Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?
If your man cheated on you...
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My man would never cheat on me. XP
Never every say never. That makes it much more difficult to address the situation if it ever does happen. The devastation is somehow worse.
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My man would never cheat on me. XP
Should my husband ever stray, I would hope that the person he was having an affair with was a man. There's nothing he can't ask me for at home, and being with a man is about the only experience he hasn't had in his life so it would somehow be a little easier to take.
I think there would be less jealousy and 'im not good enough for you' feelings if it was with a man.
Both would be equally horrible.
It wouldn't matter if it were another man or a woman, either way it would still get him single status REAL fast lol
I don't think either would make me feel "better." Ooh, he cheated on me with a man, that doesn't matter because he needs penis and I cannot provide for him in that way... Uhmm... fuck that.
The deceit, the lies, the drop in communication between partners is what hurts when a partner cheats.
The deceit, the lies, the drop in communication between partners is what hurts when a partner cheats.
I have to agree with Claire-Bear. Cheating sucks, no matter what. However, if he wanted to let me watch him with another guy... that would be okay with me. I have to be involved in the decision to involve another party though. If it happens without my consent, that's cheating and completely unacceptable.
I agree. It would not matter...the outcome and pain is still the same.
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I don't think either would make me feel "better." Ooh, he cheated on me with a man, that doesn't matter because he needs penis and I cannot provide for him in that way... Uhmm... fuck that.
The deceit, the lies, the drop in ... more
The deceit, the lies, the drop in ... more
I don't think either would make me feel "better." Ooh, he cheated on me with a man, that doesn't matter because he needs penis and I cannot provide for him in that way... Uhmm... fuck that.
The deceit, the lies, the drop in communication between partners is what hurts when a partner cheats. less
The deceit, the lies, the drop in communication between partners is what hurts when a partner cheats. less
either man or woman would be devastating
I'd probably prefer that it'd be with a man. I'm incredibly insecure, and him cheating on me with another woman would just wreck me.
It's hard to compare myself to a man, so it kind of lessens the blow.
I'd probably prefer that it'd be with a man. I'm incredibly insecure, and him cheating on me with another woman would just wreck me.
It's hard to compare myself to a man, so it kind of lessens the blow.
I'd rather he not cheat at all and I'd rather it be neither female or male, cheating is cheating no matter the gender
the gender would be irrelevant.
well said
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Both would be equally horrible.
Agreed 100%
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Both would be equally horrible.
There's no justification for cheating. If my partner is thinking about relations with another person to the point where he wants to act on it, I would rather he just tell me so we can end the relationship amicably.

Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?
(1)This is unacceptable / Against the Expectations of Conduct
He did cheat. With a 23 year old. I don't care if it was a girl or a guy, I just want someone that isn't younger than me! And she was.
Both would be bad but I would prefer with a man. At least if it was a man I wouldn't have to worry if he was prettier or not.
Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?

Take it from me Ansley... it isnt any easier to take. My husband of 7 years decided he wanted to be with a man and had an affair for about 6 months before i found out.. I dont think this is easier to take than if he was with a female. Its by far the hardest most awful thing ive ever gone through.. Maybe if he had asked for a divorce and THEN got with him... maybe it had been easier.. but they flaunted it all over our small town. Heres to hoping you dont get experience in this crap.
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Should my husband ever stray, I would hope that the person he was having an affair with was a man. There's nothing he can't ask me for at home, and being with a man is about the only experience he hasn't had in his life so it would
Should my husband ever stray, I would hope that the person he was having an affair with was a man. There's nothing he can't ask me for at home, and being with a man is about the only experience he hasn't had in his life so it would somehow be a little easier to take.
After reading some of the responses, I find it fascinating how some think that having sex with the same gender would be easier.
Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?
Not that I am criticizing, because my ex husband told me that if I wanted to be with a woman, he would've been OK with it. I just find it interesting that the whole thought of being with the same gender doesn't seem like infidelity.
It's a perspective kind of thing. Yes it is still cheating, however, that might have been a fantasy of his. That scenario might have been much easier to deal with from his perspective and rational. He also might have been able to pass it off as 2 women exploring their sexuality. I think I remember reading in my Human Sexuality class that Lesbians might have an "easier" time in society than gay males. I don't mean to trivialize the repercussions of being gay in American society: I realize that there are still MANY hurdles to overcome until homosexuality can be recognized as a non issue for many people. I'm not trying or hinting that being a Lesbian or Gay male in America is any type of cake walk. Please understand this.
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After reading some of the responses, I find it fascinating how some think that having sex with the same gender would be easier.
Not that I am criticizing, because my ex husband told me that if I wanted to be with a woman, he would've been ... more
Not that I am criticizing, because my ex husband told me that if I wanted to be with a woman, he would've been ... more
After reading some of the responses, I find it fascinating how some think that having sex with the same gender would be easier.
Not that I am criticizing, because my ex husband told me that if I wanted to be with a woman, he would've been OK with it. I just find it interesting that the whole thought of being with the same gender doesn't seem like infidelity. less
Not that I am criticizing, because my ex husband told me that if I wanted to be with a woman, he would've been OK with it. I just find it interesting that the whole thought of being with the same gender doesn't seem like infidelity. less
Did you ever probe him about it? Ask him why you with another woman's touch is much more acceptable with him than you with another man? I have a feeling it might have had something to do with another male's penis and the lack of one with a woman.
It's funny, I view this situation as a "What is better?" situation. Would you rather break your dominate arm or your non dominate arm? Either way, you have a broken arm...
Mine would leave me before he ever broke our marriage. He's just that way--he would never cheat. But, if I had to choose, I don't know. I guess it would hurt my feelings less if he cheated with a man. There's absolutely nothing I can do about that lol. I can't compete in the man department. I'm as girlie as they come so if a man does it for him more...go on and get it. And, yes, it would still be cheating in my eyes. Sex is sex
With my ex husband, if he would've cheated, I think I'd be more accepting of his cheating with a man. I feel after having a child, and other issues, him cheating with a woman would be a slap in the face. I knew he liked anal sex (though that does NOT make him gay), but I think him being with a man, for the experience of it, would be easier to take.
Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?
neither and either way they are so gone
Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?

Cheating is cheating, whether it be with either sex! I believe it would hurt just the same!
Originally posted by
Ladies, if your man cheated on you would you rather it be with a man or woman?
Neither one would be easy to take it. And to be honest, sex is sex so either way I would be upset and shocked if had to be either one I would be able to take it better if it was a guy though hopefully will not be something I ever need to think about
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