Do you show your friends your toys?

Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
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Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I'm really bad. I get all excited then start taking half my stuff out. I try to know limits with different friends, you know, which ones are going to freak out over seeing what things, etc. My collection of massage and other bath and body products gets shown off the most.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
My roommate has seen them because I get excited whenever I get new ones. And then she and I always talk about whats good and what she wants next too.
Contributor: ninaspinkturtle ninaspinkturtle
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
depends on the friend
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
depends on the person
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
There's only a couple of my friends that I would be willing to show. They moved away for grad school though so I don't think I will be showing them anytime soon though. Most of my other friends are really conservative and I think they might be judgemental if I showed them my toys.
Contributor: slynch slynch
No, we haven't showed anyone.
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
Sadly no, most of my friends are vanillas and the only kink friends I had moved away or I lost contact with them, at least offline. Online I have a dozen or so people I love showing off my toys too because they're kinky too! ^_^
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I have a couple of friends I have showed things to. I also have a friend that I pass some things on to that I don't plan on using.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Originally posted by ShadowKitten
Sadly no, most of my friends are vanillas and the only kink friends I had moved away or I lost contact with them, at least offline. Online I have a dozen or so people I love showing off my toys too because they're kinky too! ^_^
No, and probably never will. Like ShadowKitten, my friends are way too vanilla.
When I'd mentioned that I'd gotten a bidet attachment(works great btw) for my toilet I got a lot of negative feedback. Very few even knew what a bidet did, ignorance is the norm out there.
Contributor: Skitlz Skitlz
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
depends on which friend
Contributor: kelaaa33wish kelaaa33wish
I have showed a few of my girl friends my toys.
Contributor: null null
I've showed only 2 people my toys, my old roommate and one of my close friends. Neither seemed freaked out or put off by it.
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
If they ask or if the topic comes up I will show them off! I don't really have any friends I need to be shy around. None that come to my house at least.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
Most of my kinky friends see my floggers and the like on a regular basis at play parties, but my actual sex toys rarely get shown off.
Contributor: Kat Shanahan Kat Shanahan
Ahahaha, oh god I love this question, because I get to tell an entertaining story about myself!

Picture it: Halloween, 2001. Nova Scotia. I'm in my last year of university and I had just purchased my very first sex toy about two weeks before. My roommates and I threw a Halloween party, and at some point during said bash, I apparently took a bunch of people into my room and showed off my new battery-operated buddy, after a conversation in which it was revealed that I was thought of as a prude.

I don't really *remember* this, mind you, but people were able to give me an accurate enough description of my vibrator to convince me that it did indeed happen.

Needless to say, the label of "prude" was dropped immediately. Ahahahahaha.
Contributor: Kat Shanahan Kat Shanahan
Oh, and to actually, y'know, answer the question: Only a select few of my friends know about my collection, and none of them have actually seen it.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
If someone explicitly asked, I may tell them about my toys, or show them. And if someone said I'm a prude I would definitely pull out my cuffs. Otherwise, meh. I only get really excited and show my guy.
Contributor: K101 K101
I have in the past. Lol. They always thought it was sooo cool. Lol. Now, I really haven't had many close friends in a while. I've been so busy with work and school that I've lost touch with everyone. I would show them off for sure to close friends. I show mine to my twin sis all the time! She thinks I'm crazy Lol. I'm trying to get her to try a good vibe and sexy lingerie. She doesn't feel very beautiful often and her BF (child's father) isn't exactly sweet or the kind of person who compliments her often at all so I've been trying to open her up to a little something sexy because I think it's make a world of difference on how she views herself. She hardly ever even wears shorts and she's super hot! I'll end up forcing that girl into a corset if I have too! Lol.
Contributor: Rachel Nunez Rachel Nunez
Nope.. that would be kinda awkward
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
certain friends
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I get so few friends to come over to my house (I live slightly out of the way of everyone else, it's usually much more convenient for me to go to the area of the city where they all live) that when I DO have someone over, I basically can't contain myself. If it's a close lady friend, there is no way they are not going to be subjected to a tour of the toybox.
Contributor: sassyNsensual sassyNsensual
I have a friend that I chat about EF stuff with....and a few other friends I've shown
Contributor: irishlove irishlove
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
Never get the chance but I probably would. My coworker and I talk about them though.
Contributor: fleshlightluvr1 fleshlightluvr1
definitely not
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
I don't think I commented on this yet but yes I do. Only those who I feel comfortable with. I think I've started to feel more comfortable lately since my husband and I have gotten married. Before I was worried they would see me as compulsive for owning so many. (I owned about 70-something at the time). They weren't all large toys, but there were a lot of them and I just didn't want to be seen in a weird way.

Then, one day I was just so excited about this glass toy that I left it out on the dresser and a friend of mine said "Do you shop at EF?" and it was all uphill from there! We were like literally lugging our toy collections to each other's homes to show what we had and what we liked most or didn't like anymore. It was a lot of fun, and I felt a lot better about my choice to use sex toys. I realized that it really isn't a big deal. It is a part of me and my husband's intimacy, not to mention our own intimacy with ourselves.

The one think I do avoid is some of my family. They are realy gossipers and many of them are against sex toys for some reason. I know this because a cousin of mine had a vibrator and my aunt had found it and told everyone. I felt so bad for her because I secretly had 4 at the time.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I wouldn't have them on the shelf, displaying them, but if they wanted advice on such things, I'd most likely be the one they'd go to, so I'd show them what few toys I have, or at least point them in the right direction.
Contributor: shySEXXaddict shySEXXaddict
Originally posted by sexyintexas
I show some of my girlfriends my toy collections. Do you?
It depends on how open she is with that kind of stuff...most of my friends know how I am so they arent to suprised if I whip out my new vibe to show them it!Although,I dont wana make any of them uncomfortable!
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Some friends I'll show and family see them.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
I actually have a friend who hasn't ever used toys that enjoys looking at and learning about mine.

My boy roommate/ex sees all my stuff. He's always curious about what I'm getting and has to give it a good look over. He asks me what this and that is for and we get into lengthy discussions about the uses, pros, and cons about everything. Haha. It's a little strange. He'll walk through my room to go to the bathroom and they'll be a whole box worth of toys laid out on my bed.

And I talk to my boss about everything I get, but that's only because I'm giving a run down of the things I've tried and how well they work and if we should start carrying things.

I have no shame!