What do you do when you're angry?

Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
it depends a lot on how close I am to the person I'm angry at
Contributor: sbon sbon
I don't react in one particular way. It depends on the situation.
Contributor: Naughty Student Naughty Student
I have lived in a violent and agressive home filled with anger...

So, I have a hard time expressing anger. The closest emotion to anger that I feel, if anything, is disapointment. I am very zen also and I am very aware of my body and do not like the feeling of "adreneline" in my veins.

I have almost gotten angry this summer, it was quite funny but I managed to stay calm and rationalize in a respectful manner why I shouldn't get angry. It worked and the girls around me who were fuming and furious and expressing their anger loudly were quite in awe of my relaxed attituted. I'm pretty proud of myself for that day, it was a challenge but I did it.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
I take an extra antidepressant lol
Contributor: girl next door girl next door
i cry when i'm upset, but i don't get angry often.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I get really pissed, swear a lot, and vent to as many people as possible.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
I viciously clean. Scrub the floor, the windows, the blinds. Then I take a bubble bath and read a book in the tub to relax myself, lol
Contributor: Miss Madeline Miss Madeline
When I'm anger I tend to cry and swear and yell. I start off trying to be all therapeutic and use my best communication skills, but it usually dissolves into crying/swearing/yellin g at some point.
Contributor: newlady newlady
It takes a lot to make me really, really angry. I can let a lot go and not let things get to me. I guess it really depends on the situation, but cleaning works for me. It's the physical release that helps, I think. (sometimes I think talk is highly over-rated! )
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
Wrath of swearing and screaming, then i calm down a bit, realized I overreacted, then laugh.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Originally posted by Shellz31
Not everyone is the same and takes things the same way. What a suck hole of a world that would be! We'd be like friggin robots.

LOL! "...a suck hole of a world that would be." That is hilarious, but you are so right!
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
My husband says I yell a lot when I am really pissed off at him. I sometimes cry if I am pissed and really hurt too. I really hate it when I cry though. I get flustered because of it and have trouble making my point.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
It all depends on what is making me angry. When people are passive aggressive with me, or just being obnoxious, generally I'll just sulk or be passive aggressive back. On the rare occasion that someone is actually aggressive with me, I hulk out. I'm only really good at the hulk thing, everything else just makes it worse.
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
I don't get angry very often... in fact, it's been over a year since I was legitimately angry. And when that happens I cry. A lot.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
I sulk. I wouldn't really say I plot my revenge though
Contributor: REDRUM REDRUM
Usually if someone else makes me mad, I just stop talking to them and leave.
If I end up making my self mad because I can't do something or I'm having difficulties. Then I curse and yell haha.
Contributor: jfree jfree
I sulk and get passive-aggressive and scream at everything. When I finally get a hold of myself, I just excuse myself for deep-breathing exercises/some alone time to collect myself.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
I seem to mainly cry things out. I just have a tender heart. I have also been know to be Passive-Aggressive. I can also let it roll off my back. I'm a very patient and understand person actually. I'm a big ball of emotions. Like I said I mainly cry it out or let it roll off my back. All I know is if someone should obviously upset me, I can go from crying to laughing in a sec, then brake. Watch out now cause this little person can blow a fuse and snap on someone; mainly with words. If it comes to it a go abe shit on you. I pity the person that makes me hit them, years of pain and hurt will come out of me and I'll more than likely beat them since-less. I highly doubt it will come to that though. ha-ha. I'm making myself sound crazy as shit. For real though. I'll just walk away and tear up if something upsets me.
Contributor: *Ashley* *Ashley*
Originally posted by jfree
I sulk and get passive-aggressive and scream at everything. When I finally get a hold of myself, I just excuse myself for deep-breathing exercises/some alone time to collect myself.
Yeah. I'll lock myself somewhere to get away. (bathroom, closet, attic...)
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by Morganna
This poll thing might be kind, I could easily get addicted to it.
So, when you get mad, what do you do? Sulk? Swear? Kick?
Personally, I do a mix of sulking, being passive aggressive, swearing, and crying.
I face it and face whoever made me mad, yell it out!
Contributor: Illumin8 Illumin8
A lot of times, I'll just end up playing the guitar, actually.
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
Depends on what I'm angry about, and what my mood was like before the instigating incident (lol, I sound like a cop writing reports). If I'm angry with someone, I wait until I'm feeling reasonable, and then talk to them about whatever upset me. If I'm angry at an inanimate object, I swear. Or meditate, if it's something that's really upsetting me.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
Depends if its at a person, because they just did something or said something, I will confront them and hulk out. If its just a situation I usually cry because I am so frustrated.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
passive aggressive
Contributor: Breas Breas
It really depends on what I am angry about... Most things I just let slide, but other times I turn HULK for sure lol
Contributor: DeliciousDrip DeliciousDrip
I used to get so worked up that i would "hulk" out as u say, but i went through "therapy" (in quotes because it was pure BULL)! but i've found my own ways to calm myself down. I just do things i enjoy doing or squeeze my stress balls! =)
Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I get silent and angry and plan on what I will do next.
Contributor: JessCee JessCee
It's very rare that I get angry. Most of the time I'll get hurt/annoyed/disappoin ted instead. When I do get angry, I usually cry because I don't know how to deal with that feeling very well.
Contributor: lilly555 lilly555
It depends on the circumstances and who it is making me angry, if it's someone I really like and this is a first or second offense I can sulk then let it go. But if its something major and a person who continuously makes me angry then I hold a grudge, its not healthy.
Contributor: MissStormRyder MissStormRyder
I'm usually pretty good with not letting shit get to me but..It just depends on the issue and who or what made me mad. I can be really bitchy and crule at times, and I hate that about me!...Or I'll go to my basement and workout like crazy!!