What are you addicted to?

Contributor: Eva Schwaltz Eva Schwaltz
I'm not addicted to anything. I could even stop using the internet if I wanted to.
Contributor: sweetcaroline sweetcaroline
and sex.
I have a good life.
Contributor: chicken12 chicken12
"Internet" should really be up there.
Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
Originally posted by chicken12
"Internet" should really be up there.
Yeah, it should. I'm on the internet about 19 out of 24 hours a day...so I should have been able to remember that one!
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by chicken12
"Internet" should really be up there.
haha yeah! that was my response.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
so much food, so little time.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
Also caffeine for me
Contributor: ToyBoy ToyBoy
Addicted to sugar, television, and my computer.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
Sex and internet. Sex does kind of hurt me because after Iv had my fun I get kind of a sexual hangover afterwards. Internet is not so much a problem unless I don't have access for long periods of time.
Contributor: Katastophy Katastophy
I'm emotionally addicted to marijuana, food, and masturbation.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
Okay, if there really should be a better word than addiction to describe an impulse or compulsion that doesn't do you harm and you don't want to stop...

Anyway, my vices are sex, gambling, and caffeine. I've got a good handle on the gambling thing, I only gamble on good odds now, and the other two aren't doing me any harm.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
I voted food....in paticular hot sauce...it's kind of like a drug for me....gotta have it...makes my mouth water thinking about it....
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
Yum food. Yum sex. xD Yum living life to the fullest!
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I'm pretty addicted to the internet..I get really stressed out if I don't have access for some reason!
Contributor: wrecklesswords wrecklesswords
Originally posted by MrWishyWashy
I voted food....in paticular hot sauce...it's kind of like a drug for me....gotta have it...makes my mouth water thinking about it....
I'm actually like that with flaming hot cheetos.

I think I can safely say I've been addicted to them since they came out. I was in the 5th grade. I'm 23 now... Sometimes I get such a horrible craving for them that I just... can't stand to be around myself.
Contributor: Devy Devy
I eat a loooooooooot. But also addicted to other things too.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by AndroAngel
Okay, if there really should be a better word than addiction to describe an impulse or compulsion that doesn't do you harm and you don't want to stop...

Anyway, my vices are sex, gambling, and caffeine. I've got a good handle on ... more
AndroAngel made a good point: "Okay, if there really should be a better word than addiction to describe an impulse or compulsion that doesn't do you harm and you don't want to stop"

Yes, they are called hobbies.
Contributor: Fun Lover Fun Lover
Sex Toys we had to add it to our budget. We have several that were over $1,000 each, lately were have really slowed down on our spending on sex toys, my wife has just a few favorites now,
Contributor: WetJenn WetJenn
Originally posted by - Kira -
Are you addicted to something? I think most people are mentally addicted to at least one thing. For record, mental and physical addiction would be two very different things as you wouldn't have withdrawal from a mental addiction. I clearly ... more
I totally get caught up in stress, once I get going I have to be snapped out of it. It is my worse addiction. I hate it. lol.

You left off reading (which when I get into a book I completely get lost) and video games.
Contributor: K101 K101
Camel's and possible... maybe... just a tiny bit addicted to Dr. Pepper. I love coffee and drink it regularly, but am not addicted. I've been trying to quit smoking and even tried several different E-cigs, but had real trouble getting them to last very long at all and that got to be super expensive.
Contributor: arewehavingfun? arewehavingfun?
Originally posted by - Kira -
Hmm...should have pulled out my research books.

Then I guess I am addicted to some things, but not nicotine if you have to want to stop for it to be an addiction. I don't mind the nic fits too much since I can vape inside. I don't ... more
Contributor: arewehavingfun? arewehavingfun?
117 votes

54 voters

Clearly, at least here at EF, the average (non scientific/stastically significant) person, has 2 or more "addictions".

I wonder how this compares to other populations....
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I suppose sex could be harmful, if you want it badly enough to take it without permission, though. Sex addicts also have habits of cheating and not holding long-term relationships. Anyone seen "Six Feet Under"? I know people who actually have sex addiction, and the way Brenda was later on before things were worked out, that is a good EXAMPLE of what it's like. Plus, you have addicts who take it, like I said, without permission.

As for me, I am addicted to food. Not the good kind, either. It's a wonder I am not 1,000lbs!

Addicted to Eden, for sure! I love smoking but I am not addicted. I can easily go without for months or years at a time if needed or I want to. Caffeine, I'm addicted to for sure.
Contributor: Breas Breas
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
I get headspin and grouchy and very sick eventually when I stop eating. So I am working on not doing that any more.

Um. Other things...

Honestly my biggest addiction is anything I find fascinating. Mental stimulation, I guess. It's the thought equivalent of a big shiny sparkly, and I just want to watch it turn and turn and turn in the light.
Contributor: married with children married with children
nothing. I love sex, but it does not run my life. But that would be the closest.
Contributor: dv8 dv8
I'm addicted to learning. And my girlfriend.
Contributor: kitty377 kitty377
used to be nicotine but I quit 5 months ago and haven't looked back! I'm still addicted to candy/sugar, caffeine, sex, and making A's on exams which includes overstudying for everything!
Contributor: js250 js250
I love adrenaline rushes.