What's in a name?

Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
There are lots of nicknames and monikers people go by. Jim could be William, Bill, or even Bud.

One name I go by is "jar" (say jr really slurred and it comes out). However, I HATE being called "junior". I know some Victoria's that do not like being called Vicky. I know some Kate's who refuse to respond to Katie.

Anyone wanna bite on this?
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Contributor: Annemarie Annemarie
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There are lots of nicknames and monikers people go by. Jim could be William, Bill, or even Bud.

One name I go by is "jar" (say jr really slurred and it comes out). However, I HATE being called "junior". I know some ... more
My nickname has forever been Anna. I don't mind; it's shorter, and was easier to spell when I was learning to write my name as a kid.

Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
As a couple of you know, my first name is Jillian - which is a lie, it's legally Jill. My mother never knew of the formal version of the name, she just named me after her best friend.

Which I could had killed her for - I was usually the only Jill in school and got terribly tormented by it with dirty versions of 'Jack and Jill' yelled at me in the halls. The irony of that is I DID marry a Jack ... and he didn't do anything suggested in the dirty version.

Dad wanted to name me Victoria - after reading the T.A.C.K. series when I was a kid, I would have loved to have been called Toria.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There are lots of nicknames and monikers people go by. Jim could be William, Bill, or even Bud.

One name I go by is "jar" (say jr really slurred and it comes out). However, I HATE being called "junior". I know some ... more
What are you offering for me to bite?
I hate being called "shorty" or other terms for short people...I'm 5 foot tall but in my mind I'm 10 foot tall and bullet proof! I hate being called by my full given name (Angela) since that's what my parents called me that exclusively when they wanted to chew me out. Ruined it for me...
Contributor: Envy Envy
My nick is usually Quail or Akasha, or just in real life such as with friends or at work it's Dani. Gives it a more masculine vibe that way instead of saying my real first name. ;P
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
My given name is Laurel, but since the day my mother gave it to me, the family has called me Laurie. Everybody else hits everything in the neighborhood it seems, except Laurie or Laurel. I really didn't use Laurel at all until I was an adult and have really come to love my name and prefer it to my nickname. (now that few people hit me with the line "Hey Laurel, where's Hardy").

Throughout my life, people have tended to call me Laura, which really irritates me because it just seems lazy, like they couldn't be bothered with the "e" or "l" at the end or they just aren't paying attention. It's an excellent way to irk me, if you ever need one. lol
Contributor: hands.red hands.red
My name is Amanda, which I dislike a lot. Generally everyone calls me Manda or Luna(I play online games and my main character is always Lunaspire. Though more and more people call me Luna and I've even joked about changing my name to Luna. haha) which I prefer. Heck I even sign my first name as Manda. I despise being called Mandy which is a very popular nickname for Amanda. >.<
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
My given name is Laurel, but since the day my mother gave it to me, the family has called me Laurie. Everybody else hits everything in the neighborhood it seems, except Laurie or Laurel. I really didn't use Laurel at all until I was an adult and ... more
I used to get "OH, like J.R. Ewing?" When I was growing up. I am SOOOO glad that this show has moved to the mists of time.

Funny thing, when my dad's parents found my name, they were mad "You're not naming him after THAT a**hole are you!"
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Cindy. I had a gym teacher in high school who insisted on calling me Cindy, no matter how many times I tried to get him to stop. I am NOT a Cindy. Cyn's been catching on these past few years, but I'm still not sure how I feel about that one in particular.
Contributor: LuLu Love LuLu Love
I looked up what my name meant one time. Turns out it means blind lol. Its funny because at the moment my contacts are out and I'm looking at the screen like and inch away.
Contributor: LuLu Love LuLu Love
I looked up what my name meant one time. Turns out it means blind lol. Its funny because at the moment my contacts are out and I'm looking at the screen like and inch away.
Contributor: Dame Saphir Dame Saphir
There have been only two people that I have allowed to call me "Rach." to everyone else, I insist on Rachael, but for some reason, those two people, I haven't minded them calling me that. I've also gained the nickname "O.A.R.," One-Armed Rachael because for the first 6 weeks of my freshman year at college, I had one arm in a sling after I had shoulder surgery. I've already been told that when I go greek, that's what's going on the back of my letters.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
Most of my life I didn't have a nick name, other than folks shortening Carrie Ann to Carrie or Cara.

Now? My Dude calls me puss. It's cute. But not exactly something anyone ELSE can say. Heh
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
Yeah, I don't like Vicki or Tori - I hated being called those nicknames as a kid. I go by Victoria most of the time. I was called Vita by my one grandmother and loved that, but it never caught on (Vita is the nickname for the more Italian version of my name, Vittoria). My mom told me that Victoria was the compromise name, she wanted to name me "Victory", and my dad's side of the family had a fit

I purposely gave my daughter a short, strong name that cannot be made into an awful nickname. And I really like my son's name shortened into his nickname, and most importantly, so does he.
Contributor: LadyInToyland LadyInToyland
My given name is Kayla. People call it to "Kay" or "Kay-Kay", and I HATE that. My sister finds it terribly amusing, so she calls me that from time-to-time, and will even occasionally morph it into "Cake". Hate that too.

My grandfather called me "Tweetie-Bum", and my husband calls me "Koala" once in a while.
Contributor: inbarati inbarati
Originally posted by El-Jaro
There are lots of nicknames and monikers people go by. Jim could be William, Bill, or even Bud.

One name I go by is "jar" (say jr really slurred and it comes out). However, I HATE being called "junior". I know some ... more
I've been Xia so long that people think it's my legal name. I use it for everything but legal documents, in fact.

Inbarati, my most common internet nick, comes from a book called The Inkeeper's Song, by Peter S. Beagle, the guy who wrote The Last Unicorn.

Sometimes I am also piratepurple, a name that largely comes from being frustrated with livejournal and all the good names being taken. I have a lifelong love of pirates, and purple is my favorite color.
Contributor: Jill Ingoff Jill Ingoff
My real name is very unusual and I've met only two people with my name ever (1 guy, 1 girl). It rhymes with a really common name and I hate when people mistake my name for it, but that's usually what happens.

As for my screen name on this forum, I made it up one day for work (I used to work for a porn site, behind the scenes) and thought it was hilarious and like a porn name so I kept it and use it here
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I have a very unique first name (maybe 20 people in the US have it). It wasn't until a few years ago that an ex found it what it meant. It's an old religious name that means "forsaken or widower".

I'm just glad my parents didn't keep the naming trend that ran through my family. Otherwise my name would've been Milfred. Ech!
Contributor: Miss B Haven Miss B Haven
My given name is Brandi. Most people have tried to shorten it to B or DeeDee which I am glad hasn't caught on. My mother and her side of the family all came up with a bunch of off-the-wall names which don't need to be repeated hahaha

The only nickname I will give to people is Lea. I found it to be very useful when I worked in an office and was contantly called everything BUT Brandi...Randy, Sandy, Candy, Mandy, Brenda, Brittany...I don't think it's that difficult a name but Wow was it an issue LOL
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Chilipepper
As a couple of you know, my first name is Jillian - which is a lie, it's legally Jill. My mother never knew of the formal version of the name, she just named me after her best friend.

Which I could had killed her for - I was usually the ... more
My wife's name was Jill - but when we got married she wanted her maiden name as her middle name - so she started combining her first and middle names to come up with Jilliann instead of Jill Ann.

I asked my wife about the teasing - she says it never happened to her. I am of course very fond of the names Jill & Jillann.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by hands.red
My name is Amanda, which I dislike a lot. Generally everyone calls me Manda or Luna(I play online games and my main character is always Lunaspire. Though more and more people call me Luna and I've even joked about changing my name to Luna. haha) ... more
Luna -

Nothing to do with your name - but I buy my wife products from a company called Lola Luna link- very sexy micro-g strings - check'm out!
Contributor: Jill Ingoff Jill Ingoff
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I have a very unique first name (maybe 20 people in the US have it). It wasn't until a few years ago that an ex found it what it meant. It's an old religious name that means "forsaken or widower".

I'm just glad my ... more
hahaha I know what you mean! I was almost named Gina.

Nothing wrong with that name (my grandma's name is Regina, Gina for short) but a friend pointed out once - "You mean like, VAgina"? so now I'm thankful for my name even though most people mispronounce it at first
Contributor: Gary Gary
I have always stuck with calling people whatever name the use when I am introduced to them. In general I find it very annoying when people just shorten names, or decide to use other names.
Contributor: pornshopgirl pornshopgirl
My given name is Amanda, but I can't STAND being called that. It just doesn't fit me. I go by Mandie, and my on-air name is Phoenix, so I also get called that on a regular basis.

I used to get a lot of older folks singing Barry Manilow's "Mandy" at me whenever they found out my name, but that's mostly fallen by the wayside, thank god.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
I always hated my full name - my Mom is the only one who ever called me by it - and still does. She used to tell my friends in junior high when they called and asked for me by my nickname that "No one lives here by that name."

I gave my kids names that could be shortened into something I liked, and they tend to go by those.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Carrie Ann
Most of my life I didn't have a nick name, other than folks shortening Carrie Ann to Carrie or Cara.

Now? My Dude calls me puss. It's cute. But not exactly something anyone ELSE can say. Heh
LOL Sigel has called me 'Pookie' since highschool. Arch has various nicnames for me but mostly calls me Kohana (means 'my love' in polish)...he calls me lots of names in polish but I'm not sure they are all complimentary LOL
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I have a very unique first name (maybe 20 people in the US have it). It wasn't until a few years ago that an ex found it what it meant. It's an old religious name that means "forsaken or widower".

I'm just glad my ... more
Mine was supposed to be Eglantine by my family's naming conventions....
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Weird you bring this up. My Man told me last night he has never been comfortable with his name. It can be shortened into something kind of "Unisex" and if you ad a "ie" or "y" to it, it IS a girl's name. I never knew he hated his name. Most people call him by his last name, I actually had to search around, and look through old High School year books to find his real first name before our first date, because I thought, "I can't call him by his last name on a DATE!" A few weeks later I was in a class, talking to a mutual friend, and I said, "(His first name) and I had a really good time last night." She told me later she was thinking, "That bitch is cheating on (his last name) already!" Because most people ONLY knew him by his last name.

So, I guess he doesn't like his full first name or it's dimunituve. I didn't like my name when I was young (it's Very plain) but my chosen name is so unusual that it doesn't bother me anymore. (and people sometimes think the "P" is an initial and the "Gell" is a last name, when it is ONE name, P'Gell, pronounced Peh-Jel" accent on the second syllable, with a soft "G" like the French.)
Contributor: Beth D Beth D
I'll pretty much answer to anything, lol. My family calls me so many different things and a lot of them are by accident; I have a cousin whose first name is the same as my middle name and several people in my family have names that end similarly and so they all get mixed around in peoples' heads when they try to call me by name. I've even been called by my aunt's dog's name

But my real name is 'Bethany'. I've pretty much been called 'Beth' by every day people, but just about everyone who meets be thinks my name must be 'Elizabeth'. It drives me bonkers. Not that there's anything wrong with Elizabeth, it just isn't my name and there's hardly any personalized jewelry or key chains with 'Bethany' on them and it makes me cranky

I have one a-hole friend that likes to call me 'Beth Annie' for some reason, the jerk

But my mother's main nickname for me as a child was 'Boophers'. I have no idea how it came about or what the hell it's supposed to mean, lol. It's since been shortened to 'Boophie' and 'Boo'. She went through a 'Beffie' phase, too, and she called me that in front of my track coach one time. He thought it was just the cutest damn thing and never let me forget it My french teacher liked to call me by my surname only, even though we had assigned french names. I'm not sure if this was because he taught an english class my older brother was in or because my surname is actually a common french one. He didn't use the proper french pronunciation for it, so I'm betting it's the brother thing.

My BFF calls me 'B-chan', which I think is cute

ANYWAY, the moral of this story; I've learned to suck it up and answer to any damn thing
Contributor: SexyySarah SexyySarah
Well I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but I don't have a nice name, but my dad does, and his middle name is "Edger" and he goes by Edge, he is also a Robert, and goes by Bob, so go figure! I'm a Sarah and I don't think there is anything that can go by that is short. Though I do hate it when people spell it like Sara. Ugh!