Do you blow the whistle or zip your lips?

Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? Would you tell them to stop doing it? What would you do?

Some activities to consider:
-necrophilia (sex with corpses)
-zoophilia (sex with animals)
-pedophilia (sex with prepubescent children)
-hebephilia (sex with children beginning puberty)
-ephebophilia (sex with teenagers that have already gone through puberty)
-rape (non-consensual sex)
-extreme torture or murder associated with sex (that kind falls under rape...)

Some of these (mainly ones dealing with age) vary in legality, so assume that the activity is illegal where the person engaging in it lives.

I apologize if I got any terms wrong, I only double-checked with wikipedia.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I'd report them to the authorities no matter what.
I would end contact with them, but not contact the authorities.
I would tell them to end the activity, otherwise suffer some consquence.
I'd leave them alone, no matter what
It would depend on the activity.
It would depend on how well I knew the person.
It would depend on whether they were an online or real life acquaintance.
I'd only do it if everyone knew that I turned them in.
I'd only do it if I remained anonymous to them, though I'd be ok with the police or othersknowing my identity.
I would only do it if I could remain completely anonymous.
Total votes: 306 (213 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: GingerAnn GingerAnn
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Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Depending on the activity. Things like zoophilia and necrophilia, I'd take a softer line with, and urge them to seek psychological help, and if they persisted then I'd bring in the police. But with the others I'd report them without hesitation.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
haha. I'd let the authorities find them when the neighbours started to complain about the smell. There's no place in this world for pedos.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'd do an anonymous tip if I had proof of all of them BUT the necrophilia. I really see that as a victimless crime. Besides, with the diseases and bacteria in a rotting human corpse, necrophiliacs kinda take themselves out.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I feel it depends on the crime and if I'd remain 100% anninymous
Contributor: M121212 M121212
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'd do an anonymous tip if I had proof of all of them BUT the necrophilia. I really see that as a victimless crime. Besides, with the diseases and bacteria in a rotting human corpse, necrophiliacs kinda take themselves out.
Grim but realistic!
Contributor: M121212 M121212
It's tricky to get proof for a lot of those things, isn't it? If I knew for sure something greebly was going on, like sex with children, I would do something about it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I would need some proof. There is nothing worse than simply being accused of a sex crime. It's something, that even if you are found not guilty about, it will follow you the rest of your life. Even the accusation of a sex crime will ruin a life.

So, proff would be needed. As for the internet, people say a LOT of weird things on the internet, much of it not true. I don't visit sites where there would be much, if any pedophilia or (shit, ANY sex with a child, no matter what it's called) so I have to say, I've never run into it.

Many years ago, a friend of one of my girls told me some things that were disturbing about her step father. Nothing specific, but, disturbing. I DID call DCFS, I was (rudely) told, "You don't have any proof. If you weren't there, we can't do anything." If the very agencies which are supposed to watch over children don't take calls seriously, it doesn't surprise me that things like the terror that happened to Stacee Lee DuGuard or any abused child happen all the time.
Contributor: LostBoy988 LostBoy988
Non consensual sex regardless of age or species should be punished.
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'd do an anonymous tip if I had proof of all of them BUT the necrophilia. I really see that as a victimless crime. Besides, with the diseases and bacteria in a rotting human corpse, necrophiliacs kinda take themselves out.
lol it is a victimless crime provided the live participant doesn't create the corpse for the act.
Contributor: mmike mmike
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
When you state "found out", I'm assuming you mean that if I have irrefutable proof would I report the person.

Yes, I would.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I'm with P'Gell: I would need proof before I took someone's word for participating in these activities and report him/her.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I don't know, for most of those things it may be better if the police get them first. I tend to be a little sensitive about most of those, I may invite them to the wood shed, ya know?
Contributor: married with children married with children
It is amazing how many say it depends on what type of crime it is.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
I would have to know for absolute certain that they were performing said activity and have some proof before I turned them in but I WOULD turn them in. I have seen so many lives wrecked because of some "concerned" citizen and their zeal to be the hero...and I have seen many instances of abuse go unreported and the damage that causes. It's not a real clear cut topic.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
I don't know, for most of those things it may be better if the police get them first. I tend to be a little sensitive about most of those, I may invite them to the wood shed, ya know?
I hear ya and totally respect you for it! There's not a place bad enough for the criminals of some of those categories....I've heard hell comes pretty close to being perfect though...
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
I would bring it up to them if it was with teenagers, before going to the authorities. Any of the others, I would go to the authorities first.
Contributor: K101 K101
I don't know if I would take it as seriously when I was younger, but as a rape survivor (not victim!) I would absolutely report anything like that. I know what torture women who go through it will live in for the rest of their lives, things get better and even I believe I came out of my situation a better person and am able to help other now, theres no way possible to totally stop the torture you go through even if it's only once a year or when you see your rapist, when you get a flash back, etc. It's so damaging and people hardly realize just how detrimental it is. Nobody deserves to be raped (aside from maybe a rapist) and there's no way I would be able to live with myself if I knew and didn't report it. It would haunt me. I don't know that I go to the authorities over beastiality, unless the person was hurting the animal (well, I don't know I guess having sex with some animals DO hurt them?) but I am unsure. It just depends. Any pedophilia (even if the minor is a teen) I'd go to the police. I have a couple of friends who are police so I could go to them comfortably and know I'd be totally protected if the person found out I told. I went to the police when it happened to me & I think it'd be selfish if I just knew it was happening to someone else and didn't go to the police for them. I'd have given anything to have a family member or just a close friend with me to go to the police when it happened. I had my partner who went with me, but not when I reported it because we werent together at the time and my boyfriend at the time, I didn't tell until months later when he found out something was really wrong.

I couldn't imagine one of my kids being done that way and I do everything in my power to keep them away from the harm and every day of my life I think to myself God, I hope it never happens to them. I finally discussed rape and the seriousness of it and that IT DOES happen here to our oldest who's 13 this summer. I would be devastated if mine had to go through what I did and if they were being done that way or if someone was planning to and another person knew and did nothing, it would absolutely kill me! These days, especially with all the online sites that kids can easily access, even fb, it's far too risky and easier than ever before for a predator to find a victim. I worry about it daily. I don't allow the kids internet access much, only the oldest.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
I don't know, for most of those things it may be better if the police get them first. I tend to be a little sensitive about most of those, I may invite them to the wood shed, ya know?
Ha Ha Ha! I'm loving that idea. It is sometimes the only way to go. Hate to say it, but I know a rapist who never got time for it because he was so intelligent he used a condom and the case was dropped. Plenty of evidence though, torn skin, bite marks, blood from the wounds, severely bruised ribs and GHB in the system. Still he got away with it... well he got out of doing jail time. He didn't exactly... get away with it.

Oh, and necrophilia. Sorry, but I'd have to report it. I would not be happy if somebody had sex with my dead body! It's still mine (in my eyes) and it would be violation to me. It would pretty much be kind of like rape. Maybe I am only seeing the rape part though. But when I think of someone having sex with one of my loved one's dead bodies I would be really upset and I know my sisters or other loved ones would EXPECT me to go after a person for doing that to them, dead or not. I guess I'm leaning toward report it. Can't handle the thought.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Sex'и'Violence
haha. I'd let the authorities find them when the neighbours started to complain about the smell. There's no place in this world for pedos.
Amen to that!
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by JessCee
lol it is a victimless crime provided the live participant doesn't create the corpse for the act.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'd do an anonymous tip if I had proof of all of them BUT the necrophilia. I really see that as a victimless crime. Besides, with the diseases and bacteria in a rotting human corpse, necrophiliacs kinda take themselves out.
I was agreeing with ya until you said it is a victimless crime. LOL at your last line though! The family becomes the victim if they were to find out. It's one thing for a mortician to cop a feel or something, but to engage in sexual activity with something that it technically someone elses property without their consent is the issue. I'd report on that one too...I'd report the bugger on all of them. I would make it anonymous most likely, unless I had to testify to something. Or, I'd make it so they would get caught by someone else.
Contributor: ScarlettSeraph ScarlettSeraph
Originally posted by Errant Venture
Depending on the activity. Things like zoophilia and necrophilia, I'd take a softer line with, and urge them to seek psychological help, and if they persisted then I'd bring in the police. But with the others I'd report them without hesitation.
I agree with this completely.
Contributor: joja joja
If they are hurting someone (including animals): report to cops.

If not: don't care.
Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted) Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
I would report it for sure. When I was 14, my best friend (also 14) was having sex with a 28-year-old man. I didn't tell anyone. The guy even hit on me and had sex with one of our 13-year-old friends and I still didn't say anything. Eventually, he was found out and served jail time for having sex with the 14-year-old friend (nobody knew about the 13-year-old). At first, I didn't see what the big deal was, because my friends didn't think of themselves as victims. However, the guy got out of jail and went to live with his brother. He sexually assaulted his 7-year-old niece repeatedly over a 2 year period. After I heard about that, my position changed. My friends might have wanted to have sex with him, but he's a predator, period. When I think back, both of my friends came from unstable homes and were probably looking for someone to treat them with love and kindness. This guy did just that, and it was through that type of grooming that he was able to convince them to engage in sexual activity. My friends were manipulated whether they realized it or not.
Contributor: SiNn SiNn
Originally posted by MaryExy
So say you found out that someone specific (whether a complete stranger or a best friend, whether online or in real life) currently engaged in some kind of illegal sexual activity. Would you report them to the authorities? Would you leave them be? ... more
i really dunno iguess would depend honetsly extreme torcher and murder id calla nd hand them in my self
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
It would depend on the activity for me.
I know someone who participates in one of the more mild ones of these type of things. Or at least, they say they do. But I don't have any real proof.
Contributor: oldhippy oldhippy
The main reason for determining if the perpertrator is "real" or "on-line" is because an "on-line" individual may be a hoax done just to get a reaction. As long as I know that it is real, then they need to be reported and face the consequences.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
Ephebophilia I would be more reluctant to report, especially given that depending on where you live the age of consent varies.