Originally posted by
Nissa Nissa
I always remember wanting to be a stocker at a grocery store, strange enough. I loved organizing things which I guess as it turns out might be a precursor for OCD. LOL.
What did you want to be when you were little?
Out of all my siblings I was the oddest damned child...
When I was about 5 and had just started Kindergarten they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said a "brain doctor" lol.
Around age 7, I switched to wanting to rule the world. By 9 or 10 I wrote in my classroom journal that I wanted to rule the world and have a side job as a writer. At 13, I STILL thought ruling the world would be awesome but I wanted to help animals somehow, maybe as a veterinarian until my parents explained that I couldn't afford school, so I kept the previous goals along with modeling (actually accomplished THAT goal so far!).
After that I wasn't really "little" anymore, but I've bounced back and forth with what I want to do. Still never figured out the world domination thing