What pissed you off today?

Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
I don't think a day goes by where absolutely nothing ticks a person off. Worse is when you have no one to rant about it to. Similar to my other rant post titled "The Hate Game," just vote and rant about what made you mad today. If nothing made you mad, choose that option in the poll.

Happy masturbation!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Today something really pissed me off (explain)
ToyGurl , MaryExy , zizfaye , Donagothika , teeny <3 , Novs , gone77 , Judas Iscars , ToyTimeTim , UnknownGirl , Shellz31 , married with children , Sex'и'Violence , wetone123 , Cream in the Cupcake , Deanne-s , link82 , Destri , GONE! , LoveDove , Beck , Cherrylane , Princess-Kayla ♥ , T&A1987 , bayosgirl , Jake'n'bake , slynch , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Bluebird88 , Errant Venture , padmeamidala , Apirka , GonetoLovehoney , CindyH , Antipova
Nothing pissed me off today (explain if you want)
BabyL0ve , GravyCakes , dv8 , Waterfall , yoham45 , Lady Venus , Anjulie , Kdlips , The Curious Couple , big b , ~LaUr3n~ , Jimbo Jones , Rayne Millaray , jroho , Elaira , DustBunny , deletedacct , ac0313 , sexygoddess , cujo467 , chikillabonita , A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) , DreamWolf , Fun with Dick & Jane , RonLee , Love Perpetua , LaSchwartz , LoveTies , TheSlyFox , jc123 , <3BF , K101 , Stagger13 , chantalgiardina , Bignuf , Hibangel , Kitka , CindyH , aliceinthehole , SubmissiveFeminist , SexyRayne
Total votes: 76 (75 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Today I was definitely pissed off. I went on campus for an end of semester mixer for the fine arts students. I was in the grass area where students could just free-paint. It was really awesome because we were all set up with our easels, canvasses, etc. and just socializing.

A friend next to me asked me something about my last vacation, which was to Canada. I don't remember exactly how it started, but I just explained my horrible experience in Canada.

In front of us, a Canada native overheard and got very angry with me. She took my OPINION personal, as if I was insulting her people. I said sorry, but she just resumed to stand up and scream at me in front of all the other students. It was so embarrassing, and I ended up knocking over my painting. I apologized, grabbed my things, and left to go paint somewhere else with my friend.

I'm just ticked off how people can take things so personally. All I said was that the people at the hotel were rude, and I couldn't find a decent place to eat the whole time I was there. I even complimented the beauty of Canada, and she was still upset. Why can't people let things go and let others enjoy a day in the park?
Contributor: zizfaye zizfaye
I didn't realize I was out of conditioner until I was already in the shower. It turns out my roommate had been using it for the past two weeks because she was out of hers and was too cheep to buy any!!!!!
Contributor: Gary Gary
Ha, great thread. I just got up, but yeah... not a day goes by without something ruining it (at least a small part).
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
this could be a great/dangerous thread.... it's too early yet for something to have pissed me off, but I might be back later.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by zizfaye
I didn't realize I was out of conditioner until I was already in the shower. It turns out my roommate had been using it for the past two weeks because she was out of hers and was too cheep to buy any!!!!!
Amen to that! My roomate used to do that crap all the time. One reason we both pitched in to get a two bathroom, two bedroom apartment 4 months ago. Thank God we did or I would be broke.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I usually manage to not get pissed off during most days. So far I'm sticking with nothing can ruin today, since my husband and I are taking a long weekend and leaving tonight. Even though I'll still be working tomorrow, it'll be nice to get away. Yesterday was a different matter. I found out that the place I work for my night job is redefining how many hours a week count as permanent part time, and in January I lose all of my benefits there; the option for insurance, vacation/sick days, and even my 401k. I am not a happy camper about that.
Contributor: Donagothika Donagothika
I'm really disliking the ungratefulness of a so-called "friend". . . Sadly I am a little in love with the guy (super bad part: He's married to the worlds biggest crazy shrew who keeps trying to "befriend" me. (FYI: I really cannot stand her--and it has little to do with the fact he is married to her and more to do with the fact she is a user and just not a very good person, but "pretends" to be--poorly). But now said friend is acting like a user too--only contacts me when he can't do some thing or wants something. I'm in avoid mode and slow trying to pull away--as the whole situation is just making me seem weak IMO.
Contributor: teeny <3 teeny <3
I rent part of a very old duplex and am in a constant battle with living room spiders, bathroom roaches and kitchen ants. I'm not a neat freak, but I do keep a pretty clean house, nothing that should warrant this infestation.

Well this morning the boyfriend woke up before me to go to work. He made a pot of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich, which I would normally be ok with. But he left everything out on the counter and didn't attempt to clean! So when I stumble into the kitchen a few hours later I find 20-30 ants feasting on a peanut butter knife, spilled sugar and his half empty coffee mug. I immediately grab a paper towel and try to start smushing while I yell out "Not in my house bitches!" It doesn't work out too well as all the bugs are jacked up on caffeine and scurry away faster than normal to the various cracks in the walls and counters they came from. Ugh!
Contributor: gone77 gone77
My shoulder. I've either pulled or strained a muscle in my left shoulder and the pain pisses me off. heh
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by gone77
My shoulder. I've either pulled or strained a muscle in my left shoulder and the pain pisses me off. heh
Feel better! I'm sorry that happened!
Contributor: yoham45 yoham45
Toda was a wonderful day.
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I had a great day. Absolutely nothing/nobody pissed me off today.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I'm fairly torqued that I got a hankering for Bosnian food in the CEC meeting and on my way to the restaurant across the street, I fell down the hill, hurt my toes and my knee, then got across the street to find out that the restaurant's kitchen isn't open because there is construction and they were forced to shut off their gas.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
I had a great day today
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Lazy people pissed me off today, or should I say folks that don't like to do there job. We got five trucks of products today (I counted 35 pallets), being that we have one of the smallest stores in the country that means the isle's were full of stuff to put away. Plus there was four more trucks waiting to unload.

Now, while this happens on occasion everyone knows that stuff in the isle's is not exceptable and it needs to be put away ASAP. Today it seemed like nobody cared. They would rather talk about the construction that made them have to leave for work five minutes early or bitch about how they don't get enough hours at work. But when the time comes when the boss say's stay, they leave. WTF! You would think they would be happy to get some over time or even to have a job!

Guess who got 6 extra hours today and a pat on the back from the boss?

Lazy, procrastinating people always piss me off.
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
Contributor: big b big b
had my grandson all day it was great
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Idiocy pissed me off today. Unfortunately, with my co-workers, that happens quite frequently.
Contributor: DustBunny DustBunny
It's only 12:38am, so no one has had a chance yet today
Contributor: deletedacct deletedacct
I had a slew of good news the last couple days & my ex-boyfriend (who's moving out soon) is out of town all week.. Yay! Sorry for rubbing it in folks, ha ha.
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
Nothing today. I have had plenty this past week though! I decided two days ago to change my outlook on obstacles and issues that come my way - if I cannot do anything about them, try to refocus and/or ignore them; if I can make a difference, continue to care and do everything I can to make a change, if I am not able to, find comfort in knowing I tried 100%. Being separated from my SO for the past 3 weeks with limited connectivity has been very difficult for both of us, but the end is near...I will see her in less than 4 days!
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
I saw fam and friends today after a few months.. so.. Im good today
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I know it's awfully early to be pissed, since it's not even 8 am where I am, but I'm pissed off that my tumble down the hill is making my knees and hip hurt today.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
I know it's awfully early to be pissed, since it's not even 8 am where I am, but I'm pissed off that my tumble down the hill is making my knees and hip hurt today.
Ouchie. That totally sux that they were closed. If they had been open, ya could kinda say it was worth it. Pisses me off when something horrid happens and ya didn't get anything good from it.
I hope tomorrow brings some relief.

My day wasn't too bad. The worst thing was a couple of females just standing in the doorway of a shop gas bagging. They could see people were trying to get in. It's plain ignorant and it peeves me.
And I let them know it too!!!
Contributor: married with children married with children
work piss's me off. They talk to you like you are a child, that you do not know what you are doing and that you are not getting enough done. the disrespect gets me pissed off.
Contributor: Sex'и'Violence Sex'и'Violence
Some idiot carrying a handbag sized rodent lecturing me because he saw that I own a Pit bull. Man, I'm walking my dog, she's well behaved and didn't so much as bark at your overpriced runt. Mind your business or I'll lay you out.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
So I thought I would come right back here to rant about today. This morning I was rudely awaken by a seizure, and had another one after lunch. Had to take my tranquilizers and take a long 4 hour nap. Then, I wake up to find that I have contracted a cold from my fiance even though we haven't even kissed since I knew he was sick. My body just can't handle all this right now on top of my other conditions :/

And then, to finish my night, I jokingly posted a status on FB saying "The zzombies are here!!!!" and some guy I dated back in middle school felt it was appropriate to message me a dirty e-mail about joking about his beliefs. I didn't mean to offend anyone I wish some people could take jokes.
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
I know it's awfully early to be pissed, since it's not even 8 am where I am, but I'm pissed off that my tumble down the hill is making my knees and hip hurt today.
I hope you feel better. It's a bit funny but I masturbated too hard few days ago and I can barely walk from extending my legs so hard. It reall is painful! I must be out of shape
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Originally posted by ToyTimeTim
Lazy people pissed me off today, or should I say folks that don't like to do there job. We got five trucks of products today (I counted 35 pallets), being that we have one of the smallest stores in the country that means the isle's were full ... more
I feel you sweetie. I was upset when I called into work this morning. As most know, I am an intern worker at planned parenthood and the women's center in my area. But I have seizures, and I had one this morning as soon as I woke up. So I called in and got bitched out (I have only called in one other time.) about how I am missing work. I haven't been late once. No joke. And I've been there for two years now.

So I go in to work, just to make them happy, and they just got in tons of little contraception kits that require assembling. We basically take one morning after pill packet, put it inside of a cute little envelope, and then put that inside of a cute little bag... and then fill the bag with condoms and other goodies to keep girls safe. I usually love this kind of work, but I have a cold and I was having tons of small seizures. On lunch break I ate, and immediately after had a simple partial seizure that ended with me vomiting all over the sidewalk outside of the health center in front of random people. So embarrassing. All that so I don't lose my job.