Obama administration tells Gibson Guitar Company-Get out of America

Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
I take personal offense at this latest ploy by the U.S. government because it will take about 1,000 jobs out of my city. Why must they take our jobs away and give them to overseas workers? I am very angry that Americans need jobs and THEY are taking them away! If the tax incentives did not make it better for some companies to leave America-and thousands DID; THEY will see to it that the companies that are left will be forced out!

The Gibson Guitar saga has taken a sinister turn.

It seems that the Department of Justice wasn’t satisfied with merely raiding the law abiding factories of Gibson Guitar with armed agents, shutting down their operation costing them millions, and leaving the American company in the dark as to how to proceed without going out of business.

Now, according to CEO Henry Juszkiewicz, agents of the United States government are bluntly informing them that they’d be better off shipping their manufacturing labor overseas.

In an interview with KMJ AM’s “The Chris Daniel Show,” Juszkiewicz revealed some startling information.

CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of American labor?

HENRY JUSZKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that in a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: Excuse me?

HENRY JUSKIEWICZ: They actually wrote that it a pleading.

CHRIS DANIEL: That your problems would go away if you used Madagascar labor instead of our labor?


So the government attacked them in the first place by citing obscure regulations that probably weren’t violated about importation of wood. Now they are suggesting that all these problems would go away if they simply exported their labor.

Had it simply been said in passing by an agent, one could write it off as a lone sarcastic agent, trying to push buttons. But the fact that they actually wrote it in the pleading is a level of hubris that goes well beyond over zealous law enforcement officials and passes straight into what can easily be translated as an out of control and corrupt targeting of an American corporation.

When President Obama gives his jobs speech next week, let’s hope he has an answer for why our government would want to force and coerce corporations to send jobs overseas.

This is the second raid on Gibson Guitars of America the first taking place a few years back. Anyone who is familiar with the art of a Luthier is familiar with the woods in question Ebony and Rosewood. These woods are very much legal to possess and use in production of musical instruments. Any importing of these woods would have passed all qualifications to arrive here including going through Customs and would have had the docuementation to prove it. This is one more case of the Federal Government run amuck and trampling of people's rights. Stand with Gibson and fight the power.

Obama continues to use the DOJ to harass GOP supporters, and Gibson Guitars has traditionally supported GOP candidates. Martin guitars has the same wood and same operation, but Martin Guitars supports Democrats. The DOJ actually told Gibson officals that all their problems would go away if they moved their operation to Madagascar. That would be another 2000 US jobs gone. This is not some wild accusation, this is fact!

The Fed Gov is creating jobs. That is to say, they are creating jobs everywhere in the world EXCEPT in the U.S.A.

Keep repeating "YES WE CAN". Let the Kool-Aid and Hopium continue to impede what's left of your still sputtering and sparking thought process.
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Not surprised - the Environmental elite are more like zealots.

The same thing happened in the 70s and 80s when the South Coast Air Quality Management District(SCAQMD) chased hundreds of manufacturers from LA to Mexico. They moved the pollution just far enough away that it can blow back over the border - but the jobs never came back.

I spent 25+ years selling environmental equipment until SCAQMD drove all my customers out of business - no not out of business - but overseas.

The planet doesn't benefit because the pollution was moved - in fact overall it gets worse because they go from some regulation to almost none, so the overall pollution increases - but off course the jobs went away never to return.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Also not surprised...just disgusted...
Contributor: married with children married with children
I have been preaching for years that our government is out of control, but no one wants to listen. They want to stand behind their political parties and make excesses. Lets blame it on the other party! right? Our government is abusing powers that they should not have. Our fed. government has just three powers, protect our borders, protect our Constitution, and collect taxes. The only one they can manage to do is collect taxes.

Gibson has done nothing wrong. They had papers from India on the wood they imported. But they still were harassed by the fed. government. It makes me sad when I hear people supporting the clowns in office, or the ones running for office. We need a change, people need to wake up and see how much it is needed.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
The government is mad at Gibson guitars and forcing them to go overseas? Um...why?

Did a chord go flat?

Sounds like some serious spin is going on here...
Contributor: Nothere Nothere
Originally posted by El-Jaro
The government is mad at Gibson guitars and forcing them to go overseas? Um...why?

Did a chord go flat?

Sounds like some serious spin is going on here...
Nah, I think they just struck a chord...
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by El-Jaro
The government is mad at Gibson guitars and forcing them to go overseas? Um...why?

Did a chord go flat?

Sounds like some serious spin is going on here...
The EPA is pissed off about how Gibson procures it's wood. That's about as much information that I know.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
..The EPA doesn't seem very concerned with all the damage that Natural Gas operations are doing across American, but they suddenly care about Gibsons tree consumption?
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Yeah, I think there's a bigger story here. To avoid the political slants, see what the BBC or CBC has to say about it. It's illegal for them to have political slantings.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by El-Jaro
Yeah, I think there's a bigger story here. To avoid the political slants, see what the BBC or CBC has to say about it. It's illegal for them to have political slantings.
Damn right it's slanted. I saw a story on 60 minutes (I think it was) the other night. Gibson WAS both buying rosewood and teak AND smuggling rosewood and teak at the same time from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. You get MORE WOOD that way! They WERE breaking the law! They have not been charged with anything and NOBODY told them to take their business out of the country.

Chris Daniel is a radical right winger nutwing to the core and exaggerated a story to "stick it to" the Obama Administration.

Gibson smuggled wood. That's illegal, and the laws are in place to help save rainforests and other natural and rare woodlands. End of story.

What slanted bullshit people believe.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Originally posted by P'Gell
Damn right it's slanted. I saw a story on 60 minutes (I think it was) the other night. Gibson WAS both buying rosewood and teak AND smuggling rosewood and teak at the same time from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. You get MORE WOOD that way! ... more
There have been no charges filed against Gibson for smuggling wood. If they HAD been smuggling wood- charges WOULD have been filed and the owner of Gibson would be in jail right now...why? Because if taken to court Gibson would have due process and could prove their innocence.

And yes, they have been told to take their business out of America if they do not want to lose their business. It is a matter of public record.

The story is NOT about smuggling or the EPA. It is about the DOJs interpertation of Indias law. India is fine with exporting the wood. The story is about that the wood is finished by American workers after it arrives in America and not finished in India.

Just because you are an Obama fan does not make what they have done to Gibson right. In fact, if I had left his name out of my post, you would not be so angry about it.

The point is that Gibson has been harrassed without cause while other business have bought unfinished wood from India with no consequence.

As someone who is out of work, it seems to me that you would be more concerned about the rate that people are being put out of work by this administration than your love of Obama.

I think your comment about slanted bullshit people believe is rude and unwarrented. Get out from under your TV set!

If someone is doing something illegal they get due process and if proved guilty they are put in jail. They are not endlessly harrassed and told to move their business out of the country or the harrassment will continue. This is Mafia like in nature. End of story.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Okay, let's try to keep things calm, polite and civilised, everyone. Leave the anger at the log in.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
The reason Gibson hasn't been charged is that the departments are still investigating. link

Believe me, we have three Gibson guitars. I have nothing against Gibson, unless they are breaking the law by smuggling ebony and other woods from India, which is what the charge probably will be. Of course, as they both legally bought wood AND smuggled, they intentionally muddied the waters.

This is actually a minor story. But, the story is simply being used to make the Administration look bad.

Mafia like? To uphold the law? How does that work?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Errant Venture
Okay, let's try to keep things calm, polite and civilised, everyone. Leave the anger at the log in.
You are absolutely right.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
well, if someone is illegally smuggling wood, i think they should be prosecuted because that is the law right? i don't think it matters about the company, i just don't think big business is above the law, no matter what anyone likes to say. thanks for bringing this forum post up
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Originally posted by P'Gell
Damn right it's slanted. I saw a story on 60 minutes (I think it was) the other night. Gibson WAS both buying rosewood and teak AND smuggling rosewood and teak at the same time from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. You get MORE WOOD that way! ... more
I tend to agree. I doubt Obama is sitting up in the office thinking, "We're going to stick it to those wood smuggling SOBs!" He has more important things to deal with right now.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
well, if someone is illegally smuggling wood, i think they should be prosecuted because that is the law right? i don't think it matters about the company, i just don't think big business is above the law, no matter what anyone likes to say. ... more
Yep. Sadly, many big businesses think they are above the law.... because they were treated as if they were from 2000 to 2008.... Now, its back to real life and "Big Business" is whining.

Thanks, Yaoi. I think the Prez has more important things to worry about, too. This seems a minor issue in the scheme of things. Then again, so was Clinton's infamous blow job, but it gave the Right something no matter how minor to pin on him. They are always on the lookout to screw some Democrat by any means necessary.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I tend to agree. I doubt Obama is sitting up in the office thinking, "We're going to stick it to those wood smuggling SOBs!" He has more important things to deal with right now.
I dunno.

I really think that Obama hates America and wants to make sure the middle class gets screwed by his socialist government instead of the ever trustworthy and humanitarian sectors of business, like Insurance companies and the banking system.

The legislative system can ONLY be in black and white, like the tax codes.

Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I dunno.

I really think that Obama hates America and wants to make sure the middle class gets screwed by his socialist government instead of the ever trustworthy and humanitarian sectors of business, like Insurance companies and the banking ... more
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Originally posted by P'Gell
The reason Gibson hasn't been charged is that the departments are still investigating. link

Believe me, we have three Gibson guitars. I have nothing against Gibson, unless they are breaking the law by smuggling ebony and other woods from ... more
A minor story that will put another 2,000 people out of work Over 1,000 in my city alone. Will move a 100 year old American business overseas. Not minor in my opinion.

You have set yourself up to be judge and jury in this matter, not even knowing what the matter is about.

Uphold the law? When has this or any adminstration ever upheld the law?

Gibson is innocent and has done everything in their power to prove this. But have not been given due process that is every Americans right.

When every American business but Walmart is overseas, when everyone has lost their jobs and homes, when everyone is on welfare and food stamps, I believe people like you will still be thinking it is a minor story.

Big business whining? The biggest of American big business is not whining---they are overseas. Jobs that Americans used to hold are now given to overseas labor forces. Big business was given huge tax breaks to do this to Americas work force. They are not whining- they are making more money than ever.

Very minor to people like you, I'm sure.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
I'm hoping this issue will be resolved soon.

Blackburn Demands Feds Give Answers on Their Gibson Raid, Inquest

The Tennessee congresswoman, in whose district many Gibson Guitar workers live, co-signed a Sept. 8 letter to three federal agencies that raided Gibson Aug. 24 demanding status on the government’s investigation.

“Having armed federal agents raid an iconic American company is no way to inspire economic certainty and spur job creation,” said Rep. Marsha W. Blackburn (R.-Tenn.), the vice-chairman of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade sub-committee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The letter is part of Blackburn’s struggle to figure out why the administration is going after Gibson in such a heavy-handed manner, when there is significant question whether a crime has been committed, she said.

In 2008, the Lacey Act of 1900, which forbids the importation of items into the United States that are not approved for export by the country of origin, was amended to specifically focus federal law enforcement on imported woods.

An affidavit filed with the search warrant request, referred to the illegal importation of wood from India, which the letter also addresses: “The source country at issue, however, has no problem with Gibson’s actions. The deputy director general of foreign trade for India has stated that India would allow the export.”

The letter also raises the idea that Gibson, which has added 600 new jobs during the current recession, is the victim the government selective enforcement, in effect picking winners and losers, based on the fact that Gibson has imported the same wood without incident for the last 17 years, as have several of its competitors, who have not been raided by federal agents.

“We need to cut back some of the out-of-control regulations and hold the Obama administration accountable for selectively enforcing rules that are hindering job growth and killing small businesses,” the congresswoman said.

The letter instructs Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder, Interior Secretary Kenneth L. “Ken” Salazar and Fish and Wildlife Service Director Daniel M. Ashe to brief members of the committee’s staff before Sept. 16. In addition to Blackburn, the letter was also signed by Rep. Frederick S. Upton (R.-Mich.), the committee chairman and Rep. Clifford B. “Cliff” Stearns (R.-Fla.), the Oversight and Investigations sub-committee and Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R.-Calif.), the chairman of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade sub-committee.

“We want some answers,” said Blackburn, who invited Gibson CEO Henry E. Juszkiewicz to attend the president’s Sept. 8 address to Congress on jobs and the economy.

“When the President last night said that he wanted more products around the world stamped 'Made in America', I said—what about Gibson Guitar?” she asked.

In an exclusive HUMAN EVENTS interview in Blackburn’s office shortly before leaving to go to his seat in the Speaker’s box in the House Gallery, Juszkiewicz said federal authorities have not communicated with him about his situation.

“They need to start talking to us. If there is a problem we would be happy to fix it. We’re not aware of one. Let’s get it past us, so we can get back to doing what we love to do, which is manufacture guitars and compete,” he said.

Juszkiewicz said if he ran into the president in the hall, he would try to reason with him. “We need to be sane about this particular issue and get it resolved.”

The CEO said beyond the legal issues, the raid has threatened his company’s very survival.

“No charges are filed and they grabbed a tremendous amount of inventory,” he said.

“Every guitar has a finger board. They took just about all our finger boards. Without finger boards we can’t build guitars,” he said. The federal agents from the Fish and Wildlife Service seized roughly $500,000 worth of critical wood. “The impact has been severe.”

While the guitar executive said he is scrambling to find replacement wood, he expects he will have to shut down operations in the next few weeks.
Contributor: WierdAl WierdAl
Originally posted by wetone123
I take personal offense at this latest ploy by the U.S. government because it will take about 1,000 jobs out of my city. Why must they take our jobs away and give them to overseas workers? I am very angry that Americans need jobs and THEY are taking ... more
Wow, whatthe hell is wrong with our country and leaders. Thanks for posting this.
Contributor: aBeastlyLittleThing aBeastlyLittleThing
Originally posted by wetone123
I take personal offense at this latest ploy by the U.S. government because it will take about 1,000 jobs out of my city. Why must they take our jobs away and give them to overseas workers? I am very angry that Americans need jobs and THEY are taking ... more
whoo. surprise, surprise.
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
There's definitely a ton of spin in that initial post.

Also, we have regulations about exotic woods for a reason. If a company as large as Gibson is suspected of violating something like that, it's kind of a big deal.

The thing I have to ask people who pull on the whole government is evil string is why? Why would anyone act like that if they were in power? So the government is a zealot who wants power power power yet wants it's companies to move overseas where it would have far less power? I mean, don't get me wrong. Politics is corrupt as hell. But really, they're not the boogey man. They are not just out to get us like some big mindless government monster. The government doesn't just f people and companies over for jollies. It's not like someone randomly pulled Gibson out of a hat and said "hey, let's raid these guys today. What regulation should be pretend they violated? I sure hope we can get these guys to shut down or more overseas!"

I mean, come on. Although it's totally nieve to even bother to say it, try and be reasonable.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Cherrylane
There's definitely a ton of spin in that initial post.

Also, we have regulations about exotic woods for a reason. If a company as large as Gibson is suspected of violating something like that, it's kind of a big deal.

The ... more
They can be very arrogant - I worked in Los Angeles in 80's selling environmental clean up systems. They would promulgate regulations not designed to clean up an industry - but to force them out. Where did they go? First to Mexico then China. So the jobs were gone and the environment worse off because they went places with little or no regulations.

The kicker was once they chased so many businesses out of LA - they lost their jobs because their salaries were paid by the fees charged against the companies they were so anxious to get rid of. Many of those a-holes got a rude awakening when they got fired because there was no one left to pay the fees.

Simple - mindless robots driven by misguided policies from the radical left. The politicians that pass these laws have no scientific knowledge - so they are so easily co-opted.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by wetone123
There have been no charges filed against Gibson for smuggling wood. If they HAD been smuggling wood- charges WOULD have been filed and the owner of Gibson would be in jail right now...why? Because if taken to court Gibson would have due process and ... more
just as a side note... Gibson is publicly traded company which means the stock holders are the owners. I doubt the owners of Gibson condoned this kind of behavior, so I don't think it would be fair to arrest them for something they didn't do.
Contributor: emilia emilia
Originally posted by Peggi
Also not surprised...just disgusted...
i agree with you
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Ms. Spice
just as a side note... Gibson is publicly traded company which means the stock holders are the owners. I doubt the owners of Gibson condoned this kind of behavior, so I don't think it would be fair to arrest them for something they didn't do.
The company is responsible for breaking the law. If their "investors" urge them to break the law, they have the obligation not to do it.

Neither you nor I have ANY IDEA what the "owners of Gibson" are thinking. They need to follow the laws. Fuck their "investors" if they are urging them to break the law and harm the planet.