Denmark Demands Sex Toy Safety

Contributor: Sammi Sammi
This is interesting, from Ice News link .

"The Danish environment minister has declared that sex toys are potentially hazardous, and that steps should be taken to reduce the level of dangerous chemicals in the products."
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Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Sammi
This is interesting, from Ice News link .

"The Danish environment minister has declared that sex toys are potentially hazardous, and that steps should be taken to reduce the level of dangerous chemicals in the products." ... more
Please - save us from the socialist nanny state! I'm quite capable of judging for myself! Government cannot - should not put it's heavy hand into every aspect of our lives!
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Please - save us from the socialist nanny state! I'm quite capable of judging for myself! Government cannot - should not put it's heavy hand into every aspect of our lives!
Well, they are only trying to help. If you noticed, they are not banning sex toys, only wanting to use better materials to make them safer.

Does not sound like a bad idea to me, quite honestly. Though I do feel that there should be lower-priced options, obviously, which are generally the less safe.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Sir
Well, they are only trying to help. If you noticed, they are not banning sex toys, only wanting to use better materials to make them safer.

Does not sound like a bad idea to me, quite honestly. Though I do feel that there should be ... more
I agree completely. Our country has the FDA among plenty of other agencies/guidelines to ensure that our food, drugs, etc. are safe for consumption. Why should sex toys be any different? I think we can all agree that there are some materials that are safer than others when it comes to the manufacture of sex products.
Contributor: Darling Dove Darling Dove
I'll be sad if they take away my realistic materials. Not that I live in denmark.

But I think Gunsmoke was joking a bit.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Please - save us from the socialist nanny state! I'm quite capable of judging for myself! Government cannot - should not put it's heavy hand into every aspect of our lives!
Save us from Denmark?

Are they going to get all Hamlet on us?
Contributor: deceased deceased
We are already a socialist country, and people depend on it, especially since we do not have a eugenics program. Some people go cradle to grave in government housing with food stamps and welfare and spend the day smoking meth at the beach.Or invent a chronic fictious illness so their every need is paid for. You pay taxes so they can live their lifestyle.

Government protects us from tainted products.You should have seen how empty the shelves got when contaminated baby toys were recalled and Chinese candy with melamine went off the shelves. Do you really want people to decide if they want lead or salmonella in their food?Government forces Toyota to recall their products. Government removes carseats and cribs that may kill babies. Government is like a parent watching over its children who are both functional to a high capacity and functional at an IQ level below ambient room temperature.

I think people want and maybe need more governmental control. The other day a woman told me it was impossible for her to be pregnant because she "got a guardasil shot".

I have friends at the gym that bitch and moan that prohormones are now banned. Well there was NO quality control, lots of false promises and advertising, no medical guidance and lots of (ab)users were coming in with liver failure.

There is not enough health and welfare agency inspectors and testers in my opinion. We have, on Oahu , like 7 who look after like 35,ooo restaraunts, food stalls, lunch wagons, etc. So nothing virtually gets inspected. Do you want to eat at the pizza place with the giant roaches or the Japanese restaraunt with rats and termite infestation tonght honey?

My gym gets away with fungus growing from all its airvents, no airconditioner, a temperature of 98 degrees or above, 100 percent humidity and molded ceiling tiles and bugs everywhere. I have gotten ring worm, staph aureus abcesses, folliculitis, fungal infections on my arms, legs and back and other places as well, and pneumonia from spores and humidity. The health inspectors are too busy to investigate (they won't be after I contact the local news team).

The last thing I want to worry about is if my sex toys are going to cause me to need my colon removed at a later date, or chemo and radiation appointments. Bravo Denmark!

Without government, people get away with all sorts of scams.Even in the government!!!
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by deceased
We are already a socialist country, and people depend on it, especially since we do not have a eugenics program. Some people go cradle to grave in government housing with food stamps and welfare and spend the day smoking meth at the beach.Or invent a ... more
Bravo! Well said
Contributor: Sir Sir
Originally posted by deceased
We are already a socialist country, and people depend on it, especially since we do not have a eugenics program. Some people go cradle to grave in government housing with food stamps and welfare and spend the day smoking meth at the beach.Or invent a ... more
HA! Loved this post, Misha's Amusements. Loved it, great read.
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
Originally posted by deceased
We are already a socialist country, and people depend on it, especially since we do not have a eugenics program. Some people go cradle to grave in government housing with food stamps and welfare and spend the day smoking meth at the beach.Or invent a ... more
Glory, Hallelujah, Amen! Total agreement, and couldn't have said it better.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Personally I wish somebody would regulate sex toys materials here in the U.S, AND make manufacturers stop lying about their "100% silicone" claims (as we all know some do.) I think it's an important thing that has been ignored for too long.

On a side note, I always hate how as soon as somebody mentions that phthalates are bad and shouldn't be in sex toys, somebody else pops off with a statement claiming how many other things they're in, like paint. Well to the best of my knowledge, paint doesn't spend a good portion of time up somebody's cooch. No contest.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
It's really disappointing to think that we've gotten to the point where gov't has to protect us from ourselves. Is there some epidemic of death or disfigurement that I haven't hear of? Educate yourself and buy 'smart' you really don't need the gov't to do that for you.
Contributor: Red Red
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
Personally I wish somebody would regulate sex toys materials here in the U.S, AND make manufacturers stop lying about their "100% silicone" claims (as we all know some do.) I think it's an important thing that has been ignored for too ... more
exactly! The reason phthalates were banned in childrens toys is BECAUSE children put toys in their mouths, despite the fact that phthalates are in linoleum, vinyl car seats, perfume, etc etc etc.
Contributor: Gardenvy Gardenvy
Originally posted by deceased
We are already a socialist country, and people depend on it, especially since we do not have a eugenics program. Some people go cradle to grave in government housing with food stamps and welfare and spend the day smoking meth at the beach.Or invent a ... more
Just beautiful!
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
It's really disappointing to think that we've gotten to the point where gov't has to protect us from ourselves. Is there some epidemic of death or disfigurement that I haven't hear of? Educate yourself and buy 'smart' you ... more
Well, there is something to be said for this viewpoint. For the most part, folks around these parts do educate themselves and make good decisions but it's easy to slip by without doing that. After all, many first toy purchases are jelly and early experimentation is not all that sanitary. Then again, safety information can be hard to find, especially if that first purchase is made at a crummy novelty store.

Perhaps if people choose not to educate themselves we should just let Darwinism take its course?

I wonder if you would prefer to see more sex-positive stores spreading info as opposed to a government mandate for manufacturers?
Contributor: deceased deceased
I think people are more impulsive and even if they are esucated, they make bad choices just for instant gratification. People smoke. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of carcinogens and reactions that cause free radicals to literally displace codons in DNA. There's even a warning on the package. People drink to an excess, eat at fast food places and then try to sue McDonald's because their okole will not fit in an airplane seat or they develop metabolic syndrome x (the newest term for self inflicted type2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia -cholesterol-and hypertension. the holy triad precursor to heart diseaseand stroke).

Its too late for social Darwinism. It worked in some countries where the food supply was scarce and the population too large. The week were not mollycoddled along, they died. Before the first world war if your country had food shortages, low fuel supplies, and was at war those too weak to fight died or were killed off. The surviving population got stronger. They were brighter, stronger, and industrious. Today in our society its like "no child gets left behind". That's why we are so unfit, why the US academic testing scores come in at 15 out of 24 first world nations surveyed (source CNN and Fox News, KNGB) Even our soldiers are more lax in test scores and fitness. America is soft, lazy and weak. We have people not working and collecting a check for their 13 babies that grow up just like their parent . Its not a racial thing either. White people are collecting the most welfare checks and disability payments.
Fibromyalgia my ass, there is something everyone can contribute. Intrastitial bladder mething new everyday. Its time to stop funding weakness and put the funds into education and fitness and preventitive medicine instead of fostering malingering and illiteracy.

In the state I live in now, a child can graduate without being able to read at any level or perform subtraction. By the time they reach graduation age, 20 percent (or more) of the children here have their own children being raised by other family members.
A 15 year old girl told me she cut her infants cord in the bath tub at home with hair cutting shears and tied it off with a hair band elastic. She didn't tell her family she was pregnant, they acted like it was the latest immaculate conception and had no idea what she did after school. They thought it was "hanging out at the mall".
Kids need disciple, a schedule that is full, parents they can talk to and a job to teach them pride and financial worth.

Social Darwinism...would be great but its too late. The gene pool is full of muck.

People do not like to take responibility for themselves. Even educated people. When I was working in Brain Injury Rehab, a priest who had a bad stroke asked me "Why did God do this to me?" Of all people....I told him"God didn't do this to you. You knew both arteries were completely clogged. You fixed one but put off the other, and you got away with it like that almost 5 years. God didn't have anything to do with it. Call it bad luck, call it ignorance call it whatever. Maybe it will give you a gift of empathy or compassion. Bow are we gonna work on this arm or what>?"

We can offer people all the education till they puke it back at us. In the end, there is free will to make bad choices.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Wow! This is pretty interesting.