Will you risk getting sick for sex?

Contributor: JEM JEM
My husband currently has a cold, in which he claims I gave him though I never had it (being a teacher has marked me his Outbreak Monkey for years now), I really want to have sex but I have been doing everything in my power to not catch this terrible cold. Would you risk the contamination for sex?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Bring on the sex and the germs!
Alicia , Jul!a , staceejaxxx , removedacnt , Gunsmoke , DeliciousSurprise , Throwingawaysoon , Sammi , Darling Jen , ToyTimeTim , Miss Morphine , leatherlover , Waterfall , Rckt56 , Madeira , BBW Talks Toys , Miss Cinnamon , fghjkl , Mistress Kitty , Lummox , Illusional , maskineri , Rainbow Boy , Dusk , Shellz31 , Selective Sensualist , LavenderSkies , Jimbo Jones , Jobthingy , C4ss , Raggedy Andie , Kindred , Liz2 , LikeSunshineDust , SexyTabby , Carrie Ann , Yoda , LicentiouslyYours , Beaners , ~LaUr3n~ , BenEatsSauerkraut , Tori Rebel , ID42 , Tart , Redboxbaby , Lindz86 , potstickers , DustBunny , mm4sa , Lady Neshamah , meganthomas , Not here , Lady Venus , *HisMrs* , married with children , null , danellejohns , rdytogo , Kim! , AussieSarah , Sensual husband , Persephone's Addiction , BadassFatass , Natural Woman , Angel deSanguine , SomewhatSomewhere , her.royal.redness , Eliza , darthkitt3n , moonch1ld , Vaccinium , Adam02viper , 34 , Pixel , Naughty Student , sbon , Miss Jenn , dv8 , lezergirl , DreamWolf , Missmarc , Secret Pleasure , Lucky21 , JackRaiden , Apirka , tiggle biddies , Rin (aka Nire) , ViVix , C-Rae , Various , cryinglightning86 , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , SparklyGlitter , Feisty , Scrawberry78 , Lildrummrgurl7 , Kinky T , Ilovelingerie , HotMilk , Noelle , gsfanatic , TiffyPixie , *Camoprincess* , WhoopieDoo , KrissyNovacaine , hot lil momma , bedorerc , duff
108  (81%)
Stay away until germ free!
joja , Harlequin , Avant-garde , Envy , Coralbell , just a sub , PassionQT , KnK , jakjak , popples , ToyGeek , lamira , Hot'n'Bothered , Xavier7 , Hadespark , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , EJ , Silverdrop , JennSenn , xilliannax , kitty1949 , LadyDarknezz , Rey , Anne , GenderSexplorations
25  (19%)
Total votes: 133
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Alicia Alicia
In regards to a cold? Yea, I'd risk it. We usually take it easy on the kissing when either of us is sick with something contagious like a cold though.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I generally feel like if we're living together, we're bound to end up infecting the other at some point anyway. Even if we're not kissing, swapping fluids of any kind, or even sharing a drink. Just the act of sleeping next to each other has sometimes gotten the other one sick. But that's just us, lol.

I'd risk it.
Contributor: joja joja
Meh, I hate being sick. Head colds are the worst. As much as I love sex, I can stick to masturbating together for three or so days until it goes away.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke

My wife's a teacher so she gets a ton of bugs going around. I manage to avoid them - but I will minimize mouth-to-mouth contact when she's got one. She doesn't mind - if she wants an orgasm - she doesn't need to kiss me!
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
The germs are already in the house. We sleep in the same bed. And I probably already had sex with him, or at least kissed him, while he was already sick but didn't have any symptoms yet. So it really doesn't make much difference if we have sex while he's got the cold symptoms. If I'm going to catch it I might as well have fun doing it.

Now whether he wants it or not is another story.

And I really would only do this with a cold. If it were something like the stomach flu, I wouldn't even sleep in the same room as him.
Contributor: Harlequin Harlequin
That's a tough one but I'd honestly rather not get sick. I hate being sick and when I do get sick it seems like it lasts forever!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by removedacnt
The germs are already in the house. We sleep in the same bed. And I probably already had sex with him, or at least kissed him, while he was already sick but didn't have any symptoms yet. So it really doesn't make much difference if we have ... more
It really is a question of whether he wants it or not - if mine is sick, usually he's in no mood whatsoever.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by Jul!a
I generally feel like if we're living together, we're bound to end up infecting the other at some point anyway. Even if we're not kissing, swapping fluids of any kind, or even sharing a drink. Just the act of sleeping next to each other ... more
This is us to a tee. If one gets sick the other will no matter what.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
This is us to a tee. If one gets sick the other will no matter what.
The amusing thing to me, seeing this poll pop up, is that my fiance actually is sick right now, lol. He's worried about getting me sick and I keep telling him that I'm not worried because honestly, unless I stopped being near him days ago, if I'm going to get sick, I'm going to get sick, and stopping contact now doesn't really change anything.
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
Sex is a great immune system booster, bring it on!
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by Sammi
It really is a question of whether he wants it or not - if mine is sick, usually he's in no mood whatsoever.
That's because we've been married for a long time. I remember when we were young, he didn't care if he was sick.....he still wanted it. LOL
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Originally posted by removedacnt
That's because we've been married for a long time. I remember when we were young, he didn't care if he was sick.....he still wanted it. LOL
Heh - true enough
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by Lucidity
Sex is a great immune system booster, bring it on!
Ditto! I'd do it!
Contributor: Envy Envy
When I'm sick, last thing I want is to be touched or anything, same if my guy is sick. Yuck!
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
As much as I hate germs, it's different if it's a partners germs and there's sex involved....hehehe.
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by JEM
My husband currently has a cold, in which he claims I gave him though I never had it (being a teacher has marked me his Outbreak Monkey for years now), I really want to have sex but I have been doing everything in my power to not catch this terrible ... more
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
If he is sick, I am on it. If I am sick.. well that is a different story. LOL. Let me sleep
Contributor: Raggedy Andie Raggedy Andie
I'm with Alicia. I tend not to want to kiss as much if someone is sick but bring on the sex!
It's not very sexy if you have a runny nose and you are dripping all over your partner's face. That is mainly my reason for not kissing a lot. I figure that since we live together and sleep in the same bed, we are bound to pick it up anyway. If not, it's a bonus!
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
You will more than likely catch it too, so you might as well have fun!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
Just being together you are definitely in the "germ range", so go with it. But on the other hand, if my guy has a really bad cold, he is totally not interested in sex or kissing. If I am down for the count, I feel the same way.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Unless it's something more then a cold I'd say do what you feel up too but I'd minimize mouth to mouth. Most likely get it anyway just from being in the same space. That being said I didn't get none last night cuz hubby isn't feeling well and didn't feel up to it which was blah since it was such a perfect night with all the snow outside and warm fire inside *sighs* oh well feeding him lots of soup. There's always tonight
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
Originally posted by Kindred
You will more than likely catch it too, so you might as well have fun!
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
I don't really care. I have a strong immune system so USUALLY if I get sick it only lasts about a day.
Contributor: PassionQT PassionQT
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I don't really care. I have a strong immune system so USUALLY if I get sick it only lasts about a day.
Lucky you! I have had a bronchial virus since September 1st! Been to the Dr. 4 times, tried two anti-biotics, two opinions. It's the most stubborn virus I've ever had. Funny thing is, I have no head congestion. This one is all in the chest. My sister in another state has it too and it's been 5 weeks for her.
Contributor: KnK KnK
It depends... Not if they're like drippy-nosed and sniffling. I'd tell them to rest.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
As long as the sick person in the relationship is feeling up to it, we still do it...we figure that chances are, just being in close quarters, etc. will transmit whatever contagion it is anyway. May as well enjoy ourselves!
Contributor: ID42 ID42
Last Christmas/Yule season my girlio brought strep throat home to the whole family. Baby included. It traveled from my daughter to DH and then because I normally can't keep my hands, mouth or vagina to myself... me. I figure if you're going to get sick, you might as well have a fabulous time doing it because in close quarters, you're probably going to get sick anyway.
Contributor: Lindz86 Lindz86
Go grab some ColdFX and get at it!
Contributor: JEM JEM
I keep telling my husband that if I have not gotten it yet then I probably won't but he still insists on no sex until he is better.....and not because he doesn't feel well enough. It's because he does not want to get me sick. I know that is sweet but still!!!