For many it's usually some type of insurance, I expect. For me, right now, it's the raised sewer bill! It's positively scandalous to have to pay so much for sewer when my water bill is so low!
What bill do you hate paying the most?
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My student loans.
That's one large bill...
That's one large bill...
Hmm... do taxes count? I make so little, and get next to nothing back.
Internet & my school tuition. I DESPISE paying both.
Originally posted by
Wicked Wahine
For many it's usually some type of insurance, I expect. For me, right now, it's the raised sewer bill! It's positively scandalous to have to pay so much for sewer when my water bill is so low!
School fees. It is not exactly fun to pay 16 thousand for 12 weeks worth of lessons.
PG&E. We have vaulted ceilings and everything is electric. The stove, the dryer. As I said we have vaulted ceilings, and a two story house. That means two A/C units, two heaters, and two hot water heaters. I can cool down the house all I want in the mornings, but it gets so hot, we have to run something. I'm dreading this summer. I can run close to nothing during the day, and our bill is still $140+. I think the most we've ever paid was close to $500.
My homeowner's association fee. I pay $250 a month and I feel like I don't get anything for it.
The van payment. We just got the van back in February and it feels like it's hardly going down at all. We fork over the money and it never seems like the payment goes down! Ugh!
Electricity is expensive here.
Actually, getting little back can be a good sign - it means you didn't give the government an interest free loan for the year!
Originally posted by
Hmm... do taxes count? I make so little, and get next to nothing back.
But, besides that, yes, your tax bill counts if you want and I do understand your point. It's a shame when you can barely get by & money is still being taken from you!
That's a huge amount, I have a voluntary yearly payment & just got the notice that it's $30 this year! Wonder where all that money is going? Landscaping? Snow removal? You should be able to request a breakdown or something to see where your money is going! Good grief, that's some people's rent for the month!
Originally posted by
My homeowner's association fee. I pay $250 a month and I feel like I don't get anything for it.
I hurt just reading this! I remember in my area they built some home that were all electric & there were rebates & incentives for the buyers. Them the prices of electricity shot up, there discounts ran out & they couldn't afford the bills! Most people in our area use natural gas for heating & many appliances & it has had a better track record, so far, at least, of being affordable. Too bad solar isn't cheaper & easier to install, you could take a big chunk out of that payment, but the initial outlay would hurt.
Originally posted by
PG&E. We have vaulted ceilings and everything is electric. The stove, the dryer. As I said we have vaulted ceilings, and a two story house. That means two A/C units, two heaters, and two hot water heaters. I can cool down the house all I want in
PG&E. We have vaulted ceilings and everything is electric. The stove, the dryer. As I said we have vaulted ceilings, and a two story house. That means two A/C units, two heaters, and two hot water heaters. I can cool down the house all I want in the mornings, but it gets so hot, we have to run something. I'm dreading this summer. I can run close to nothing during the day, and our bill is still $140+. I think the most we've ever paid was close to $500.
Originally posted by
Wicked Wahine
For many it's usually some type of insurance, I expect. For me, right now, it's the raised sewer bill! It's positively scandalous to have to pay so much for sewer when my water bill is so low!
light bill /:
my car note... so expensive
my phone bill, it's not much, but i hate that i have to pay to
Definitely my student loans.
besides student loans. Its VERIZON they are a horrible company but I don't know who to go to.
Energy bill. Expensive to run the heat in the winter and expensive to run air conditioning in the summer.
Student loans
Cable bill....arrgh!
The power bill!!! It is so expensive and is always over $100.
Car insurance- we have two young drivers.
I hate paying any taxes. Also don't like paying car insurance.
Originally posted by
Wicked Wahine
For many it's usually some type of insurance, I expect. For me, right now, it's the raised sewer bill! It's positively scandalous to have to pay so much for sewer when my water bill is so low!

An expense I really dislike paying, are service fee's related to banking and money management. It doesn’t matter whether it's a checking account, ATM, saving's account, business account, or investment's in general. I feel as though I'm paying someone to use my money.
Originally posted by
Wicked Wahine
For many it's usually some type of insurance, I expect. For me, right now, it's the raised sewer bill! It's positively scandalous to have to pay so much for sewer when my water bill is so low!
Still sticks in my craw;
Some time back, my long time broker at Merrill Lynch retired,. He was unceremoniously replaced by a new young gun. This young gun’s first suggestion, was for me to invest retirement funds in an energy firm. It then only took thirty days for this stock to drop by half. This paper loss necessitated a one on one meeting with the new young gun. I suggested that it might be wise to sell the stock, and cut my losses. He on the other hand, was still very gung ho, and felt I should stay the course. Soon after, my investment went Bankrupt. This was not a paper loss, it was a never “friggin’” see my money again loss. So, what does this have to do with a bill? I was charged a large transaction fee from Merrill Lynch, for the privilege of seeing my retirement money disappear. In retrospect, I would have been better off going to see David Copperfield, and watch him disappear.
Taxes are not bills they are taxes. student loans are debt.
for me, its the cellular phone bill.
for me, its the cellular phone bill.
Property tax because I always have to walk it in and hand it manually to the clerk to register right away. It always seems that if I send it in as soon as I get it via mail or electronically it doesn't get credited to my account until after the deadline. I've been burnt once by this and had to pay to high a penalty fee.
Rent... it's the most expensive. I hate giving that big chunk.
Right now, it's my storage payment for my stuff in another state. I can't get the money together to go out and get it because the plane ticket alone is $500. It's an unnecessary expense because of hand-tied decisions that had to be made almost 4 years ago.
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