Eden Community Chronicle - Vol. 4, May 2012

Contributor: Ansley Ansley

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Eden Community Chronicle. The focus of this issue is events and interesting things happening around Eden. We're going to recap all of the awesomeness that happened in April just in case you missed it the first time!

Edenfantasys Updates

Edenfantasys Expectations of Conduct
The Expectations of Conduct regarding Forum participation have been updated, along with a new resource titled: Best Practices: Basic Community Standards. Everyone should take a moment and become familiar with both documents before participating in the Forums.

New Features
In order to better serve the community in regards to answering Eden related question and addressing issues with activity on the forum we have implemented the following:

If you have a question about a program that the FAQs did not answer, you are invited to send a message and one of the Edenfantasys staff members will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your question. If you wish to start a thread on the forum, you can add the #hashtag #AskEden to your title to bring attention to it.

Forum Moderator Should you have an issue with another member or wish to have the administrators look into suspicious activity please send a message to this account, explaining the situation and provide any links you may have. Administrators will investigate and handle the situation accordingly.

Threads of Importance!
EdenFantasys Staff & Open Door Policy - Got questions and not sure who you need to talk to? This is a handy directory for questions on forum activities to video reviews.

Community Planning Thread for May - Got ideas and suggestions for the community? Then leave a comment on this thread with your idea and will see if we can implement it.

Update on Video Review Intro - You no longer have to manually add the Eden intro to your video reviews!

Pricing for Review Assignment Requests - See something on sale and wonder if you can get it as assignment? Go to this thread to find out how that works!

Open Call for Submissions on SexIs - Want to write for SexIs magazine? This thread will tell you all you need to know!

Topic Suggestions for SexIs - Want to see something specific discussed on SexIs? - Then this is thread to make your suggestions!

Ok, now that all of the old and new business has been taken care of, let's get on to the fun part!
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  • Save Extra 20% On Love Cushion And Toy Set!
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
New Releases on Edenfantasys

Every week, we host a thread on the newest products to hit our virtual shelves. Sometimes it's a lot of lingerie, sometimes it's really cool toys and sometimes it's awesome new bath and body products. You'll just have to click the link to find out what's new!

New Products Released April 6th, 2012

New Products Released April 13th, 2012

New Products Released April 20th, 2012

New Products Released April 27th, 2012

"Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good." - Woody Allen

Did You Know...?

During a woman’s period, the opening of the cervix (Latin for “neck” or “nape of neck”) and uterus stretch slightly to allow the shedding of the endometrium. During this time, harmful sexually transmitted bacteria have easier access to the uterus, increasing the risk of serious pelvic infections. HIV is also more easily transmitted during a woman’s period.

Approximately 80 cases have been reported in medical literature of men born with two penises. A diphallus can present as either one organ that separates into two or as two distinct organs. The penises can be side by side, on top of each other, or in separate locations. Most men with diphallus are sterile.

Contrary to popular opinion, the word “fuck” is not an acronym for the phrase “Fornication Under Command of the King.” It is a very old word that is hard to trace because the editors of the initial Oxford English Dictionary considered the word taboo in 1893. It may have a Scandinavian origin, similar to the Norwegian word fukka, meaning to “copulate,” or the Swedish foka, meaning“to copulate, strike, push,”or fock, meaning “penis.”

- Source

The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex. - Hugh Hefner

Must-read Articles from Around the Web

Phyllis Schlafly Warns Men: Don't Date Feminists
Phyllis Schlafly's advice to young men: Don't date feminists, even though "some of them are pretty." Speaking to an all-male student crowd at The Citadel college in South Carolina this week, the so-called "godmother of conservatism" also blamed feminists for drumming up the recent contraception flap in US politics, The Post and Courier reports.

The Five Most Mathematically Essential Bottles of Booze
Have you ever wondered what the essential liquors were for stocking the perfect liquor cabinet? Gizmodo finds examines a list of the 115 most popular or frequently ordered shots to find out the common denominator in all of them. Not surprisingly, vodka is on top of the list.

Professor Defends Showing "Porn" in a Human Sexuality Class at Fresno State University
A student lodge a complaint after Professor Peggi Gish showed one of the films in the Sinclaire Institute's videos, the company produces products to aid adult sexual relationships. The administration found the complaint surprising, given the nature of the class and all students are warned that some content may be objectionable.

Woman Hired to Catch Boyfriend Cheating, Steals Client's Boyfriend
Now, that's dastardly. A woman hired a private detective to find out if her man was or would cheat on him, only to end stealing him right out from underneath her client's nose. Needless to say, the client is furious and wishes nothing to do with either of them again.

"You have to accept the fact that part of the sizzle of sex comes from the danger of sex. You can be overpowered." - Camille Paglia
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
EdenLit - Contributor Writing Club

Expressions of Love
When Expressing Your Love Backfires by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
The road to hell, is paved with good intentions. Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama found out the hard way that even when you mean well there is always going to be a chance that a third party may get involved and things end up upside down. You have to read this story to find out how a surprise visit went awry.

Expressions of Love - Certainly Not Words by Destri
It's so easy, and tempting, to take one's words at face value. To believe words spoken to you are said with the same intent you want to hear them with, but it's not always the case. Destri tells us how she learned that expressing love takes a lot more than the words a native tongue supplies.

Antiquated Love by Teacookie
"Time can not be renewed, reversed, or altered, it simply exists. So if it is the greatest resource human kind has, it is the greatest gift that can be given to your self or to others.

"Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex." - Havelock Ellis

SexIs - Expressions of Love

I Love You So Much, I Decided Not to Have You by T&A1987
There are many ways to show and express your love for one another. T&A1987 poses the question - is not having children an expression of love? Can knowing yourself well enough to know that you aren't meant to have children be the best thing that ever happened to a hypothetical child?

Can Divorce Be an Expression of Love? by Roland Hulme
Roland posted a seemingly innocent comment on Facebook that launched a thousand backlashes. Find out what he suggested men do that sent his friends through the roof and begging the question if he thought they were bad fathers for being divorced from the mother of their children.

Loving Expressions by AHubbyof2SexualMinds
We're reminded by this article that it is the little things that matter the most in a relationship. The simple gestures that remind each other we care - this can be applied to both platonic and romantic relationships. Take the time to show how much you care by sending a quick email/text or leave a little memento where it can easily be found.

Expressing Love Through Time Spent by Catsin
We're reminded by this article that it is the little things that matter the most in a relationship. The simple gestures that remind each other we care - this can be applied to both platonic and romantic relationships. Take the time to show how much you care by sending a quick email/text or leave a little memento where it can easily be found.

Expressing Love and The Media by Roland Hulme
Roland takes the Mad Men ideal of love to task in this article. We asked you to tell us how you think the media portrays love and if it has any bearing on your relationships.

"If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, people would forget a good deal about sex and find the explanation for everything in egotism." - Wallace Stevens
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
April's Contest Winners

Weekly Review Rumble Winners
Dawn (Lilac Distraction) won for her review: Oh god you guys, this thing...

MidnightB won for her review: This Diamond Really Is a Girl's Best Friend

Loriandhubby won for her review: Go for it! The Bear Dares You!

Ms. N won for her review: (Size 38) Mannequins Are Scary...This Corset Isn't

Semi-final Rumble Winner - 1st Quarter
Valentinka for her review: Yays for Non-itchy Lace, Nays for Mis-leading Pictures

Annual April Fools Review Contest
Kindred won for his review: Tickle Me Elmo Vibrating Jock

Name That Toy Contest
Alex R won for April 6th's weekly Roundup.

SJ88 won toy for April 13th's weekly Roundup.

ToyTimeTim won for April 20th's weekly Roundup.

Gold Lion won for April 27th's weekly Roundup.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Monthly Love Horoscope from Tarot.Com

ARIES (March 21 - April 19th)
Don't buy cheap things or waste your resources on quick thrills. Investing in yourself more thoughtfully makes you more desirable to others. Spending money to improve your body, your mind or to upgrade essential equipment adds value to your life and raises your self-esteem. Read the complete horoscope here...

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th
Passionate Mars is still in your 5th House of Romance, adding more points to your desirability quotient. This energetic planet, though, is still moving retrograde, which can stir up interest in lovers from your past. Read the complete horoscope here...

GEMINI (May 21st - June 20th)
It's understandable if you feel like you're stuck in the past, especially while the Sun is in your secretive 12th House of Privacy until May 20. While getting attention may be more difficult until then, it also gives you a chance to step back from your situation to see it more objectively. Read the complete horoscope here...

CANCER (July 21st - July 22nd)
Love planet Venus is in an obscure part of your chart, which can slow down or complicate your personal life. She's in jittery Gemini, where it's hard to feel settled, even if you're in a long-term relationship. You probably need more space and some variety. Read the complete horoscope here...

LEO (July 23rd - August 22nd)
Maintaining respect in a position of authority while dallying with co-workers could create complications. This is especially likely as of May 15, when Venus shifts into reverse to begin a six-week retrograde period. You may meet people from you past or think about attractions that you've had in the workplace. Read the complete horoscope here...

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Patience can enrich your conversations with sweetness that pleases you and makes you more desirable to others. There is a risk, though, of some stubborn thinking in this bullish sign, so try to catch yourself in the act if you're too rigid in your thinking. Read the complete horoscope here...

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)
While discussions could help you improve a current alliance or give you a fresh perspective on yourself, too much talking can turn you in circles that don't lead you anywhere. So make sure your discussions are illuminating experiences that open your mind instead of roundabout conversations that take you in circles.Read the complete horoscope here...

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 21st)
The month could start in a stressful way as your aggressive ruling planet Mars forms a challenging 90-degree square with the connective Lunar Nodes on May 1. This can make casual comments feel caustic, triggering unnecessary conflicts. Read the complete horoscope here...

SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd - December 21st)
he willful Sun's push into Gemini and your 7th House on May 20 makes romantic drama more attractive than usual. Dealing with a fast-talking (but not entirely sincere) person or making statements you can't back up can come from pushing too hard and too soon. Read the full horoscope here...

CAPRICORN ( December 22nd - January 21st)
On May 13, the Sun joins expansive and optimistic Jupiter in your 5th House of Romance, marking the middle of a five-day period when taking chances to go for the love you want can be rewarded. There is, however, a slight chance of becoming so hopeful that you reach too far or overlook minor matters that might have major effects.
Read the full horoscope here...

AQUARIUS (January 22nd - February 18th)
Exploring new fields of enjoyment, perhaps even in the arts, is meant to lighten your load and distract you from more pressing matters. This is not merely a means of avoiding difficult emotion, but it is an easy way to produce an adaptable attitude that helps you skirt hard issues so you can be happy right now instead of worrying about tomorrow.
Read the full horoscope here...

PISCES (February 19th - March 20th)
The magic of words can produce a sense of connection that goes beyond whatever is being said. Verbal Mercury's favorable alignment with your imaginative ruling planet Neptune on May 10 can salve wounds and inspire creative thinking.Read the complete horoscope here...
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Ansley
Monthly Love Horoscope from Tarot.Com

ARIES (March 21 - April 19th)
Don't buy cheap things or waste your resources on quick thrills. Investing in yourself more thoughtfully makes you more desirable to others. Spending money to ... more
SO ummm if fuck is an acronym then does "hell" stand for "Hot Ethereal Lower Level"?
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
SO ummm if fuck is an acronym then does "hell" stand for "Hot Ethereal Lower Level"?
LMAO Is cunt an acronym for a cunning, understanding, naturally talented woman?
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Ansley
LMAO Is cunt an acronym for a cunning, understanding, naturally talented woman?
I want that on a t-shirt.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
I want that on a t-shirt.
I'd pay for that!
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I'd pay for that!
Heck, I'd even pay for that!!!

Fantastic collection of work here Stormy Lady!!!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Woman China
Heck, I'd even pay for that!!!

Fantastic collection of work here Stormy Lady!!!
Thank you m'love! And yeah that would be an awesome shirt to have, wouldn't it? I think there's a key chain somewhere with that saying on it. I know I didn't make it up.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
So...I need you guys to be brutally honest with me, here.

- What do you like?

- What don't you like?

- What would you like to see?

- What would you never like to see again?

Here are the previous installments:

Volume 1 - February 2012

Volume 2 - March 2012

Volume 3 - April 2012
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
Originally posted by Ansley
- What do you like?

Mostly all of it.

- What don't you like?

The horoscopes can go.

- What would you like to see?

I miss the science & politics.

- What would you never like to see again?

Nothing has driven me to pull the desktop plug from the wall... yet.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Tarot.com is awesome. Glad someone else thinks so.
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Originally posted by Ansley
LMAO Is cunt an acronym for a cunning, understanding, naturally talented woman?
Good one! Do you have one for penis?
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Ansley

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Eden Community Chronicle. The focus of this issue is events and interesting things happening around Eden. We're going to recap all of the awesomeness that happened in April just in case you missed ... more
This is a great new forum section. I haven't been here in the last 6 months or so and I was just looking around to find where I can catch up at! Thanks!
Contributor: SuzanneCromie SuzanneCromie
Originally posted by Ansley

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Eden Community Chronicle. The focus of this issue is events and interesting things happening around Eden. We're going to recap all of the awesomeness that happened in April just in case you missed ... more
I wish I knew “Fornication Under Command of the King.” when at school, would have bene in less trouble!!