Your mid-way into having sex and you hear a LOUD knock at your door, what do you do? What DO you DO?!?

Contributor: Daniel & Brittany Daniel & Brittany
Everyone has been in this situation before, and if you haven't i'm sure it will come up eventually, unless your lucky enough to own a great big house where you can't hear a LOUD knock while in your room. I wanna take a poll of other peoples reactions. This poll is leaned more twards men but thats just because I answer the door.

One answer got messed up it was Scream "I"M COMING" haha i made a pun, and hope they chill till your done
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Stop mid-stroke throw on some cloths and run to see whats wrong
SexyTabby , LikeSunshineDust , Misfit Momma , MaryExy , Jobthingy , Redboxbaby , Lio , darthkitt3n , Cream in the Cupcake , SaucyMan , Jimbo Jones , Emma (Girl With Fire) , MeliPixie , ToyTimeTim , liilii080 , racoons , *HisMrs* , Solar Ray , LennaKieran , IrishLassie , Lady Marmelade , zracer , Airen Wolf , Valentinka , nicole07 , w-o-name , amandaco2011 , sexygoddess , sassyNsensual , PiratePrincess , babypinecone , BiJess , sarki , Errant Venture , MJ1337 , G.L. Morrison , usmcwife99 , EJ , LAndJ , klyte , geliebt , LilLostLenore , jc123 , deltalima , K101 , Swish , T&A1987 , MissCandyland , Undead
49  (27%)
Go balls out and finish quickly so you can throw on cloths and see whats wrong
Kaltir , Miss Morphine , LeDuvall , Wild Orchid
4  (2%)
dhig , bunny love , Valyn , SamsDelight , sixfootsex , Miss Otter
6  (3%)
Ignore it completely and hope they go away
Ansley , Yoda , Lithaewyn , phunkyphreak , moonch1ld , LittleBoPeep , Darling Jen , Lucidity , VanillaFreeSex , zeebot , UnknownGirl , cobiffle , loveshocks , married with children , Lummox , tigerkate , pinkcupcakes , Tori Rebel , Liz2 , BadassFatass , ~LaUr3n~ , padmeamidala , MR Chickhabit , Selective Sensualist , Envy , Elliotstar , Adam02viper , bluekaren , C4ss , sexyk515 , kinky girlfriend , fromazoo , Erotica Explorer , Hot'n'Bothered , MsGoosie , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , toxie m , alliegator , M121212 , Shellz31 , PersonalAngel , Michelle Menace , purplekidney , Miss Zombie , ZenaidaMacroura , Kdlips , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Lily Night , yw2 , Dusk , slynch , Hadespark , Onanist , Inwitari , Crystal1 , dv8 , Ashley:) , Pixel , Rarity , DCorrelle , Rossie , GravyCakes , mb , Ms. Spice , The Curious Couple , DustBunny , Dizzykakes , tickle me pink , link82 , angel142stx , ss143 , Bignuf , lanky , lovemuscle n cookie , gthang78 , blazingshadow08 , Kim! , ns143ts , l'amour , Endocott , SiNn , v23 , loreennamk , bebth , curmudgeoncat , Sex'и'Violence , ofackmird , indiglo , jeangel246 , kokopelli , Apirka , TheSlyFox , Ice1 , xoflxokcxo , wrmbreze , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Fun with Dick & Jane , Ash1141 , Greenleaf , Darklyvan , Mihoshi4301 , bayosgirl , Moein , ddd masturbator(bye all!) , arduous , averageguyextrodinarypleasure , CoffeeCup , chantalgiardina , Stinkytofu10 , mpfm , Missmarc , BobbiJay , Nazaress , Harpina is gone , Azule , brevado , PropertyOfPotter , kims89 , PeachCandy , Scrawberry78
120  (67%)
Total votes: 179
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Save for an emergency or a food delivery, no one should ever be knocking on my door. Friends and family are not allowed to just drop by because of our lifestyle and have to be buzzed in via phone.

If it's an emergency chances are we've already heard the alarm or people shouting. Thin walls, yo.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Honestly, we can hear anyone on our property because of our dogs. We know when people should be there so if they are knocking uninvited then it's for a reason. We would get up and check what was wrong.
Contributor: Yoda Yoda
No one interrupts sex in our house.
Contributor: Lithaewyn Lithaewyn
We don't have a giant house but I can't imagine who the hell would be knocking on our door. Nobody comes over unless its planned and if it was a friend they would call first because they can't even get into our complex without us opening the gate!
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I am not really sure what I would do. I would most likely stop and look out the window to see if I could tell who it was. Not sure if I would run down the steps to answer the door for a random person who I wasn't expecting.
Contributor: moonch1ld moonch1ld
I either ignore it or yell I'm busy.
Contributor: Misfit Momma Misfit Momma
Unexpected people coming to the door freak me out big time due to some events in the past, so most people that come over know to call first other than the mail carriers.

I would, most likely, creep up to the door and peer out to see who it was like I always do though.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Pfft, ignore it.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
If I'm not expecting anybody it's probably nobody I care to see, anyway.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
We usually ignore it and hope they go away or stop and see what they want real quick and then get back to it.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
If it is that loud, its not just someone selling something that can be ignored. I will throw a robe on and go see what the hell is the matter. If it turns out to be nothing, go back at it
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by Jobthingy
If it is that loud, its not just someone selling something that can be ignored. I will throw a robe on and go see what the hell is the matter. If it turns out to be nothing, go back at it
Same here. Living out in the woods like we do, the dogs would go ballistic if someone was banging on the door and there would be no ignoring it, no matter how much we would like to.
Contributor: married with children married with children
It would depend on what time of day it was. If it was in the middle of the night, I would have to go see who was there. In the middle of the day, forget them.
Contributor: tigerkate tigerkate
Lol, this has happened to me before... And we pretended not to hear it. The person went away, leaving a note on the door to tell us maintenance was coming next week

But really, we would ignore it, and if the person kept knocking, obviously stop, put on some clothes and answer the door.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Right now, the person at the door would be my mom, so yeah, we zip up quick. But in our apartment, I guess if we knew it wasnt family we'd ignore it, never happened tho.
Contributor: SaucyMan SaucyMan
Well, there have been times when I, and my partner at the time, were so close to cumming, that the sudden surprise of a loud knock sent us over the edge! But yes, most of the time, I have to stop and tie my dressing gown in such a way that it traps my erection. Works. Mostly.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I would peek out the window to see who it was. I figure that it would most likely be a delivery in which case it could wait until we finished.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Daniel & Brittany
Everyone has been in this situation before, and if you haven't i'm sure it will come up eventually, unless your lucky enough to own a great big house where you can't hear a LOUD knock while in your room. I wanna take a poll of other ... more
I prefer to ignore them, My Man can't ignore a ringing phone or a knock at the door.

We have kids, so we're used to interruptions.

This has actually happened. Once he put on his sleep pants (which is what he usually wears when he isn't nude) and started to go down stairs.....with this huge tent pole in his pants. It could not be ignored. I had to put on my robe and see who it was, all sweaty and pink and frustrated. Some idiot selling magazine subscriptions, if I remember properly.

I said, "We were in bed!" and slammed the door. I should have said, "We were fucking. GO AWAY!" My Man said I was rude. *sigh*
Contributor: Valyn Valyn
Lol at the 'Scream "I"M COMING" '
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
There's no "other option", and this hasn't happened to me in a long time, but my solution was usually to answer the door naked. If they heard what was going on and decided to knock anyway, I figured it'd serve them right.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
...Ask what's wrong?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I've actually done this to a friend of mine. I didn't mean to. It was the middle of the afternoon. They have a baby, and I guess they were trying to fit it in while the baby was sleeping. I knocked on the door (which is weird, because their door is usually open and I walk right in. Thank goodness someone there had the sense to lock the door. "P'Gell or D. might come over.")

She came to the door all disheveled and I knew immediately what was happening. She's trying to play it off, like it's nothing, her husband is yelling for her (THAT was funny) and I just said, "OMG, you're getting laid. I'm sorry. Call me later." And I ran before she could say anything else.

I guess her husband and My Man had a laugh about it later. She was mortified that I knew. WTF? I have sex, too. I know the look.
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I now live in a somewhat rural area so I just don't open the door, unless I know who it is. If we are having sex, it is even easier to ignore the door but my ears are tuned to the vehicle leaving.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
Unless it's an emergency I'll just tell whoever it is that I'm busy.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
Originally posted by UnknownGirl
If I'm not expecting anybody it's probably nobody I care to see, anyway.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Daniel & Brittany
Everyone has been in this situation before, and if you haven't i'm sure it will come up eventually, unless your lucky enough to own a great big house where you can't hear a LOUD knock while in your room. I wanna take a poll of other ... more
I'd be most likely to ignore it unless it was a real emergency to do with my kids.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I go see who it is, I can see the driveway and if I know the car we will stop. If not, on we go.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
This has happened to us at the in laws several times. We freeze and have the conversation through the door if we can. If not, he puts on some clothes and we take care of what needs to be dealt with. NOT fun.
Contributor: racoons racoons
Was it robbery case or your roommate just came over? =)