Welcome to the Eden Fantasys Community!
Our Community was created to provide a friendly, judgement-free environment where everyone can mingle, exchange information and personal stories, have fun and laugh, win prizes, and converse about any topic - from politics to sex.
Our forum is at its best when everyone treats their fellows with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that everyone conducts themselves in a civilized manner.
Please treat others as you would like to be treated.
It seems as if some of us forgot to read our initial Expectations of Conduct, so we've decided to make a reminder of the most important points.
We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis.
Code of Conduct:
1. Trolling, harassing, bullying, and disrespecting others will not be tolerated.
2. Don’t engage in Flame Wars. If things get out of control, the post will be closed. Repeated offenders will be banned.
3. Spamming and soliciting is not permitted.
4. Please use your best judgment when flagging someone. You not liking the person is not a reason enough.
5. Please keep profanity to a minimum.
6. Screen names or avatars of offensive nature are not permitted.
7. Arguing and refusing a Moderator/Administrato r will not be a wise move and might get you banned.
Eden Fantasys reserves the right to modify and update the Code of Conduct at any time and without warning.
Our Community was created to provide a friendly, judgement-free environment where everyone can mingle, exchange information and personal stories, have fun and laugh, win prizes, and converse about any topic - from politics to sex.
Our forum is at its best when everyone treats their fellows with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that everyone conducts themselves in a civilized manner.
Please treat others as you would like to be treated.
It seems as if some of us forgot to read our initial Expectations of Conduct, so we've decided to make a reminder of the most important points.
We reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case by case basis.
Code of Conduct:
1. Trolling, harassing, bullying, and disrespecting others will not be tolerated.
2. Don’t engage in Flame Wars. If things get out of control, the post will be closed. Repeated offenders will be banned.
3. Spamming and soliciting is not permitted.
4. Please use your best judgment when flagging someone. You not liking the person is not a reason enough.
5. Please keep profanity to a minimum.
6. Screen names or avatars of offensive nature are not permitted.
7. Arguing and refusing a Moderator/Administrato r will not be a wise move and might get you banned.
Eden Fantasys reserves the right to modify and update the Code of Conduct at any time and without warning.