How do YOU choose who you follow on EF?

Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
So the other day I was wasting time in the EF forums that I should have been spending on school work (as usual). I was adding a few people to follow because they had said helpful/interesting things. But a few of my follows were added solely because they have funny/witty screen names that made me giggle or cute/fun avatars.

Does anyone else do this? Feel free to elaborate on reasons you have followed someone on EF.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Wrote a useful review
teeny <3 , girl next door , DeliciousSurprise , Waterfall , Rainbow Boy , namelesschaos , Lio , mikebooks , Adam02viper , Selective Sensualist , Darling Jen , Lady Marmelade , Kindred , Lucidity , ellejay , Valentinka , Coralbell , Jul!a , pinkcupcakes , Bunnycups , Rockin' , Kissaki , jfree , Taylor Von , pinkzombie , Alys , LikeSunshineDust , darthkitt3n , Jobthingy , Stephanie Marie , Lady Venus , Joie de Cherresse , tigerkate , ZenaidaMacroura , indiglo , Eden C. , TheSinDoll , TitsMcScandal , Hadespark , Dusk , 0 , BadassFatass , Ajax , Fanny , wetone123 , cobiffle , MMMARY , toxie m , softcoeur , AYoungMan , *HisMrs* , Cream in the Cupcake , Erotica Explorer , mandiegk , CD37 , Cedarlooman , Karakaten , M121212 , Rossie , Ms. Paprika , barrettbn2 , KnK , padmeamidala , Willis2011 , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Pixel , Rarity , LeDuvall , P'Gell , Redboxbaby , bluekaren , Airen Wolf , I'll Miss You EF :( , SiNn , K101 , Ivy Wilde , Petite Valentine , ss143 , Acorn , zeebot , Cori , aliceinthehole , Elaira , Lummox , Noira Celestia , tooshy , Nothere , Love Perpetua , Miss Anonymous , Chul , dhig , WetJenn , tim1724 , wrecklesswords , submissive.sweetheart , lilly555 , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama , Clandestine , PassionateLover2 , geliebt , Splendwhore , voenne , Apirka , Gracie , Squidget , Kush , Ms. N , SMichelle , Stinkytofu10 , Badass , Mwar , LowFreqFreak , TheHardOne , sasweetheart89 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Lilith Bealove , JunexMommy , ghalik , lillmiss5054 , Raigne , xOhxSoxScandalousx , TransMarc , VelvetDragon , SubmissiveFeminist , Checkmate , pootpootpoot , Emerlyn , Envoutes , Sam I Am , brooketacular , RomanticGoth , pasdechat , breezybre , Thomas90 , Nora29714 , asphyxia , booboo111926 , MistressDandelion , Peggi , Masokisti , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , J5ive , Lildrummrgurl7 , Sinfully , duff , Risque , MrsHouseWife , amenti , Trysexual , charmedtomeetyou , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , anonymous1298304 , HydeWithinJekyll , petlove0311 , LadyNova , Marie Hanna , spiced , 1001 Pleasures , Britt&Rich , WestTexasBarbie , wicked48 , angel42539
Gave helpful/interesting input in a forum discussion
teeny <3 , girl next door , DeliciousSurprise , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Waterfall , Rainbow Boy , namelesschaos , Lio , Adam02viper , Selective Sensualist , Darling Jen , Lady Marmelade , Kindred , Lucidity , ellejay , Red Vinyl Kitty , Valentinka , Coralbell , Jul!a , Bunnycups , Rockin' , Kissaki , Taylor Von , Alys , LikeSunshineDust , darthkitt3n , Jobthingy , Stephanie Marie , Lady Venus , Joie de Cherresse , tigerkate , ZenaidaMacroura , indiglo , Eden C. , TheSinDoll , TitsMcScandal , Dusk , BadassFatass , Ajax , wetone123 , toxie m , softcoeur , *HisMrs* , Cream in the Cupcake , Erotica Explorer , mandiegk , CD37 , Cedarlooman , Karakaten , M121212 , Rossie , barrettbn2 , KnK , padmeamidala , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Pixel , Rarity , LeDuvall , P'Gell , Redboxbaby , bluekaren , Airen Wolf , SiNn , K101 , Ivy Wilde , Petite Valentine , ss143 , zeebot , Elaira , clp , Lummox , Noira Celestia , Nothere , Love Perpetua , Miss Anonymous , Chul , dhig , WetJenn , tim1724 , wrecklesswords , Willow Wand , Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama , Clandestine , PassionateLover2 , Splendwhore , Apirka , Gracie , Squidget , Kush , Ms. N , SMichelle , Stinkytofu10 , curious kitten , Badass , Mwar , TheHardOne , sasweetheart89 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Lilith Bealove , BiJess , ghalik , lillmiss5054 , Raigne , xOhxSoxScandalousx , TransMarc , BlooJay , VelvetDragon , Checkmate , pootpootpoot , Emerlyn , Envoutes , Sam I Am , brooketacular , RomanticGoth , pasdechat , Thomas90 , Nora29714 , asphyxia , Sundae Sparkles , Peggi , Masokisti , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , SexyStuff , Lildrummrgurl7 , Sinfully , duff , MrsHouseWife , amenti , Trysexual , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , anonymous1298304 , petlove0311 , LadyNova , spiced , WestTexasBarbie , wicked48 , angel42539
Follwed me first
teeny <3 , girl next door , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Waterfall , Rainbow Boy , Linga , Adam02viper , Kindred , Lucidity , ellejay , Red Vinyl Kitty , Coralbell , Jul!a , Kissaki , Taylor , jfree , Alys , darthkitt3n , Jobthingy , Stephanie Marie , Joie de Cherresse , tigerkate , indiglo , Eden C. , TheSinDoll , 0 , BadassFatass , Ajax , UnknownGirl , AYoungMan , *HisMrs* , Cream in the Cupcake , CD37 , Cedarlooman , Karakaten , M121212 , barrettbn2 , padmeamidala , Howells , ♥ Amanda ♥ , bluekaren , I'll Miss You EF :( , SiNn , K101 , zeebot , Wyo Daisy , Lummox , Noira Celestia , Nothere , Miss Anonymous , dhig , WetJenn , wrecklesswords , submissive.sweetheart , Willow Wand , geliebt , Splendwhore , Apirka , Gracie , Squidget , Kush , Ms. N , wrmbreze , SMichelle , Stinkytofu10 , Badass , ViVix , Harpina is gone , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Incendiaire , Lilith Bealove , Sex Positivity , ghalik , xOhxSoxScandalousx , TransMarc , BlooJay , VelvetDragon , SubmissiveFeminist , pootpootpoot , Emerlyn , Sam I Am , brooketacular , RomanticGoth , pasdechat , breezybre , Thomas90 , Nora29714 , asphyxia , gloomybear , Deeder , MistressDandelion , Peggi , AHubbyof2SexualMinds , Sinfully , duff , sugar&spikes , amenti , Trysexual , charmedtomeetyou , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , petlove0311 , LadyNova , spiced , Britt&Rich , WestTexasBarbie
Clever screen name
teeny <3 , girl next door , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , namelesschaos , Adam02viper , Lucidity , Red Vinyl Kitty , Jul!a , pinkzombie , Stephanie Marie , Joie de Cherresse , Eden C. , BadassFatass , padmeamidala , Emma (Girl With Fire) , LeDuvall , Airen Wolf , I'll Miss You EF :( , SiNn , zeebot , Elaira , Miss Anonymous , angel142stx , wrecklesswords , Willow Wand , PassionateLover2 , Apirka , Squidget , Kush , SMichelle , Badass , ghalik , lillmiss5054 , xOhxSoxScandalousx , BlooJay , SubmissiveFeminist , pootpootpoot , Envoutes , Sam I Am , RomanticGoth , gloomybear , MistressDandelion , Peggi , Lildrummrgurl7 , Sinfully , duff , amenti , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , petlove0311 , LadyNova , spiced
Awesome avatar
teeny <3 , girl next door , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , namelesschaos , Adam02viper , Lucidity , Red Vinyl Kitty , Jul!a , pinkzombie , Stephanie Marie , Eden C. , BadassFatass , M121212 , KnK , padmeamidala , LeDuvall , Howells , SiNn , aliceinthehole , Elaira , Miss Anonymous , bad juju , emilia , Willow Wand , voenne , Apirka , SMichelle , Stinkytofu10 , Badass , sasweetheart89 , ghalik , xOhxSoxScandalousx , BlooJay , pootpootpoot , Envoutes , Sam I Am , RomanticGoth , MistressDandelion , Peggi , konicaguy , Sinfully , duff , amenti , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , petlove0311 , LadyNova , spiced
Funny/witty self-description on profile
teeny <3 , girl next door , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , namelesschaos , Lio , Adam02viper , Lucidity , Red Vinyl Kitty , Jul!a , pinkzombie , Stephanie Marie , Eden C. , BadassFatass , toxie m , *HisMrs* , KnK , LeDuvall , ♥ Amanda ♥ , SiNn , Petite Valentine , zeebot , aliceinthehole , Elaira , clp , Noira Celestia , Nothere , Miss Anonymous , angel142stx , wrecklesswords , submissive.sweetheart , Clandestine , PassionateLover2 , Splendwhore , Apirka , Squidget , Kush , Ms. N , SMichelle , curious kitten , Badass , Lilith Bealove , ghalik , xOhxSoxScandalousx , BlooJay , VelvetDragon , SubmissiveFeminist , pootpootpoot , Envoutes , Sam I Am , RomanticGoth , pasdechat , Nora29714 , gloomybear , Peggi , konicaguy , Sinfully , Noelle , duff , MrsHouseWife , amenti , charmedtomeetyou , BrittaniMaree , Bleu , anonymous1298304 , petlove0311 , LadyNova , spiced , WestTexasBarbie
I know them outside of EF.
DeliciousSurprise , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , namelesschaos , Lio , potstickers , mikebooks , Adam02viper , Darling Jen , Lucidity , Fuzzycow , Red Vinyl Kitty , Jul!a , HC , darthkitt3n , Jobthingy , Stephanie Marie , Eden C. , TheSinDoll , TitsMcScandal , Dusk , 0 , BadassFatass , Ajax , toxie m , *HisMrs* , CD37 , Cedarlooman , ac0313 , KnK , Emma (Girl With Fire) , BBW Talks Toys , Pixel , LeDuvall , bluekaren , Airen Wolf , zeebot , wrecklesswords , Willow Wand , Splendwhore , Kush , Ms. N , Badass , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Lilith Bealove , xOhxSoxScandalousx , SubmissiveFeminist , Sam I Am , Nora29714 , gloomybear , Peggi , SexyStuff , ArcaneBlast , anonymous1298304 , petlove0311 , WestTexasBarbie , angel42539
I'm secretly in love with them.
DeliciousSurprise , Lucidity , Cedarlooman , M121212 , ♥ Amanda ♥ , bluekaren , zeebot , clp , Miss Anonymous , Willow Wand , ghalik , pootpootpoot , Thomas90
What you can "follow people" on here?
ToyTimeTim , Bignuf , Willow Wand , joelb42 , TransGuy14
I'm anti-social and don't follow people.
DeliciousSurprise , Bunnycups , DCorrelle , Taylor , Emma (Girl With Fire) , Hot'n'Bothered , Mew , Gone (LD29) , srval69 , Woman China , ArcaneBlast
Some other unlisted reason which I will elaborate on
StrawberryEve , Crystal1 , mikebooks , Adam02viper , TheSinDoll , BBW Talks Toys , Pixel , K101 , Eucaly , lilly555 , Squidget , SMichelle , SexyRayne , ghalik , Love Obsessed , Woman China , SexyStuff , FindingJames , ToyGeek , Vadim50 , Pudyqat , ArcaneBlast , amenti , Trysexual , anonymous1298304 , petlove0311 , Falsepast
Total votes: 687 (217 voters)
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Contributor: StrawberryEve StrawberryEve
They were either people whose articles I read, a mentor, or someone I think I could get along with.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Usually if I follow someone it is either because I especially enjoy their reviews (ie not just informative, but also fun to read) or because they have a body similar to mine, making their lingerie reviews especially helpful.
Contributor: mikebooks mikebooks
Either their review usefulness, or their selection of favourite/reviewed toys.
Contributor: Linga Linga
I don't like to push myself onto people so I usually just wait for people to add me first.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
I usually follow people that I really like on the forum, love their reviews, are every useful for tips or site info, or I have a personal connection to them. I try not to follow people 'just cause' because I try to use it to keep up with people's reviews and whatnot.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
Usually because I like their forum post or reviews. Sometimes just because of a cool screen name or avatar, or I because follow their twitter stream or blog outside EF.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
What you can follow people here? Isn't that kinda like stocking them? haha Just kidding, I could not help it.

I would say for the most part, all the above. I tend to follow active members of the community and those that write good reviews. I also like to follow funny/creative members as well.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I follow for lots of different reasons. Having helpful forum posts and reviews is usually why I follow, but having awesome avatars or screen names never hurts
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I couldn't help it. I had to choose I'm anti-social and don't follow people.
Contributor: Rockin' Rockin'
I don't follow based on names or avatars alone, but cool names and avatars might catch my attention more so I read your post/thread. I usually follow people I've seen around on EF, interacted thru email, or otherwise found interesting in some way or another.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
There are so many reasons. The one that follow me I will eventually follow back when I think about going and doing it.
Contributor: Stephanie Marie Stephanie Marie
Random reasons as you can see I clicked a bunch of them.
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
I do it based on different things. Sometimes, it's because I see their name all the time in the forums. Sometimes, they follow me first. Other times, they'll write interesting/cool reviews.
Sometimes I follow people once they've graduated the mentor program, 'cause they're pointed out in the community corner and I find their reviews to be very useful.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I do it for different reasons too. Often I'll read a comment they've posted in the forums that I really like, or agree with and will follow them. Or if I discover while browsing reviews that someone likes similar toys as me, I'll follow them because it will give me a good idea if I'll like something or not too. I try to make sure I follow everyone following me too.
Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
Originally posted by Bunnycups
I couldn't help it. I had to choose I'm anti-social and don't follow people.
LOL! But you're branching out into the world via my poll! Good for you, I'm so proud!
Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
Originally posted by Crystal1
Usually if I follow someone it is either because I especially enjoy their reviews (ie not just informative, but also fun to read) or because they have a body similar to mine, making their lingerie reviews especially helpful.
Oooh good idea! I think I've followed a few people because the way they described their body seemed similar to mine. I figured if something fit on/in them really well, maybe it would do the same for me.
Contributor: Ajax Ajax
When I first joined I followed the people who seemed to be popping up the most in the community or who seemed to have been around longest.

Now I follow people I find helpful, people who add me, or people I know in real life.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
Usually because they wrote a good review or a lot of other people seem to follow them.
Contributor: MMMARY MMMARY
Usually it's when I see the name a few times, so I assume they have intrest in the same products I do. Or they wrote a REALLY funny review!
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
I usually follow people that have followed me.
Contributor: Cedarlooman Cedarlooman
So far I am not following too many. I followed my mentor, and my two friends from IRL, I will get around to following more based on reviews or people who are following me if I see they are writing interesting things. (If for example someone follows me, but never contributes to the site or reviews, I really don't see a big urge to follow them...) And I marked Secretly in love with, but it's not really a secret. *grins*
Contributor: barrettbn2 barrettbn2
usually I follow someone based on reviews they do
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
What you can follow people here? Isn't that kinda like stocking them? haha Just kidding, I could not help it.

I would say for the most part, all the above. I tend to follow active members of the community and those that write good ... more
Likewise. If you can make me giggle, then I lurve you.
Contributor: Willis2011 Willis2011
they wrote an awesome review
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I might follow someone who follows me if they interact with me either on my wall or via PM or in the forums. I need a little more than "New Follower" or "Following" to get my attention. That's just me.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
I usually only follow people who interact with me, or have similar interests.
Contributor: Howells Howells
The point of following would be the wall but I don't find it too useful. Do you use it?

I use the follow feature as user-bookmarks. If I find somebody interesting I follow her/him.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Howells
The point of following would be the wall but I don't find it too useful. Do you use it?

I use the follow feature as user-bookmarks. If I find somebody interesting I follow her/him.
Actually, you can write on someone's wall and not follow them. BUT, if you want to get "notified" of things that are going on in the community, following your favorite users will allow you to see where they're commenting, what they're posting, what they're rating.

Of course, you could always set your alerts to know when they post in the forums, write reviews, etc.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I usually wait until the person has posted interesting things on the forum and has some reviews to read.

I am always behind on following people, mostly because I don't always check to see who is following, and if I haven't seen their work, I'll wait until I see what they have produced.

I really do wish other people's "in my hands now" etc stuff wasn't posted on our walls. It takes up so much space, and I often use my page to get to the forum. Sometimes there will be 2 or more pages of someone else's wish list items, and while interesting, it takes up valuable space on the wall. I actually spend less time on "lures" than I would like, because I don't want to fill up other people's walls with my "interesting, but I'm not sure" etc about a load of toys.

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