Lady Gaga and Sexuality

Contributor: twistedheartsx twistedheartsx
I honestly think Lady Gaga is horrible at what she does and she has the worst style ever. Yes, we all have our own style, but my eyes don't agree with hers, lol.

With that said, my goodness, now I'm scared to state my own opinion.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by twistedheartsx
I honestly think Lady Gaga is horrible at what she does and she has the worst style ever. Yes, we all have our own style, but my eyes don't agree with hers, lol.

With that said, my goodness, now I'm scared to state my own opinion.
Twistedheartsx - I'm with you. I don't care for her style - hopefully the Gaga lovers out there can tolerate an opposing viewpoint or two.
Contributor: Tisbury Tisbury
I can't really vouch for how positive Lady Gaga is in terms of sexuality and the gay community. A lot of her videos seem to be hyper sexualized to me. But I think that Lady Gaga really is doing something for the gay community. I'm not sure if anyone knows this but for every single concert that she's in, she donates $25,000 to a LGBT person for being mistreated/kicked out of their house etc. because of their sexuality. (She stated this herself at a concert in LA). Therefore, I believe she's doing something positive for the gay community.
Contributor: Selective Sensualist Selective Sensualist
Originally posted by Tisbury
I can't really vouch for how positive Lady Gaga is in terms of sexuality and the gay community. A lot of her videos seem to be hyper sexualized to me. But I think that Lady Gaga really is doing something for the gay community. I'm not sure if ... more
That's awesome. I confess I know absolutely nothing about Lady Gaga, but I deeply appreciate anyone who lends a helping hand to others in need. It sounds like she makes use of any notoriety she has gained to shine a spotlight on those who are struggling for equal footing in our society. I appreciate that.
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
I love Lady Gaga. I think she is weird as hell, but I enjoy her music and she is, IMO, this generation's Madonna. I did not know that she worked for gay rights, but that is awesome that she is doing something for them. To each his/her own.

That being said, I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Contributor: kck kck
I just wanted to pop my head in here and say that everyone IS entitled to their own opinion. I love Lady Gaga, but I'm not the Gaga police. The initial conflict in this thread was NOT about someone disliking Lady Gaga; it was about someone diagnosing her with a disease supposedly caused by her being the victim of childhood sexual assault (which is rumor, not fact), her gayness, and her Christian faith, which in my opinion is not okay. That being said, that part of the discussion is over, and I think we should all move on from it. So please, feel free to express how you feel without fear of being ostracized one way or another.

And yes, Gaga does do a lot of outreach. Since there seems to be a genuine interest in and curiosiy about her work, I think I might revisit that Eden Cafe piece
Contributor: SarahSarah SarahSarah
i wish people would really look into the messages behind lady gagas songs and videos rather than just stating what they see. instead of catholic church this and priest in latex that, do your research. theres a message behind EVERYTHING she does.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by kck
I'd also like to point out that she isn't just fighting for the GLBT community. She's also championing women's rights and representation.

Honestly, I could go on and on and on and on about Lady Gaga and just exactly what it is ... more
Thank you.

I honestly don't think she's really doing any harm.
I don't think she's a saint but I don't think she's the evil thing people wanna mark her up as. She's a person.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by SexyySarah
I guess I didn't realize she had anything to do with gay rights! See what I know, I just thought she was one of the next "pop" icons of the season! I like her songs, but she's a little out there for me!
I just listen to her songs and work out. I do clearly hear her meanings, but just cause she sings it doesn't mean I'm into it. I mean... for years I just sang the Spice Girls.
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Twistedheartsx - I'm with you. I don't care for her style - hopefully the Gaga lovers out there can tolerate an opposing viewpoint or two.
Lol, I don't mind opposing views. I'm always curious why someone doesn't like something.

I'm a curious cat.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
I think Lady Gaga exploits the queer community to sell records. I think she completely fetishizes and sexualizes queer folks and constantly makes parallels being the GLBT community and "freaks" "monsters" and other "dirty" and unpleasant things. I am not a freak. I am not a monster. I am not a marketing ploy. And I really wish Gaga would stop speaking for me as a queer person, because she does not represent me. "The gays" don't all love her. A lot of us think she does more harm than good.
Contributor: Owl Identified Owl Identified
Here is a blog that talks a little about what frustrates me re: Gaga, but only scratches the surface, really.
Contributor: wondertoes wondertoes
I love Lady Gaga. I think she is adventurous and charming. I think she is definitely doing SOMETHING to the world, but I can't quite pinpoint what that something is.
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by PonyPlay
Ok just wondering do you think that Lady Gaga gives off a positive or negative view of sexuality and the gay community. A lot of her videos she has stated are in support of gay rights, but do you think she is supporting gay rights in a positive or ... more
Lady Gaga is overrated. Catchy..yes. Wild outfits...yes! Annoying...yes!! LOL

Where the gay community is concerned I feel that she is giving a too racy view to suburban soccer moms...they are thinking if this is sex/gay/' s wrong.

If she is pushing for gay support, she should be a little more diplomatic with her expressions rather than shocking!

Just my opinion
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by PonyPlay
Ok just wondering do you think that Lady Gaga gives off a positive or negative view of sexuality and the gay community. A lot of her videos she has stated are in support of gay rights, but do you think she is supporting gay rights in a positive or ... more
I love Lady Gaga and I love the way she dresses! My husband thinks she's just a trend, but I find her creative and unique. I've never seen anything like it, and I used to dress very much like her.
Contributor: PuplePleasures PuplePleasures
I think she has a negative effect on how people view the any community.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I can't stand Lady Gaga. I think every word she says and every action she does is all for attention. I don't value her as an artist and I can't believe in her words and actions.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
I don't think this has anything to do with style like posts are mentioning above mine. I think she has a positive effect on how people view the gay community and she's always trying her hardest to eliminate hate that is put upon that community.
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
Originally posted by twistedheartsx
I honestly think Lady Gaga is horrible at what she does and she has the worst style ever. Yes, we all have our own style, but my eyes don't agree with hers, lol.

With that said, my goodness, now I'm scared to state my own opinion.
Well said.

I don't think she has a positive influence on anything. The image she portrays is that of a strung out, tired, and mentally twisted individual. I wouldn't want to be her friend.
Contributor: hornypoet69 hornypoet69
I really like her music. As for what she has done for the gay community, I can't say. I haven't really paid enough attention to make an educated statement on that. But regardless of a person's personal beliefs, statements to the press, or public image, I'm going to like good music. For example Britney Spears might be the best influence on the world, or the best person, but I like her music, and will keep listening to it. I judge art on it's own merits, not by the artist.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I enjoy Gaga's music. It's catchy, but I don't listen to it to try and find a deeper meaning. Also, I usually don't put much stock in the religious/political views of celebrities. Their purpose is to entertain me. If I want opinions and info on religious or political subjects I'll find material by people in those fields, not pop stars.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
She is certainly no Elton John, Madonna or Cher when it comes to Gay Rights Activists are concerned. I think she's wholly unattractive, an absolute looney toon and someone needs to buy that girl a mirror.

I DO think she has had a troubled past but I would never leap to assume she had been abused, mistreated or is in some way 'damaged'. I just think she's your ordinary every day nut job.
Contributor: Kiwi Kiwi
There are definitely deeper messages in much of Lady GaGa's work, however, I feel that the vast majority of listeners don't understand that aspect of her art. Props to her though. I admire what she does and who she is.
Contributor: firekitten firekitten
Originally posted by Owl Identified
I think Lady Gaga exploits the queer community to sell records. I think she completely fetishizes and sexualizes queer folks and constantly makes parallels being the GLBT community and "freaks" "monsters" and other ... more
This pretty much sums up my opinion. She goes for the shock value more than anything else, and that combined with sex sells. She's not stupid, she knows what she's doing.

On a personal note, I can't stand her or her music.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
Originally posted by Owl Identified
Here is a blog that talks a little about what frustrates me re: Gaga, but only scratches the surface, really.
That was interesting...and long, lol. I am really happy I read it, it openned my eyes on your perspective. Thanks for posting it!
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
As a straight guy that is extremely supportive of gay rights and thinks that gay marrage should be legalized as of . . . oh, I dunno, yesterday!!!, I don't think she has much of an effect on views towards the "gay community."
Contributor: Curves Curves
i like gaga, but she's too overrated if you ask me.
Contributor: EvaChangeN EvaChangeN
Originally posted by kck
I'd also like to point out that she isn't just fighting for the GLBT community. She's also championing women's rights and representation.

Honestly, I could go on and on and on and on about Lady Gaga and just exactly what it is ... more
I agree that she is fighting on many fronts and many people just aren't seeing all the work she does....
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I love Lady Gaga, but question if she is even lesbian.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i don't think she's doing anything for or against the sex community. she recently came out the other day and said that women need to wait as long as possible to have sex because we don't know what we're doing with our bodies until our twenties. so yeah, not a fan.

she's got a bitching fashion line, on a lighter note

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