This was a very difficult question for me to answer. I lost many of my memories due to brain damage in a car accident a few years ago. It is pretty heartwrenching to listen to my daughter or husband talk about some of our good, meaningful times in the past and not be able to remember the feelings or events. I lost some of my bad memories as well, but this made me more vulnerable to repeat the mistakes and have to relearn a lesson already learned. One of the hardest things is to try to explain to someone that you have no memory of what they are talking about. They will treat you differently after that, almost like a child that does not understand...
I have raised my daughter, have a wonderful granddaughter and have pretty much come to terms with my relationship. I would rather not be able to make new memories, but have all my old ones back. They made me who I am today. When you lose some of your old memories, you also lose a part of who you are today. You get stuck in limbo--wondering who the hell you are and why you had to change.