Originally posted by
Rod Ronald
Do you have a twisted fetish? Something that the general public may consider a taboo or just plain wrong. (Sorry that was a stuoid way to say that, the general public usually thinks everything is weird or abnormal)
Would you mind sharing?
i'm a lesbian leather woman. i'm definitely into a number of things that would commonly be considered taboo. Depending on who you're talking to, just about everything i do would be considered taboo, if they are the type to consider homosexual sex to be "twisted" and there are those that do. But then i'm also into things that even seasoned lesbians would consider unconventional. Some of my favorites include sensory deprivation and bondage, impact play, knife play, fire play, wax play, etc. i enjoy going to kink, leather, fetish, bdsm events including play parties, which sometimes offer me an opportunity to indulge my voyeuristic tendencies. i don't consider anything i do to be wrong in any way. Everything i do is done with safety or risk-limiting measures in place, with full informed consent, between adults, without hurting any living thing that hasn't given consent, and even then, with no lasting "damage".