Marriage Equality: Eden's Graffiti Wall

Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Hey guys! I don't know about you, but my eyes are glued to every minute of Supreme Court coverage as they discuss Prop 8 and DOMA.

I thought it might be nice to post a "Graffiti Wall" where we can all share a message we want the world to see. Share your favorite quote, image, or a personal message about why Marriage Equality is important to you.

I'll start.

I have two brothers and two sisters. That means I should be able to dance, cry, take beautiful pictures, and stuff my face with cake at four weddings. But no, right now, I'm only allowed two, because someone out there doesn't think my little brother and sister are good enough to marry the people they love. Those four wedding days will be four of the happiest memories of my entire life. What right do you have to say I only get two of those memories? What right do you have to take that happiness away from them, from their family, and from me?

None. Equality for All.
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Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I have many friends who are gay. I've raised my son to think nothing of it when people have alternative sexualities of any kind. But my reasons for wanting marriage equality are not personal, not in a way that is about any specific someone.

I think the government needs to stop basing laws on their religious and personal morals. Period.

Equality for ALL, not just those who believe as you do!
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
I'm pansexual. I've dated men, women and transgenders. I want to be able to marry whomever I choose when I finally settle down and not have that choice dictated for me.
Contributor: spiced spiced
I'm a guy, married to a woman and I'm 100% in favor of marriage equality for all genders and preferences. Nobody else's marriage could possibly "harm" my own or anyone else's — but discriminating against people just because of who they are and who they love harms us all.

Marriage Equality Now!
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
We Need Marriage Equality

Because the most ancient of human ceremonies should not be denied to anyone due to superstition and hatred.

Because lifemates need to be protected in case one loses their life or the ability to make decisions.

Because the wider world is more than just one group's mythology.

Because everyone who enters marriage should be a consenting adult, and everyone who demands marriage equality is.

Because I will not allow my child to be uncomfortable with what they witness and who they may be.

Because Love is Love
Contributor: Kitka Kitka

It sure does!

In all seriousness though, I support Marriage Equality because every single person in the world should have the right to marry whoever they love.

Equality for all, NOW!
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
I have many friends who are gay. I've raised my son to think nothing of it when people have alternative sexualities of any kind. But my reasons for wanting marriage equality are not personal, not in a way that is about any specific ... more
I don't think lawmakers or even voters can be completely free from their religious and/or personal morals.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I'm a straight woman and I am in favor of marriage equality!

I am raising my daughters to not judge anyone based on their gender, race, or sexuality. It's about time we all take a look around and accept everyone as the unique individuals we are, and stop basing our opinions of others on such ridiculous things like who we happen to love. We are all people, no matter what we look like, no matter who we love, we are all the same on the inside. We feel hurt, we feel love, we feel anger, we feel joy; we are ALL the same! No one has the right to tell you who to be, how to dress, or who to love. You are YOU and that's all that matters.

Everyone deserves the right to marry whomever they choose. It's all about love! (and I like the idea of more cake!)
Contributor: Britt&Rich Britt&Rich
My childhood best friend is a lesbian. When she came out in high school, a lot of people were really mean to her and treated her poorly. We wound up making out in front of the entire school, kind of as a statement. Everyone knew I was straight, knew who my star of the football team boyfriend was. She started an LGBT group at our high school, despite a lot of opposition. One student took it upon himself to take shutting this group down to the school board. That failed. She's been with her partner longer than any of our other straight friends have been in a relationship. Because she was brave enough to come out, several of our other friends did as well.

There is no reason what so ever she does not deserve to marry the person she loves. Fortunately, we live in Washington State, where "gay" marriage is now legal.

Marriage is marriage. There's a reason it's not called "straight marriage". Love is love.
Contributor: Britt&Rich Britt&Rich
Originally posted by Kitka

It sure does!

In all seriousness though, I support Marriage Equality because every single person in the world should have the right to marry whoever they love.

Equality for all, NOW! ... more
Reposted this on Facebook. Winning. Thanks!
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
It's pretty much been proven that everyone is on a gradient between straight and gay, and there are many cultures in the world with more than one gender. The idea of 2 binary genders and only sanctifying a relationship between the two binary genders is stupid. You can see a map of where the non-binary gender cultures are here:

Contributor: Heartthrob Heartthrob
Originally posted by Jaimes
Hey guys! I don't know about you, but my eyes are glued to every minute of Supreme Court coverage as they discuss Prop 8 and DOMA.

I thought it might be nice to post a "Graffiti Wall" where we can all share a message we want the ... more
I believe that we may be getting somewhere. Anyone should be able to marry whoever he or she loves, period. Equality is important because it helps ensures happiness, helps derail acts of hate (or at least makes them less popular), and allows people to be more comfortable in their own skin.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Jaimes
Hey guys! I don't know about you, but my eyes are glued to every minute of Supreme Court coverage as they discuss Prop 8 and DOMA.

I thought it might be nice to post a "Graffiti Wall" where we can all share a message we want the ... more
What gives anyone the right to dictate to anyone who to love and even how many you can love? What gives anyone the right to decide what love is and then force that definition on to everyone else?
Why is marriage such an exclusive "club"? We are not allowed to discriminate in other social clubs so open up the marriage racket!

If I am not frauding either guy and we are all consenting adults then why does ANYONE care whether I chose to make a life long commitment.

Oh and before I forget- don't even the qeerest among us deserve the right to be as miserable as the rest of us happily married folk? Who does it hurt?

Grow up and realize that God is not the Sex Sheriff and really doesn't care who you are sleeping with as long as you are safe, sane and consensual!
Contributor: kaylajoy89 kaylajoy89
I support love, not hate. everyone has a right to be themselves.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
Bigotry is no longer acceptable. There is no longer any excuse for discriminating against people on the basis of something they cannot change. If same-sex marriage "destroys the institution" of marriage, then marriage just has to be destroyed, because you cannot give a right to one group of people and not another.
Contributor: G.L. Morrison G.L. Morrison
I'm delighted that you started this graffiti wall. Yay to the march of progress! Equity for all is inevitable because injustice will always inspire people to rise against it.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Originally posted by Britt&Rich
Reposted this on Facebook. Winning. Thanks!
Hey, no problem! I'm glad you liked it that much
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
You all are making me cry over here! I proposed to my sweet, funny, supportive, awesome girlfriend about a month ago, because I want to marry her regardless of whether it will be legally recognized. I once thought marriage was unnecessary, and perhaps even harmful, for a relationship--I saw it as contractualizing a romantic relationship, taking away all the motivation for keeping it alive and making it work. But now, I see that marriage is telling the world that the two of you are family, even closer family than the ones you were born into, and having that legally recognized so that you can take care of each other better in many ways. So, I am looking forward to the Supreme Court's decision with hope, and with gratitude to all those who support my and my partner's right to officially become a family! Thank you!!
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have family and friends who are gay and lesbian. Some have had to travel to states to live just to get married or have traveled to get married.

I don't think it is right that they can say who can and can't spend the rest of their life together. As long as they are happy that is all that should matter.
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
One of the most fun weddings I've ever been too was a Lesbian wedding. Though it sucked that everyone had to truck over the Massachusetts, which was the closest gay-friendly state at the time!

And since my state has legalized gay marriage, we have seen an economical increase because of all the weddings! What is there not to love?
Contributor: Aishiteru Aishiteru
A couple of the same sex should have the same opportunities as a couple of opposite sex people. I think that will also help with equal rights for women and men.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
You guys are all so amazing! I'm in tears after reading all of these. I'm the oldest of 5 kids, and I take being a big sister pretty seriously. I'm in this fight for my brother, sister, and all of my gay friends, whether I've had the chance to meet them or not.

Right is right. There are no caveats, there are no exceptions.

Let's keep it up! I'd love to be able to design an infographic graffiti wall with all of your quotes!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
We still live in a world where a woman speaking out about her own body being hers not an object of honor for anyone else is told she is mentally insane.


Maybe the US recognizing the rights of all it's citizens to marry will tip the scales in favor of freedom and equality for the rest of the world.
Contributor: IamKC IamKC
I am a transgendered ftm (pre op) and it makes me sick that i wont be able to marry who i want. be on the right side of history and make a change!
Contributor: ImaGodiva ImaGodiva
My only sister loves women, and has since she was a teenager. Rather, she loves one woman - she has been with her girlfriend for 16 years. They are more "married" than many married couples, yet they have to worry about things like who can make medical decisions if one of them ends up in the hospital, and many other worries that plague gay and lesbian couples today. I am ecstatic that my sister and my "other sister" recently got engaged. And better yet, a few months ago, my state of Washington made it legal for them to get married here! Now I can only hope that it stays legal until they can save up the money for the wonderful wedding they have always dreamed of, and forever after. And that their marriage will soon be recognized Federally. That everyone in the US will have the same rights to marry whom they love, regardless of where on the sexuality spectrum they live.
Contributor: Hentialover Hentialover
Originally posted by Jaimes
Hey guys! I don't know about you, but my eyes are glued to every minute of Supreme Court coverage as they discuss Prop 8 and DOMA.

I thought it might be nice to post a "Graffiti Wall" where we can all share a message we want the ... more
I'm a lesbian, and I was lucky enough to be born and raised in Canada, where marriage is all ready equal for myself, and my loved ones. I can honestly say I am a happy 'out' women, who is thankful for the chances I've been given, despite how hard it was to be -me- growing up.

However, that does not change, nor hide the fact that the countries of the world are fighting -against- those rights. What exactly is the big deal anyways? Can -anyone- answer that question without going into their religious beliefs, ranting about the LGBTQ's communities 'unnatural behavior' or my personal favorite 'You chose to be gay' Tall order, isn't it? now imagine me saying all that to you, only about being straight. Makes absolutely no sense, in my opinion.

I'm very aware that there are people out there that would argue with me until they are blue in the face, and pass out. But it doesn't change a thing. Rather people except me or not, won't change who I am, and if it did, I'd be extremely shocked and wonder if I was drugged. haha!

I really hope that marriage equality is succeeded around the world before I die, and that you get to go to those two more weddings. thank you for posting this, it was a nice change to the regular routine around here.

*A tip of the hat.*
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
By the way, my entire family is LDS (Mormon), and my partner's family is very traditional, Asian and Buddhist. Both families have come to appreciate and support our relationship, which is amazing and wonderful to me. I want all of them to be able to meet each other and celebrate with us at our legally-recognized wedding!!
Contributor: MrsandMrbunnysoffun MrsandMrbunnysoffun
I feel that men and women alike should have the right to be and love however they feel. Single minded people are half the cause of bullying and abuse. The sooner it is accepted by the world, the sooner views will change.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell

That's all there is to it.
Contributor: FieryRed FieryRed
I've been told that some are concerned that if marriage equality goes into effect, churches will be sued if they don't allow gay weddings to take place within their walls. I understand this concern, and I acknowledge that it could happen a time or two. However, anyone can sue for anything at any time--it's a matter of who wins the lawsuit, as decided by a judge. Since we have freedom of religion in this country, I really think judges would uphold a church's right to refuse to perform or host a gay wedding if it's "against their religion". In addition, I personally would never want to celebrate one of the happiest days of my life in a building owned by people who want to deny me that happiness, and I think most gay people would feel the same. We don't want your wedding chapels, people! We just want to be able to live our lives and be legally recognized as families, just like you do and can and are.