hey i was wondering can you block certain people from reading or making comments on your posts?
blocking people
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Not that I'm aware. Most people are pretty chill with everyone.
Yeah. I don't think you can. However, if someone is causing you problems, make sure to e-mail/message an admin, and they'll take a look into the situation.
That is a feature from Facebook that I've become fond of. Even if a person isn't harassing you, sometimes one hates getting their responses to certain things. I hope it is as mild as this for you. Sometimes that mild can annoy one throughout the day, though... Good luck, whatever the situation is.
There's really nothing you can do right now except bring it up to an admin if somebody is purposely trying to mess with you. If it's just responses you don't care to read, you're best off just ignoring them. Either way, best of luck
I guess the above comments were most helpful. If it's really a bad situation like someone who's harassed your or something serious, definitely email and try to have something done about it. I had a girl who actually started stalking me, she had found me on FB after years of us going to school together. She had found every website I was involved with regularly, my business, etc. She even found out I was involved here and had told me she sent an email to EF saying I "recommed" they HIRE HER! She had not a clue what this place is and she said she "just wanted free stuff." I was worried that she would reflect badly on me by that email and then screwing EF over by not following up on her part of the deal. Thankfully, I was able to get something done after she followed my partner, child and I to a little outing one day. She drove 2 hours and somehow found us! It got scary. Anyways, if you think it's serious, don't hesitate to do something. However, I've no clue what's going on I was just guessing and figured someone was bugging you.
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