How would you live and make a living?
Which would you be if you could manage it right now? :)
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Living in the middle of no where with my sell from home business would be sweet
Middle of nowhere growing herbs to turn into healing remedies then sell them eather online or to the locals. This is actually what I am studying to do right now.
I want my own adult shop! =)
I'd live on the beach in australia and do nothing every day but that'll never happen haha.
I'd be the head of the psychiatric ward at the hospital across from my campus. A girl can dream! <3
There's a lot of things I would enjoy doing.
Live in the middle of nowhere and grow my own food for sure.
I would love to be a makeup artist. I've always loved makeup, and I feel like it would be a really creative outlet. OR I'd love to be in marketing, fashion or TV. Another thing that would be my dream job would be making a living with music, or maybe an animal trainer.
I'm all over the map! lol
I'm all over the map! lol
I would like to be paid to review videogames lol.
Running a business is where it's at.
who wouldnt wnat a dream jobv from home
Originally posted by
How would you live and make a living?
Owning a store would be nice!
Living in the middle of nowhere would be hell for me. I would hate that so much.
While my first instinct is to say that I don't want to work at all, in reality, it's better for me in many ways - the extra social interaction and mental stimulation, etc.
While my first instinct is to say that I don't want to work at all, in reality, it's better for me in many ways - the extra social interaction and mental stimulation, etc.
Ideally? I would have work from home by selling things I made online, I'm actually working on getting such a system set up right now but it's slow going.
Would own my own business and grow my own garden. Plus, my husband hunts venison so that would help with the meat.
I wanted so bad to have a garden this year and it didn't work out.
I wanted so bad to have a garden this year and it didn't work out.
I would either work at home or have my own business elsewhere.
I'd love to disconnect from a lot of things and live off the grid for awhile.
Well, I do alot of that already. Lol. A good bit of my work does come home with me. It's no problem though, I really don't mind it. However, I don't own my own store, but that is a dream of mine. Selling all my lovely handmade items! Living in the middle of nowhere and growing my own stuff? Not a bad idea. Not only grow EVERYTHING though. I do make a lot of my own things, but not too much. Mostly fragrance, body/skincare, some clothing. Only do the clothing and all for fun though. I wouldn't want to live with ONLY my handmade clothing. Yikes! Lol. That wouldn't be a pretty sight.
Originally posted by
How would you live and make a living?
If I could live well while sitting on my ass, I totally would.
I'd open my own restaurant/bar and live somewhere fairly secluded where I could grow my own stuff and make my own things. I am pretty handy and crafty. I'm a country girl at heart so I definitely see myself settling down in the country.
if i could i would rather work from home... but if in an ideally situation i would hit the lottery and go on a lifetime paid vacation
Originally posted by
How would you live and make a living?
Working from home would be nice, but I have always wanted to be a stay-at-home dad.
I would love to own my own store.
I would love to work from home.
I'm in school for engineering right now, so I'd love to just have a great engineering job, lol. Being done with school is such a strange concept.

Expanding my computer repair business into my main income would be awesome
I'm a college student currently, and whenever things get stressful, I can't help but wonder why I do it all. Sometimes I'm really tempted to just drop everything, buy a farm, and live out on my own in the middle of nowhere. I know I'll probably never do it, but it isn't a bad daydream.
I want an easy-but-not-too easy job that I can get by on. (My job isn't easy, and I'm not really getting by at the moment, but I'm working on finding other things.) Working from home drives me nuts and not-working isn't actually all that fun.
And how about growing stuff but not in the middle of nowhere?
And how about growing stuff but not in the middle of nowhere?
I would love to successfully work from home.
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