I wouldn't have to get frustrated trying to get my thoughts into words
Contributor: AliMc AliMc
It would be nice sometimes but most of the time I would rather my thoughts be private.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
No, I'm glad he can't read my mind - and I'm glad I can't read his.

We have had to learn to communicate effectively to each other. This has not been an easy process, but it has been extremely rewarding.

Choosing to communicate openly and honestly is a HUGE gesture of love, trust, respect & maturity. If we could read each other's minds, we would be robbed of that opportunity - and it has been a wonderful growth process for both of us!

I wouldn't trade that opportunity for anything, there is something magical about continually choosing to let him into my mind... and about him choosing to let me into his.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
hell no
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I wish I could select when he reads my mind, that would be nice. But in general, no.
Contributor: spiced spiced
My wife and I usually read each other pretty well, at least emotionally. If she's upset, I can always tell, and if I don't know why and I ask her, she'll usually tell me. Surprisingly, I'm better at reading her than she is at reading me.

I wouldn't mind if she could read my mind--but only after I've sorted through my feelings--I wouldn't want her reading the "first draft" and getting the wrong message!
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
No--I think communication is essential to a healthy relationship and no amount of "mind reading" is going to make that different. I'm responsible for my own feelings and he is responsible for his. If I want him to know something, I have to go beyond telling him sometimes, and explain the why and where it comes from, just as he has to do with me. Without effective communication, relationships break down really quickly. It might seem easier to think, "oh, if only you could read my mind..." but that's not how relationships of any sort work. If you can't communicate with your partner even after a good faith effort, then it might indicate a compatibility issue. I'd like to know if we are incompatible so I no longer waste my time or the other person's time by trying to force something that doesn't fit.
Contributor: skeeterlynn skeeterlynn
I tend to be shy. Some sometimes it would be nice. Most of the time, not so much. I don't even know what's going on in my mind let alone putting others through that confusion. haha