James Seen Rape Allegations

Contributor: BlackOrchid BlackOrchid
I'm really saddened by this. For me, one of the attractions of James Deen seemed to be his respect for his co-stars and women in general.

This was meant to say James Deen, darn autocorrect.
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Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
Can you post a link to the article? I want to know more about this alleged incident.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by Inquisitor
Can you post a link to the article? I want to know more about this alleged incident.
Not just alleged allegations. BlackOrchid didn't make a typo about that. You can Google it, not hard to find a lot of info. about it.

Yes, BlackOrchid, respect isn't commonly associated w/ the porn industry. I fell for his 'respect' image too.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by edeneve
Not just alleged allegations. BlackOrchid didn't make a typo about that. You can Google it, not hard to find a lot of info. about it.

Yes, BlackOrchid, respect isn't commonly associated w/ the porn industry. I fell for his 'respect' image too.
Gosh, on film, nailing one woman with two closed-fisted punches to her face and then ripping apart her anus so they had to stop the scene because of all the blood and it required many stitches to repair her...there's no excuse, but all supposedly because she called him a son-of-a-bitch during the scene? WTF?! And going for anal, again, on film, with another when explicitly told no anal in the contract, and repeatedly by her, during the scene...then getting high-fived by the crew for forcing her and because she was only paid for a vaginal sex scene? Holy crap. Regardless of what people think of the veracity of what's come out, it certainly doesn't sound like the porn industry is all that much better to women than it's ever been, despite the tales to the contrary and publicity about people like Dean who are passed off as feminists (what a laugh that's always been, at least to me, as if saying so makes it true?)

Why all the silence until Stoya makes one little tweet? Then the flood gates open. It is disheartening to think if only someone had said something before, some women might have been spared. That's the same old lament, but it's something that always strikes me. I don't ever blame a victim. But I don't excuse all those culpable who witnessed, profited from and perhaps (even inadvertently through their silence) encouraged this type of behavior.

And btw, if I hear one more Internet commenter say "but he's innocent until proven guilty! Where's the proof?!" I am going to scream. The rest of that is "innocent until proven guilty under a court of law" not the court of public opinion! I don't have to think he's innocent until some trial that may never arise. Just because there has been no investigation and prosecution doesn't mean none of this is true. Of course, people have to be smart enough to look at what facts they can and make their own decision. I don't think we need to hold off on having thoughts about it until (or if) there is a prosecution for cripes sake. Only the jurors are obligated not to pre-judge. You can't punish someone by violating their civil rights without due process, but you can sure base your other actions off what you think. If you find enough reason to find James Deen repulsive at this point, then don't feel like you can't offer your opinion, or not buy his stuff (has quite the little porn goods empire going).

Not that anyone here said a peep about any of that, but I read my fill the other day and guess I needed to vent, huh? Don't mind moi. I feel better already I'm just trying to stir up a little trouble I guess...uh, I meant, help keep the forum going, yeah, that's it...
Contributor: BlackOrchid BlackOrchid



And there's many many more.
Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
Originally posted by BlackOrchid



And there's many many more. ... more
Thank you BlackOrchid. The CNN link didn't work but I found it anyway.

@Edeneve, I used alleged because I didn't know if there was any proof at the time I posted. Getting this particular incident on film, I think serves as proof that this guy has an anger issue and should not be working in the industry no matter what his appeal is. I couldn't perform a search on the topic because I was working at the time. I find that direct links prove helpful in times like this.

Deen should be Blackballed and Blacklisted within the industry. The industry needs to send a loud and clear message and by allowing him and his films and his appearances in films to be distributed only makes things worse.

Why hasn't he been arrested? If he really did this, which frankly he did, shouldn't he be subjected to due process? No one deserves to be violated and harmed in such a brutal and violent manner. Let me be clear, NO ONE deserves this.

Also, why didn't the female performer who required stitches immediately go to the hospital? I understand being a professional and know that I'm not blaming the victim but Deen crossed a line. It was on that day her agent, co star, director, film crew, and anyone else on set that didn't try to convince her to go to the E.R. right then and there, they all failed her. I really hope she found different representation after that incident. You know someone that actually cares about her and the other women he assaulted.

In conclusion to my rant, I'd like to say the other guys on the set that hi-fived Deen, with his forced anal, are first class Ass Holes!
Contributor: BlackOrchid BlackOrchid
In one of the articles, the performer said she didn't report her incident because she said she thought it would be too hard to explain how a "porn star" could be raped. Very very sad. James Deen has denied these allegations. I wonder if he eventually will be charged with anything.
Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
Originally posted by BlackOrchid
In one of the articles, the performer said she didn't report her incident because she said she thought it would be too hard to explain how a "porn star" could be raped. Very very sad. James Deen has denied these allegations. I wonder if ... more
I did read that, however, just because of her chosen profession does that mean she can't receive justice?

As for Deen's denial, his behavior says it all. In one of those articles one of his victims mentioned that she was his friend. She would on occasion mention the incident with Deen to others and he would become skittish to me, that says a lot not to mention a previous attack was captured on film.

Please forgive me if my posts seem preachy or pointed, this has just touched a nerve with me. I've been misled and lied to. I don't like the feeling...
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by Inquisitor
I did read that, however, just because of her chosen profession does that mean she can't receive justice?

As for Deen's denial, his behavior says it all. In one of those articles one of his victims mentioned that she was his friend. ... more
Female rape victims are victimized by the legal system, adding insult to injury. Their sex life & their whole private life are put under a microscope & scrutinized publicly, way beyond reasonable. Yet their perpetrator's sex life or personal life is not scrutinized like this. Most rapes, 85% - 90%, are unreported. And why? There are several common reasons. A very significant reason is that victims know they will be ripped apart publicly & further victimized after having witnessed it repeatedly via the legal system & media.

Porn stars not reporting the rape? Our society still denigrates women who enjoy sex while praising guys for 'scoring'. This double standard judgement becomes even more severe for women in porn.

The thinking of all those fu*!-ng SOBs who watch porn & others who have a double standard for women who enjoy sex, pass judgement & dismiss any possibility of credibility because she's in the porn industry. She's paid to get fu*!ed for everyone to watch. So how can she possibly be raped?

More people than not don't even comprehend what rape is & make erroneous assumptions & judgements about the victims. If everyone understood what rape is & stopped blaming the victims, I think there would be less incidences of rape & the number of rapes would significantly drop.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by Inquisitor
Thank you BlackOrchid. The CNN link didn't work but I found it anyway.

@Edeneve, I used alleged because I didn't know if there was any proof at the time I posted. Getting this particular incident on film, I think serves as proof that ... more
Inquisitor, thanks for taking a stand against the despicable & dehumanizing crimes of sexual assault & rape. This has touched a nerve w/ me too.

I'm so glad to see you don't have such a self-serving double standard like most of the male population I've become aware of. I would like every guy to adopt your values.

Every guy out there needs to look to your attitude & beliefs to bring acceptance to the fact that women are sexual beings just as guys are and that we can enjoy sex just as much w/o a double standard imposed on us.

A key fact to know about rape is that it's not about sex. It's about power & control.

Here's a link to some prevalent myths & misunderstandings about rape still believed in our society today. There are some other informative links on the site too.

Rape Myths and Facts

If anyone wants to be better informed about rape, this link is to a national organization dedicated to education & prevention of rape as well as providing victim services & resources.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by edeneve
Inquisitor, thanks for taking a stand against the despicable & dehumanizing crimes of sexual assault & rape. This has touched a nerve w/ me too.

I'm so glad to see you don't have such a self-serving double standard like ... more
@Edeneve, Excellent and well said, both posts. I especially like that you provided the links to more helpful info, thanks!
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
@Edeneve, Excellent and well said, both posts. I especially like that you provided the links to more helpful info, thanks!
I believe we all need to take responsibility for learning about the heinous crime of rape & how devastating it is for victims both personally & in our 'justice' system. Then our society will stop blaming victims & support them & persecute the perpetrators instead.
Contributor: Inquisitor Inquisitor
Originally posted by edeneve
Inquisitor, thanks for taking a stand against the despicable & dehumanizing crimes of sexual assault & rape. This has touched a nerve w/ me too.

I'm so glad to see you don't have such a self-serving double standard like ... more
Edeneve, Thank You for the very informative links. I've learned a few things from the information you've provided.