Today, I'm at work and I'm becoming more surprised at the increasing number of people that have almost hit me. The lack of attention is eye startling... Anyway, I'd like to know what the best or most useful life advise you've received and did you make use of that advise.
If several people gave you really useful advise, feel free to list as much as you feel comfortable with.
I'll kick this off. I was told in highschool by a teacher I respected that in life, you are constantly re inventing yourself. Don't feel that you have to be the same person the each time. If there is something you want to change about yourself, do it. Needless to say, I've taken this advise.
If several people gave you really useful advise, feel free to list as much as you feel comfortable with.
I'll kick this off. I was told in highschool by a teacher I respected that in life, you are constantly re inventing yourself. Don't feel that you have to be the same person the each time. If there is something you want to change about yourself, do it. Needless to say, I've taken this advise.