I am and I DON'T. I've already been there once, and since I'm not filming with my boyfriend, I'm really not interested in seeing myself again - ESPECIALLY with the fact that while I'm comfortable in my own body, I still see my flaws in photos and on film. No matter what I'm doing there, it's not exactly something I want to see... I'd rather see his face if he wants to watch my videos!
PLUS - in my particular niche market, guys WANT to see the "fatty" parts of the BBW. They don't want the curves, they want the ROLLS. The directors shoot with those types of angles in mind. So while I'd much rather see something pretty, soft-focused, and sexy - they want gritty, raunchy, and hi-def to show up on camera for the fans who're asking for those specifics. Not my thing.
I've also been involved in instances where the scene may have needed a second take of an acting portion for whatever reason and the director has ignored the boo-boo, the forgotten line, the inconveniently placed person or piece of clothing, or giggle, or whatever dog barking or phone ringing in the background and just ran with it. Sometimes life isn't exactly fair in porn, but you do what you do and make the best of it.