I just caught wind ofthis bill. I suggest paying special attention to Sec. 309.
Are these people not aware of the ramifications of this wording?? What the fuck?? What this means is this- If you are drunk and you say NO and they do not honor that IT IS NO LONGER RAPE unless they use force (under this bill, worded as it is.) If you are a child and you do not know that what your family member is doing to you until you get older, you just know they're an elder and you are taught to respect them so you don't resist IT IS NO LONGER ASSAULT (under this bill, worded the way it is.)
So now NO isn't enough?? There's got to be force as well??
Are these people not aware of the ramifications of this wording?? What the fuck?? What this means is this- If you are drunk and you say NO and they do not honor that IT IS NO LONGER RAPE unless they use force (under this bill, worded as it is.) If you are a child and you do not know that what your family member is doing to you until you get older, you just know they're an elder and you are taught to respect them so you don't resist IT IS NO LONGER ASSAULT (under this bill, worded the way it is.)
So now NO isn't enough?? There's got to be force as well??