Will you stay around in the community even if you don't get points for being here?

Contributor: indiechick indiechick
The more I have thought about it the more I understand keeping the business and community separate. I think we can all agree that we may not have liked how things were handled, but in the end the make sense. You cannot give your entire inventory away. You should make good on commitments you have already made to your costumers but moving forward you need to stay afloat. Businesses need to make money. I personally don't have a lot of money. I am a grad student who is paying off school and trying to pay the bills, so I don't know how active I will be in writing reviews and such, but I do want to stay active in the community, regardless of points. I want to know how many of my fellow edenites are here for the community. How many of you will stay active in the forums even without the point incentives to do so? (Point of note you still are getting points for activity but who knows for how long). I have made this a private vote
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I will stay active both in buying from EF and on the forum
I will stay active in the forum
I will stay active in buying from EF
I am going to walk away from EF entirely
I haven't decided yet
Total votes: 86 (80 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I will stay around. I like chatting in the forums here. I'm not as active as a lot of others have been, but I've enjoyed being part of the site.
Contributor: dancingduo dancingduo
honestly, I haven't got that far. Definitely would like to stay around. But I probably wouldn't prioritize it over other things like I used to.
Contributor: js250 js250
I do not know. I feel like my money and time were completely unappreciated and now I have to defend even the reviews of the items I purchased with cash on here? I am very disappointed and insulted by the comments & attitude of the owner and feel unappreciated as a customer.

The reason I spent so much money and time on here was the motivation to review and help others to spend their money and points on things they were more likely to enjoy and use. I also felt my alternative ideas were pretty helpful as far as figuring out ways to use an item you may not be too thrilled with at first.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
I don't know. I am so tired of all the changes happening in such a short time. I am tired of being supportive and then bitch slapped and told such negative things. I am exhausted of all the negativity from the people who own and run this site.

Although I am curious where I can get a pair of gloves like Khan had in Wrath of Khan- those things are swanky!

BUt then again, well never mind. I said why I'd think about sticking around in other threads, but of course. They were deleted and censored. So bottom line? Why wouldn't I want to stay at EF? It's like living in 1964 communist China.
Contributor: Cinnyree Cinnyree
I decided I wanted a little cool off period until things get sorted. Feelings got hurt and some mean things were said. Instead of spending hours here every night, I check in about every other day for like 15 minutes.
Contributor: indiechick indiechick
Originally posted by Cinnyree
I decided I wanted a little cool off period until things get sorted. Feelings got hurt and some mean things were said. Instead of spending hours here every night, I check in about every other day for like 15 minutes.
Props to you. You've got more self control than I do. I didn't log on for a few days, but now I've been on all day
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
I spend less time, but I love the community.
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
I will continue to be active in the community. As far as spending money I would like to put at this time am out of work so not spending any but it would be that way regardless of the changes.
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
I will not be able to review much anymore due to the point changes. I reviewed most of what I have, I still have one review to finish but I have been very unmotivated to do reviews since all that has gone on. I am disappointed in several things that have happened and the disrespect that was shown. I am not as inspired to spend as much time here. Perhaps, time will change that. There are a number of wonderful members who are on the site and I enjoy interacting with them.
Contributor: Pete's Princess Pete's Princess
Originally posted by js250
I do not know. I feel like my money and time were completely unappreciated and now I have to defend even the reviews of the items I purchased with cash on here? I am very disappointed and insulted by the comments & attitude of the owner and feel ... more
JS250 - I understand how you feel given some of the comments that were made. I have spent a week trying to finish a review but am just so deflated. I really enjoyed and was excited about writing reviews and tried to get them done quickly and with a lot of detail. The thrill is gone and I have lost that loving feeling. I have so much drama in my personal life EF was a nice refuge but now that the drama here equals that of my personal life. I have been spending my time finding other outlets.

I just want you to know that I have always appreciated your reviews and have based my decisions on purchasing or not purchasing on them. I enjoy your alternate uses. You have helped me and many other people so do not feel all your work was in vain. You are GREAT!!! Too bad that was not the communication you received especially since you recently hit a milestone. It is a bit sad that in one thread you are congratulated for that and in another thread made to feel your work was inferior.
Contributor: mailroomorder mailroomorder
Originally posted by indiechick
The more I have thought about it the more I understand keeping the business and community separate. I think we can all agree that we may not have liked how things were handled, but in the end the make sense. You cannot give your entire inventory ... more
I will not come back as frequently as I do now, if points are taken away. I will most likely continue buying sex toys off the site, but only if I can't find better deals elsewhere. However, I HAVE found better deals elsewhere. It's the point system in the first place that keeps me loyal to this site, as well as to the people I've met through it.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
I will stay around, but I am spending much less time on the site.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I'll stay around and keep posting, I mean after I get a job, I could always put money aside to buy a toy or whatever from this site.
Right now I use points because all the money my husband makes goes to rent, truck payment, bills, food, clothing, everything, but if we did lose points, it wouldn't bother me really (maybe a bit in the beginning but I'll get over it) I've learned tricks and tips on this site, for me it's one of very few sites I actually feel comfortable posting in the forums!
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
I think the forum is a great resource and will stay around although i wouldn't be around quite as often as I usually am.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by indiechick
The more I have thought about it the more I understand keeping the business and community separate. I think we can all agree that we may not have liked how things were handled, but in the end the make sense. You cannot give your entire inventory ... more
I was here before the program and I always said I'd be here after it was gone. I didn't see a whole lot of longevity given the sheer amount of product being given away. I like this community for the intangible things I have gotten from it. Points or no points I'm gonna stick it out.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Jesus H. Christ...if I see one more repeat post on this. >:/
Contributor: butts butts
I've been super busy lately and haven't been on EF much in the last few weeks, I missed all the drama! I guess I'll go read up on things, but no matter what I'll probably stick around the forums and sales at least.
Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears OH&W, Lovebears
I would stay. I joined to learn about products and how others view and experienced life. I didn't even know about the points. I did see it go up but still don't really know what they are for. The forum is helpful in many ways. The reviews though sometimes lean towards the positive side are helpful. The specs on the products are very helpful. The big thing to us is learning others do enjoy expressing themselves and sharing. I have only been part of the community since beginning of this yr, but log on nearly 54-5 times a week.
Contributor: No-nita No-nita
I wanted to stay part of the community, but with the way conflicts are handled here at EF don't seem to be improving, so I'm leaning heavily toward "no" on that front. Right now I'm in the "I'm waiting to see what happens with my reconsideration before I decide" camp.

Someone mentioned in another thread that the community is still going strong, but has just moved off-Eden. And initially I felt comfortable talking to everyone off-Eden, but the anger toward the EF situation is also being handled poorly (as in, people who stick around here have been insulted, and bitter members have been posting really unnecessary mean-spirited or bigoted things) so I don't feel comfortable anywhere.

I'm most likely going to withdraw from the EF community altogether and just sex blog on my own and try to meet new people, because while a lot of wonderful people are here / were met here, the bad apples both on and off EF are keeping me from wanting to get more invested.
Contributor: leanright69 leanright69
I will stay active in both, but will be using other online sights to buy from too. I will be doing more shopping around. I have found toys at lower prices at other sights but have stayed at Eden because of the points and the community feeling. I will be going with the store that has the lowest price.
Contributor: js250 js250
Originally posted by Pete's Princess
JS250 - I understand how you feel given some of the comments that were made. I have spent a week trying to finish a review but am just so deflated. I really enjoyed and was excited about writing reviews and tried to get them done quickly and with a ... more
Big hugs! Your compliment and understanding means a lot to me!! I am glad I was able to help with your decisions on what to order, for me that is the important aspect of the reviews. I love helping others and was able to find an outlet for doing so. I am glad I hit my milestone--it was also a personal goal--and am sad that I am not motivated and need to change up my next goal. (Hitting 600...)We will see what happens in time.

I love your reviews and also purchased items based on them--they were very helpful for me! You did an awesome job as well--and need to be commended for them. Thanks for the friendship, it is very much returned!
Contributor: Sneekyfox Sneekyfox
I definitely wont be on the website as much as I use to. Its good that we'll still be getting a discount on orders....however, earning points and then getting to use them motivated me to check out and purchase items I ordinarily wouldn't have looked at. Since, I could use all my points toward the items, I often purchased items I didn't really need. That wont be the case any more. Now, I'll only be purchasing whats necessary. With that said, I wont be on the site as much to look at items I cant afford to purchase.
Contributor: TransMarc TransMarc
I guess I would, rarely, come on the forums to ask questions.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
I love these forums, and I've missed them a lot the last year... and to be totally honest I'm a little relieved that they will only be full of people who are here for conversation instead of points.

I'm also going to stick around, buy sex toys, and write reviews! I love the writing practice that reviews give, and I need variety in my sex life so it's good to know where to get an awesome dildo
Contributor: KeroWolf KeroWolf
Yes, but probably a little less
Contributor: curious kitten curious kitten
yes, but, I don't do reviews, but I like reading them. I like giving opinions and hearing what others say. I love getting the points and saving them until I decide exactly what I want. I always pay partially for what I buy so that I can get an expensive item at a lower price. Points have already been cut down; it will be heartbreaking if they do away with all of them. I use to have time to be here a lot; lately I still get on when I can.
Contributor: evie.amor evie.amor
Points are amazing but like you said, this is a business and they can't just give all their inventory away for free.

Like some other contributors have said, I had to take a step back from the site when all the changes and negativity began thundering down. This site was an escape but it began feeling more stressful than fun. I'm concerned about the way reviews will be handled since they are such an integral part of what makes this site special. I'm ready to post some reviews of products I've been using the past few months, but I spend a good deal of time writing a quality review and with all the changes up in the air, I'm unsure of when I'm going to make the time to write them.

Don't get me wrong, this site has opened new doors sexually to me that I probably wouldn't have felt comfortable trying if it hadn't been for this amazing community! I'll try to be more active but like a relationship, the drama going on is causing this site to lose its luster sadly.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
For me it will be whatever is cheapest. I might look here first because of the discounts but I'm not sure if I'll finish the reviews I started, because they won't be worth it. I won't spend that much money so I would have extra points. There may be orders that would be cheaper and easier from another website or a store I can just walk into and have it immediately.
Contributor: RedGlitter RedGlitter
I have not been on EF in MONTHS because they took away the points for a lot of things. I guess I better use mine up and come back when I get a REALLY great deal.