How many times have you missed your bedtime for EdenFantasys?

Contributor: lamira lamira
Most of the time I stay up past my bedtime, because I always log on to this website at night and it gets very addicting.
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
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Contributor: Colorado Hotwife Colorado Hotwife
Originally posted by Airekah
I am sitting here, glancing at the clock, and more often than not I find myself up way too late for my work schedule to be surfing Eden Fantasys. I just can't help it. I love it so much here.

How often does this happen to you?
Honestly im new to the site but I cant seem to log off!!!! I keep reading and discovering new things, reading reviews, thinking hmmm I want that! So many choices!
Contributor: CanMan CanMan
I usually get up extra early to do it, As I work till 11pm sometimes.
Contributor: ToxicHeart ToxicHeart
I have a bedtime?! That's news to me. I can't seem to drag my ass away from the computer. Something exciting might happen and I'll miss it! Dunno what though. Also, I love this site haha. Between Facebook, this one forum I go on, Skype with my boyfriend and now this site I'll never leave my room! haha. Especially now since my room is a safe haven from a very scary stepfather... :<
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I tend to spend a lot of time on here. I just hop on anytime I'm waiting for something or just chillin with time on my hands so when the times up I'm still playing on here lol I burnt mac n cheese not too long ago replying to a topic lol
Contributor: cherryredhead88 cherryredhead88
Originally posted by Airekah
I am sitting here, glancing at the clock, and more often than not I find myself up way too late for my work schedule to be surfing Eden Fantasys. I just can't help it. I love it so much here.

How often does this happen to you?
I have spent countless nights on here until 3 AM, whether it be browsing, working, or posting in the forums
Contributor: Airekah Airekah
Originally posted by gone77
What is this bedtime that you speak of? :p
HAHA, not necessarily a bedtime, but maybe more like a "need to get off of here because I spend to much time, but I really don't want to because I love it so much" type of bedtime.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
hehe Well, obviously I spend a lot of time on EF because it's my job, but I've been known to hang around the site even when I'm not. It is definitely addictive! lol
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
Oh, I see a lot of people are having the same problem I do!
Contributor: Morganna Morganna
Eden is one of the first sites I get onto whenever I get on the least here at the house. I LOVE it here.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
lol. Well, I should be asleep right now...but there are posts to comment on and people to tag back and and and.
Contributor: buzz buzz
this is a pretty freaking awesomely amazing site, I don't mind being kept too late for bed
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Last night I slept for 45 minutes. Though considering that I did so at 5:45 in the morning I suppose referring to it as "last night" is a bit of a joke.
Contributor: B8trDude B8trDude
I lost count!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Ok lately it's been pretty bad lol. I need more sleep.
Contributor: Sinjo Sinjo
Originally posted by Airekah
I am sitting here, glancing at the clock, and more often than not I find myself up way too late for my work schedule to be surfing Eden Fantasys. I just can't help it. I love it so much here.

How often does this happen to you?
Never, Really.
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
Last night I was up past 3:00am thanks to EF!
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
I don't ever miss my bedtime because I'm not allowed lol.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
Generally that happens to me a few times a week. lol I love this place too!
Contributor: Colorado Hotwife Colorado Hotwife
Currently loosing my bedtime now... lol
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
Sometimes I lose track of time, but I don't have a bed time. I function fine off of 2-3 hours of sleep (thank you, my children for letting me have that super power) so as long as I'm asleep by 5 or 6AM it's fine.
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
I tend to come on this site just before bed, so sometimes I do get carried away. Time flies when you're having fun!
Contributor: Mr. E Mr. E
Bedtime? I'm not sure what you mean.
I worked night shift for a number of years, so I am used to keeping some crazy hours. I will admit that I do spend more time on EF than I probably should. It's just so addictive.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Not daily, but more than once a week.
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
It mostly happens to me because I'll notice it's midnight (which is my bedtime) and then I'll go point surfing, and then I'll find an epic product and then it's just a downward spiral
Contributor: magicmac magicmac
Lately I've been addicted to EF, it's just that great! And definetly worth the few hours of missed sleep.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
None. But that's cause I'm seldom on the computer at night.
Contributor: ❦Angel Of Music❦ ❦Angel Of Music❦
I don't have a bedtime but I do lose valuable hours of sleep because I can't turn away from Eden!
Contributor: ShadowKitten ShadowKitten
I don't have a schedule to my day (no work or school) so really sometimes yes, I suppose EF makes me 'miss my bedtime' although I go to bed whenever the hell I want so I don't really have a 'bedtime' lol, at least not at the moment.

EDIT: the double points thing continuing seems to keep up plenty (or make me wake up early to get making them all for the day done and over with) so until it ends a few restless days of scouring for every last possible point so that I can maybe make a 3rd order!