What would you do if you won a big lottery jackpot?

Contributor: spiced spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of course, I hardly ever play the lottery; I agree with Ambrose Bierce that the lottery is basically a tax on people who are bad at math! But I digress....

What would YOU do if you struck it rich?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Spend most of it on wine, women and song — and squander the rest.
The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , hillys
Invest heavily in pork bellies and/or other mysterious commodities.
bog , evie.amor
Buy each of my friends a Mercedes-Benz — just because it rhymes.
Noelle , Cinnyree
Finally buy the Stronic Eins.
Loriandhubby , bratcat , mdnght , Taylor , TheirPet , Living Doll , Evgeny Kravtsov , potstickers
Change my name and move far away to an undisclosed location, to escape from all the "long-lost friends and family" who have suddenly started coming out of the woodwork.
The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary , bayosgirl , MissCandyland , LavenderSkies , GONE! , wetone123 , Martiniman , Msmueller , Hazeleyes2012 , KinkyKatieJames , Bignuf , BlooJay , ViVix , married with children , jennifur77 , Living Doll , js250 , null , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , Noelle , Pandwhora , AwesomeAmanda , evie.amor , XxFallenAngelxX
Give it away, give it away, give it away, give it away now.
bog , mdnght , TheirPet , Noelle , AwesomeAmanda , evie.amor
Keep my job at the Quickie Mart, just in case.
bratcat , GONE! , raffi , Taylor , null , gsfanatic , gabyduffy
Zingy , MissCandyland , bog , bratcat , Gunsmoke , Allison.Wilder , K101 , GirlOnGirl , eri86 , SF , Mr. E , mpfm , TJtheMadHatter , Bubba29 , Allstars316 , CutiePatootie , raffi , Martiniman , Missy27 , U3H , Munko , LaSchwartz , Kitka , KinkyKatieJames , Isola , Bignuf , captainsgirl , Kallina , TheirPet , js250 , null , AmethystQueen , DawnStar , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , PropertyOfPotter , Kitten has left the site , jr2012 , gabyduffy , Cosmonaut , AwesomeAmanda , evie.amor , XxFallenAngelxX , spiced , peachmarie , rosythorn
Total votes: 96 (67 voters)
Poll is closed
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Originally posted by spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of ... more
Graduate college with no debt, and go to work in the art field, feeling confident that money won't be a problem. Dream come true (money is one of the biggest worries in my life)
Contributor: The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary The-IT-Guy-And-My-Secretary
I would buy a cabin out in the remote woods and have an aircraft hanger filled with all sorts of cars,
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Um, I know what I would WANT to do. Move to a foreign country with hubby, build a house and have a farm. I don't know if he'd be up for the move to a foreign country part.. I might have to go by myself Kidding!
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I would move to a secluded area. I would also buy my mom a house and let her go on her dream vacation since she hasn't had the opportunity to travel.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of ... more
Buy an island!
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of ... more
I'm in your boat; I don't play the lottery. If I did magically win anyway, I'd give lots to charity and needy friends, fund lots of cool creative projects, invest some, and buy lots of land in a forest somewhere with a big house and a huge garden and a few animals, and tons of sex toys.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
With such a large sum of money, i'd honestly be putting a lot of it aside for school since thats currently my biggest expense as well as helping my mom out with her dept. I'm sure i'd do a lot of frivolous spending (THINK OF ALL THE TOYS I COULD FINALLY GET), but i'd defiantly keep a job since many people who come into a large sum of money like that quickly go bankrupt.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
We would do boring things like pay off the house, buy a new car (mine is 14 years old and my wife's is 13 years old) - then we'd help family and the church.
Contributor: Sera26 Sera26
First I'd buy a house for myself and some family members. I'm not sure exactly what else I'd get. I rarely play the lottery though so it's very unlikely that I'd win one day.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Originally posted by spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of ... more
With money like that, I'd make sure my loved ones were set for life with things like homes and cars. Then I'd make sure that my son had a significant trust and I'd live it up like I can't even begin to imagine.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by spiced
I was just reading about a 44 year old grocery store owner who hit it BIG: he recently won $338 Million, the 4th largest Powerball jackpot ever. Read all about it.

It got me thinking about what I'd do if I won such a big jackpot. Of ... more
LOL @ your poll options! Very fun. I laughed.

I really have no idea what I'd even do. Probably do some saving or something. Gosh I have no clue!
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
I don't know exactly but I wouldn't just spend it on things, I'd wanna have financial security. Also, I'd share with family and friends but not "long-lost friends and family".
Contributor: mdnght mdnght
Take care of family things (me and my sister's college tuitions, etc), invest and save up a good bit, donate to charities, and of course, squander a portion of it on fun stuff
Contributor: eri86 eri86
First: Pay off what little debt I have.
Second: Make a donation to my church.
Third: Buy a new car.
Fourth: Buy a home:
Fifth: Decorate said home.
Sixth: Buy a dog
Seventh: Put the rest into multiple bank and savings accounts.
Contributor: butts butts
Make sure I can stay on testosterone therapy, get top surgery, fund research for better FtM bottom surgery, eat the healthiest food, move to an amazing apartment in Japan, buy my grandmother some nice things, buy a REALLY nice computer and tablet... if it was a big enough jackpot, buy out an apartment complex and let all of my friends live there for free. Donate a lot. Travel a lot. I have so many friends I want to help out, I'd end up spending a lot on helping them improve their lives!
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I would buy somewhere to live that I could keep easily even if I suddenly lost most of my money.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I would pay off all of our debt, set up a trust for our son, buy a house at the coast, help my dad and sister (my mom is already married to a millionaire), help out some family (the older ones), invest/save, donate to some really great programs/foundations/r escues/research, and then spend some money. I'd buy all of the toys I want, create a fabulous sex toy room, buy my husband some toys (car, motorcycle; nothing new since he likes to work on them), buy myself a newer Tahoe, and I would finally go back to school, guilt free. Oh, and I would get us better health insurance.
Contributor: Bubba29 Bubba29
ok, i'd move to a log cabin with much property to farm and hunt. i'd get a beach house down south and fishing cabin up north. i'd open the most kick ass gym around. i'd finally convince the wife that swinging is not crazy cause we are millionaires.

i imagine i'd have much left over to bank and donate.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Lets see. I would buy a house and new car and just enjoy life. But have fun doing it.
Contributor: raffi raffi
firstly - i would do whatever i could to keep it out of the freaking media lol. if i want to give some away i'll do it on my own, but someone asking me will just point blank piss me off. (i know this, because people already ask me for money and i HAVE NONE! lol)

so, what would i do with it? i'd live comfortably but humbly, and continue to work because that is the example i want to set for my children. oh, but i'd have a full time freaking maid.

i have my dads truck that he bought brand new, 40 years ago - it's old and barely hanging in there these days, and when he died, he gave it to me. i'd have everything fixed and rebuilt on it so i can give it to my son.

i'd invest in some real estate (not a house for myself, i already have one that i love), but rental properties - something i can grow my money with and be able to leave behind for my kids.

i think everyone would like to have "just a little more money!", me too, but i don't want it to change who i am and what i believe in.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
First off, never buy the Stronic Eins...waste of good money.

Secondly, I love your Red Hot Chili Pepper's reference...give it away now.

Third, I don't play the lottery.

Now to answer the question...invest, invest, invest, a nice long vacation in Europe and the Caribbean, then a Ferrari just because.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
Lets also remember, after taxes and the difference in accepting a lump sum payout, the winner is only getting about half of the 338 million dollars.
Contributor: spiced spiced
I'd invest most of it, and set up a trust fund that gave us enough — but not TOO much — money to live comfortably on, then I'd lavishly pay back (and then some) all the people and organizations who've made a big positive difference in our lives.

And then (and I should have included this as an option in the poll), like that guy in Office Space, I'd finally fulfill my lifelong dream of doing nothing.
Contributor: Msmueller Msmueller
Id take care of all our debt, buy a nice big house, new vehicles, and set aside for my kids college
Contributor: Missy27 Missy27
I would pay off all our debt and our parents debt, put money aside for kids college and possible their first homes in the future. Buy a new car, invest some and start planning amazing vacations.
Contributor: Hazeleyes2012 Hazeleyes2012
Buy a moderately nice house 4 car garage.. Big backyard for the puppies.. Pay off all my debt... Put the money in a few different secure banks live off the interest I like middle class... Take a year off... Get in shape.... Donate my time to help others....
Contributor: Munko Munko
Have way more babies!!

Renovate the house, maybe finally buy the acreage we've always wanted. Have a nice, huge backyard with a playground for the kids, agility course for the pups. Oh and buy a small cottage at our favorite vacation spot.

Set aside money for the kids. Donate, invest. Take a trip!
Contributor: LaSchwartz LaSchwartz
I would put most of it in savings and buy things we need mainly a sofa and dinning set.