The Big O: Women's Orgasms and Sensations

Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda 06/29/2012

Most of us know the joy of the female orgasm and some even know their favorite way to get there - but when talking to friends, I've found almost every female has a different feeling associated with their orgasms and how their body reacts. A surprisingly large percentage of women haven't actually experienced an orgasm before, or can't at all. I felt I was one of this percentage until I found out exactly what makes my body react, and began asking others what they felt when orgasming for the first time or each time they do. The answers have been really interesting.

I've mainly created this topic to ask contributors and reviewers alike to discuss what they personally feel when experiencing a climax both clitorally and vaginally.

It of course, differs between clitoral or G-spot orgasm, and some even have orgasms through feet contact or nipple contact or lots of other ways. Here, I'm mostly discussing clitoral and G-spot orgasms and the sensations associated, but talk of anything else that can work you up to climaxing is welcome in discussion.

Personally, during a clitoral orgasm, I feel an overwhelming feeling of panic and a racing of my heart, then it starts to feel all kinds of awesome. I only recently learned how to make myself orgasm with the Hitachi wand and it's been my first full on climax. This is what's lead me to be so curious about the sensations amongst other female Eden members.

I'm delving pretty deep into the female orgasm as a whole and would love to know from you guys quite a few things, for example:

x How do you feel pre-orgasm?
x How do you know you're about to orgasm?
x How do you feel during your orgasm?
x How do you feel after your orgasm?
x Can you orgasm multiple times or only once?
x Are there several ways you reach orgasm, or one you turn to always?
x What toys bring you to an orgasm, if any?
x If you don't use toys, what does your partner/yourself do to bring you to a climax?
x Do you feel tired or have excess energy after orgasming?
x Do you like clitoral orgasms or vaginal orgasms better?
x How long does your climax last?
x Do you expel liquid during a clitoral orgasm? How about a vaginal/G-spot?

Answers or personal experiences related to any of those topics or more that you'd like to add would be great and useful.

Invited: All users.

Discussion Topics

Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
When you orgasm clitorally, what is the closest answer choice associated to how your body reacts?

Your direct sensation/feeling associated may not be listed, I just listed what I've heard from others before and it's pretty impossible to sum it up in a few short words for a poll.
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
A burning or cooling sensation
A tightening sensation of muscles
An indescribable sensation that feels wonderful (Pretty please explain.)
An indescribable sensation that feels slightly alarming (Pretty please explain.)
A throbbing sensation clitorally
A pounding sensation
A soothing sensation
A struggle to breathe or relax
Total votes: 125 (58 voters)
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Contributor: pirata pirata
For me, all of my muscles tense up and it feels really good and when I start to orgasm, I automatically pull away from whatever stimulation was causing it. I also twitch slightly.
Contributor: phoenixfiress phoenixfiress
Well I have only ever experienced the vaginal orgasm, but the feeling is hard to describe. I can tell its coming because ill get an unbearable sharp pain in my hips that slowly fades and kinda melts down my legs. Then its like an explosion in my nerves that send chills up my spine enough to make me laugh if touched any where around my vaginal area. after the explosion in my nerves I tremble like I'm cold and instead of my body feeling warm and clammy my body goes ice cold. I feel over heated and warm but any one who has touched me says my skin is ice cold.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Not totally sure how to describe it, especially since it varies. The orgasms I have just from using a vibrator tend to be short and sharp; I think of them as a shiver in my pelvic region and spreading into my legs/spine, but that's not totally accurate, because I don't really feel a "chill." It almost feels both warm and cool at once. I've never had a G-spot-only orgasm but I've noticed that the orgasms I have when I combine vaginal and clitoral stimulation are "warmer" and less sharp; I tend to compare the feeling to melting instead of a shiver.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by pirata
For me, all of my muscles tense up and it feels really good and when I start to orgasm, I automatically pull away from whatever stimulation was causing it. I also twitch slightly.
I do that too I was wondering if I was the only one who had the 'twitching' sensation and kind of pulling away.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Tightening sensation.
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
I feel the same as pirata in that I try to get away, I squirm some, I do heavy breathing. I used to hold my breath but I have learned how to breath with them I t seems better than when I was holding my breath. I feel a tightening in my pelvic region. I have also noticed that after I have one or two clitoral orgasms I become hyper sensitive and can orgasm again quickly. I pull away many times when this is occuring
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
More of a tingle, and tightening of muscles thru my entire body. Clitorial orgasms are stronger for me, unless I get g spot and clitoral at the sametime. I can definately multi orgasm. My most was 13 in one sex session.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
For me, it's like a buildup of pressure that gets released very suddenly. It usually feels like it "rolls" or "flows" out of my clit and disperses into the surrounding area, sometimes rapidly, sometimes more slowly.
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
It feels the way I imagine a grand mal seizure feel like. My whole body tenses and twitches for a few seconds. (This is partially why I prefer vaginal orgasms... see next topic.)
Contributor: EdenUser EdenUser
A tightening sensation.
Contributor: Badass Badass
A hot tightening, followed by utter relaxation.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
It's sad that so many women have yet to discover their orgasm. I'm an activist type person and aside from writing a book, (because I am wary that books can help on this subject) I would like to find a way to help women come to this amazing experience.

You ask a lotta questions, Panda.

OK. Here goes. If it can help an other woman, I'm happy to at least delineate what works for me.

x How do you feel pre-orgasm? I feel a sense of impending orgasm. I pant and my mouth gets dry. I shake, especially my leg muscles. Arousal increases. My pulse sky rockets. My muscles tense, the muscles in my vagina start to spasm, then I know it's "going to happen."

x How do you know you're about to orgasm? I feel a "rising" and lifting of my genitals, until they feel like I'm going to explode.

x How do you feel during your orgasm? Waves of spasms, intense pleasure, I lose control of my body, my mind goes completely blank, all fantasies are gone, I'm PURE experience. I feel like I'm going over the top of a roller coaster while sneezing the hugest sneeze ever. I often flail, sob, scream and sometimes even hit my partner. He knows to grab my arm if it flails in his direction, which turns me on even more.

x How do you feel after your orgasm? I have aftershocks. Little orgasms that can continue for a long time. I feel at One with the Universe, totally in love with my partner, often I will shake and my teeth chatter, especially if it was very intense orgasms or we were doing a rigorous scene. I usually want to have PIV or suck cock immediately, as soon as I can breath again.

x Can you orgasm multiple times or only once? I often have multiples. If I'm with my partner, they come on after an other, I usually have the first one after oral sex, then using a powerful vibrator. I put (throw) the vibrator on the floor when the first or second orgasm peaks, then he starts oral sex again and I usually come for several minutes. I will then often come again during PIV or while I'm giving him oral sex. He loves it when I come while giving him head, although the first time it happened he told me he was thinking, "Jeez, I hope she doesn't bite me." If I'm alone the multiples are very definitely separate from each other. I prefer the orgasms I have with My Man.

x Are there several ways you reach orgasm, or one you turn to always? The first one is nearly always reached in the same way. Others are up for grabs.
x What toys bring you to an orgasm, if any? I need penetration, plus oral sex, and then my trusty Wahl. I can come from my Ultimate Massager Pocket Rocket and I often use that to "get there" when I'm alone instead of oral sex. But, the ones that start with the oral sex and the Wahl are the strongest.

x If you don't use toys, what does your partner/yourself do to bring you to a climax? Until peri-menopause, I usually had my first one from oral sex. I used to be able to come from manual play and still can, but it's a lot of work.

x Do you feel tired or have excess energy after orgasming? Either. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

x Do you like clitoral orgasms or vaginal orgasms better? Mixed orgasms. G Spot orgasms alone are not satisfying to me. Clitoral alone can be. Blended with clitoral, G Spot and A Spot stimulation going on at the same time (usually with some nipple stimulation) are the best and strongest ones of all.

x How long does your climax last? Usually several minutes. My Man doesn't stop stimulation until I physically push him away. We like to play with forced orgasm, so it's fun. My record orgasm was 8 minutes. HE was looking at the clock, I was.... busy. On average, probably one to two minutes.

x Do you expel liquid during a clitoral orgasm? How about a vaginal/G-spot? Not usually. I sometimes dribble a little. Not usually. I did want to say that I didn't start having multiple orgasms until I was in my 30s and had had several children. I think it's more common for slightly older women to have multiples more easily. But, I am sure that isn't Universal.

Sorry for the text wall. If it can help someone.
Contributor: Claire-Bear Claire-Bear
x How do you feel pre-orgasm?
Slightly euphoric, like almost out of body but not really.

x How do you know you're about to orgasm?
Strong rolling contractions.

x How do you feel during your orgasm?
In another place, very briefly. High.

x How do you feel after your orgasm?
Still good.

x Can you orgasm multiple times or only once?
Multiple. I won't even bother if it's only one, as my first one is a warmup and never the strongest.

x Are there several ways you reach orgasm, or one you turn to always?
Clitorally is the only way so far, but I like other types of stimulation at the same time.

x What toys bring you to an orgasm, if any?
Vibrators, dildos, anal plugs, light nipple clamps, paddles, blindfolds, liberator Jaz or Heart, and my trusty liberator throe.

x Do you feel tired or have excess energy after orgasming?
Usually tired, like after I've had a great workout.

x Do you like clitoral orgasms or vaginal orgasms better?
I can only have clit right now, but I'm exploring to see whether vaginal is possible for me or not. I enjoy it immensely.

x How long does your climax last?
A minute or two. The after effects last longer.

x Do you expel liquid during a clitoral orgasm? How about a vaginal/G-spot?
Sometimes, but mostly when I have g-spot stimulation. I've never squirted though. I'm excited to try to.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
A wonderful feeling that makes me want more, that's why I need both external and internal stimulation to get complete satisfaction.
Contributor: LAndJ LAndJ
x How do you feel pre-orgasm?
Tense muscles, feels great, but the build up is so intense that it feels pleasurable and painful at the same time.

x How do you know you're about to orgasm?
Pulsing and tightening muscles.

x How do you feel during your orgasm?
Light-headed, pleasure and pain wrapped up into one - wanting it to stop and keep going at the same time.

x How do you feel after your orgasm?
Light-headed, almost out of body feeling.

x Can you orgasm multiple times or only once?

x Are there several ways you reach orgasm, or one you turn to always?
A few ways with concentration on different areas. I know which are more intense than others.

x What toys bring you to an orgasm, if any?
Vibrators, dildos with clitoral stimulation as well, anal toys

x Do you feel tired or have excess energy after orgasming?
Depends - sometimes I'm restless and others I can cuddle up and just sleep.

x Do you like clitoral orgasms or vaginal orgasms better?
Vaginal are much stronger and satisfying, but clitoral are easier to get.

x How long does your climax last?
30 seconds to a minute

x Do you expel liquid during a clitoral orgasm? How about a vaginal/G-spot?
It's wet during clitoral, but nothing "expels." During vaginal orgasm, liquid is more likely to seep or squirt out.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Originally posted by P'Gell
It's sad that so many women have yet to discover their orgasm. I'm an activist type person and aside from writing a book, (because I am wary that books can help on this subject) I would like to find a way to help women come to this amazing ... more
"How do you know you're about to orgasm? I feel a "rising" and lifting of my genitals, until they feel like I'm going to explode."

This is a really good description of the pre-orgasm feeling, at least for me. I usually describe it as a "lightweight" feeling, but that's not exactly right--"lifting" is better. It's sort of like the feeling you get when you go down the hill of a rollercoaster, except you know, not in your stomach.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by P'Gell
It's sad that so many women have yet to discover their orgasm. I'm an activist type person and aside from writing a book, (because I am wary that books can help on this subject) I would like to find a way to help women come to this amazing ... more
I really wanna trade bodies with you because that entire experience sounds amazing. I haven't really experienced anything like what you described, but rather more that twitching and "ahh, that's better" kind of release that makes me calm for the rest of the day and less tightly wound. I'd prefer an orgasm be this life altering thing every time I have one with lots of waves of amazingness spreading throughout, but sadly, I get the twitches, the tightness, and then I'm through. :/ We can't change our bodies though, so we have to just love them as is! I'm trying to find a pathway to seeing what else can bring me to climax, so maybe I'll be at the point that you are today with the feelings you experience.

I also tried getting there with the Wahl, as I bought one immediately after watching your video review and just couldn't! You're right that it's way stronger than the Hitachi and quieter, and overall, a great toy, but for me the broadness of the Hitachi works better and every time. I could climax with the Wahl, but it wasn't nearly as intense.
Contributor: G&L G&L
I've always been able to orgasm, even my first time. My muscles all tense up then I get an awesome sense of release and relaxation. It usually happens a couple times per session.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
My muscles tense up a lot, I breathe very fast, and a pleasant sensation builds up throughout my body - I've heard pre-orgasmic sensation compared to the buildup before a sneeze, and I have to say that's actually a pretty good description for me.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by thisisadeletedaccount
My muscles tense up a lot, I breathe very fast, and a pleasant sensation builds up throughout my body - I've heard pre-orgasmic sensation compared to the buildup before a sneeze, and I have to say that's actually a pretty good description for me.
I feel it's a lot like that too, though the relief when I sneeze is a bit greater.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
I start to sweat a little right before it happens...
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
I tend to feel a throbbing and pulsing radiating from my clit, with a very faint light-headed feeling. I can feel the muscles clenching and releasing as the pleasure centers my brain go nuts. We all hold our breath during orgasm, but I pretty much never realize until after I've come and release a huge whoosh of breath.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
fast shallower orgasm
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I intend to post answers for the questions when I get a few minutes, but you did remind me of something. A few months ago, I read an article that said many women go into a sort of trance-like state upon achieving orgasm. I think that's pretty accurate, at least for me. Time kind of stops and I more or less check out for a few seconds.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
And now I have time, so here we go!

x How do you feel pre-orgasm?
Muscles all over my body, but especially vaginal and pelvic floor muscles, tighten. Sometimes I pulse my vaginal muscles or spread my legs out further without realizing I'm doing it.

x How do you know you're about to orgasm?
There is sort of a rising feeling. My pulse is racing and there is just an undefinable impending feeling. My muscles are very tight and I may rise off the bed a little. I may hold my breath.

x How do you feel during your orgasm?
Like waves through my upper back, abdomen and pelvic floor. Feels like a big wave, and then smaller, diminishing waves follow it. My vaginal muscles pulse and my back often arches forward in the same rhythm as the pulses. Most of the feeling is around my clitoris and vaginal muscles. During the biggest sensations it feels like time stops and I just go completely blank, then come back as the feeling lessens.

x How do you feel after your orgasm?
Depends. Sometimes I feel (pleasantly) exhausted. Sometimes I feel relaxed. Sometimes I'm ready to do it again. Part of how I feel after has to do with where my husband is as far as his arousal/climax goes, i.e., whether I feel the need to keep going or stop.

x Can you orgasm multiple times or only once?
Multiple. Can and do. But mostly I'm satisfied after only one.

x Are there several ways you reach orgasm, or one you turn to always?
I generally use a vibrator. I can use my hand, but my arm gets tired.

x What toys bring you to an orgasm, if any?
Vibrators. I'm especially in love with my Hitachi right now.

x If you don't use toys, what does your partner/yourself do to bring you to a climax?
He sometimes uses his hand or tongue.

x Do you feel tired or have excess energy after orgasming?
Either. Sometimes I feel wired, sometimes exhausted.

x Do you like clitoral orgasms or vaginal orgasms better?
Never had a vaginal, so I'm going to say clitoral.

x How long does your climax last?
Never timed it, but I'd say the most intense parts are around 10-15 seconds, more or less. Some of the waves can go on for a while.

x Do you expel liquid during a clitoral orgasm? How about a vaginal/G-spot?
Other than lubrication, no. Not during an orgasm. I do when my g-spot is being stimulated, but it's a different feeling than an orgasm. Very pleasant, but different.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Which do you prefer over the other, if any?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I prefer clitoral orgasms.
18  (46%)
I prefer G-spot/vaginal orgasms.
8  (21%)
I prefer neither over the other.
2  (5%)
I prefer another way of orgasming. (Nipples, feet, anal)
1  (3%)
I have not yet experienced an orgasm of any kind.
10  (26%)
Total votes: 39
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Contributor: Calla Calla
I have only had clitoral orgasms.
Contributor: pirata pirata
I haven't had enough experience with g-spot orgasm to say for sure
Contributor: phoenixfiress phoenixfiress
I dont prefer one to the other, but that also depends on how the clitoral orgasm is given.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I've only been able to experience clitoral so far. But the community knows I'm trying for something different.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I think I've had one G-spot orgasm, and it was nothing to write home about, though at the time I was thrilled it had happened. I enjoy G-spot stimulation, but my orgasms pretty much exclusively happen by way of the clitoris.
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
Vaginal is much much easier for me and way more intense/pleasurable. I only masturbate clitorally when I don't "need a release" or if I don't have time to use a dildo.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
Clitoral ones are much easier for me to have.
Contributor: Badass Badass
I prefer an orgasm involving both, but if I had to choose I would choose my clitoris since it is easier to achieve orgasm with.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I prefer both, clitoral and vaginal (g-spot) simultaneously.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by HannahPanda
Which do you prefer over the other, if any?
I've never had a g-spot orgasm.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
Originally posted by Calla
I have only had clitoral orgasms.
I've only ever had clitoral orgasms as well.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I've never had a G-spot orgasm.
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
I'm a huge sensation junkie, so if I can manage it, I want a combined one! If I stimulate my clit while I'm being penetrated, both my clit and g-spot are in on the deal. It's lovely.

If I'm just wanking and want to get off quickly, I just go for clitoral. Always delicious.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I said "other," because I have no basis of comparison. Only clitoral orgasm. Vaginal and g-spot stimulation feel great, but never had an O from it.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Some women can orgasm back to back, or within a couple minutes of one another. Others orgasm once and are done, while some just wait an hour in between and are good to go again. What are you able to do?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I orgasm back to back regularly.
Calla , ghalik , LaSchwartz , MistressDandelion , carenautilus
I orgasm back to back sometimes.
Rin (aka Nire) , sexxxkitten , Badass , Rossie , LAndJ , Stinkytofu10 , Missmarc , SecretKinksters , thisisadeletedaccount , brevado , winterseve , AlianneCimorene , animepanda89 , kawigrl , sixfootsexxx , SneakersAndPearls , xOhxSoxScandalousx , MissCandyland , The Mother of a SiNner
I casn orgasm more than once, but not back to back.
HannahPanda , pirata , pasdechat , Badass , lacybutton , Breas , Roz W , wetone123 , SneakersAndPearls , dv8
I can orgasm more than once but am usually too tired to.
pirata , Rin (aka Nire) , thisisadeletedaccount , brevado , AlianneCimorene , SneakersAndPearls
I can orgasm more than once but choose not to.
AlianneCimorene , SneakersAndPearls
I cannot orgasm back to back.
I orgasm once and am done/cannot anymore.
unfulfilled , lacybutton , quackbuster
I have not experienced an orgasm yet.
I cannot orgasm.
Total votes: 46 (34 voters)
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Contributor: pirata pirata
I just discovered that I can orgasm more than once within a couple of minutes because I never had the desire to do so before lol
Contributor: phoenixfiress phoenixfiress
I have a tendencies to push for more even if the man has finished I make him enjoy the full orgasm as I push for a second and sometimes a third. I find that if I have multiple orgasm's back to back my anger levels stay low and I am able to focus and stay calm. I hate to say it but I'm run by my emotions and sometimes they get in my way. the multiple orgasms is like a chill pill.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I'm glad you asked this because I've always been a little confused about what "qualifies" as multiple orgasms. I can have several in a row, but not back to back. If I only use clitoral stimulation, it's hard for me to get past 2 or 3 orgasms, and it takes about 10 minutes post-climax to get to the next one. If I throw in G-spot stimulation it's easier for me to come more than once and they are ALMOST back to back, but not quite--around a minute in between, I'd say.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by phoenixfiress
I have a tendencies to push for more even if the man has finished I make him enjoy the full orgasm as I push for a second and sometimes a third. I find that if I have multiple orgasm's back to back my anger levels stay low and I am able to focus ... more
I've always felt that way as well.. I feel like I get so wound up and don't realize that sometimes sex/an orgasm puts the important shit into perspective and I don't get mad as easily. Probably sounds crazy, but I suppose I'm really emotional as well and it adds up that way for me, sometimes.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
One orgasm is what I'm lucky to get and that takes a lot of power, time, excitement gel, etc.
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
I feel like it's a waste of time if I don't have at least 3 orgasms.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I'm capable of back-to-back orgasms, but I'm normally too worn out to do so. Usually if I'm coming more than once in a session, there will be a few minutes in-between each orgasm.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I can do back to back orgasms, but most of the time, I'm too tired.
Contributor: Badass Badass
Generally, I have to wait a second to try for another, but it has happened.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I can have back-to-back orgasms sometimes, depending on how hardworking my husband is.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by unfulfilled
One orgasm is what I'm lucky to get and that takes a lot of power, time, excitement gel, etc.
I'm the same way. It takes a lot to get me to just one, so I feel you on this one.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by HannahPanda
Some women can orgasm back to back, or within a couple minutes of one another. Others orgasm once and are done, while some just wait an hour in between and are good to go again. What are you able to do?
This can happen, but rarely.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
My clit is much too sensitive post-orgasm to climax again immediately. I can orgasm again a bit later, but don't usually end up trying again by that time.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I can definitely have multiple orgasms back to back, but because my muscles tense up a lot and I get out of breath when I cum, sometimes I'm too tired to try for multiple.
Contributor: winterseve winterseve
I usually don't go back to back, I like a short break in between. If I'm masturbating I usually go for at least three orgasms before I stop. If it is my day off and I have time I'll sometimes do upward of 10 before stopping. Why stop when I can keep going? Gotta love it.
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
I have a hair trigger, and often come two or three times in a session. Though the more orgasms I've had the longer it'll take me to get to the next one.
Contributor: animepanda89 animepanda89
It varies for me, sometimes I only have one but my record for one go is six. I usually have 2-3.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I voted several ways because it honest to goodness depends on the day. Sometimes they are back to back, sometimes within a few minutes, sometimes the second is nowhere to be found, and sometimes I just don't want to.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Does one toy get you there every time, or one specific thing you do always that thing that is for sure? Or can you orgasm several, if not many different ways?

I'm super duper jelly of those of you who have many. I'm still discovering what can make them most intense and enjoyable, myself.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I have one method I use consistently, and change it up sometimes.
HannahPanda , pirata , phoenixfiress , Rin (aka Nire) , Badass , LaSchwartz , Stinkytofu10 , SecretKinksters , MistressDandelion , Breas , thisisadeletedaccount , Roz W , brevado , AlianneCimorene , sixfootsexxx , SneakersAndPearls , xOhxSoxScandalousx , MissCandyland , dv8
I have one method I use consistently and always.
unfulfilled , sexxxkitten , Rossie
I have several methods to achieve orgasm.
Calla , LAndJ , lacybutton , MistressDandelion , AlianneCimorene , carenautilus , quackbuster , wetone123 , xOhxSoxScandalousx
I have many methods to achieve orgasm.
ghalik , kawigrl
Total votes: 33 (30 voters)
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Contributor: phoenixfiress phoenixfiress
I do actually have one way that I get the g-spot orgasm but the clitoral orgasm is given by others. the g-spot I usually have the man on top and use his body weight and grind up a against him. this causes him to enjoy the same motion as if you were riding him, it also gives you the feeling of him rubbing the full walls of the vagina. I have double jointed hips so this works well for me. though I do not know if it would work for others.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
Again, I'm only able to orgasm. Clitorally so it's with high powered toys and climax cream any time I'm able to get there.
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
Clitorally: happens only with a 5 vroom vibe
Vaginally: happens with a dildo or fingers and there are several methods (g-spot and a-spot)
My extra special method: involves dry-humping my hand through clothing. I think it's technically the u-spot; it's not the clitoris head. (I don't think there's anyone else in the whole world who masturbates this way besides me. )
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
There's a few ways I go about it:

1) Hand-on-clit only. Usually when I just want a quick session or am having a fantasy in which a toy wouldn't really fit.
2) Dildo and hand-on-clit (my personal favorite). My strongest orgasms happen this way, but they take longer to achieve and I tend to make more noise this way, so it's not the best in terms of discretion.
3) Vibrator only: Shower/waterproof blankets are required, since I urinate/squirt/whateve r anytime I do this. The orgasms can be very intense, but lack a sense of completion (if that makes any sense) and feel more like they burn than roll out of me.
4) Vibe and hand-on-clit: Another one for the shower. I don't do this often because internal vibrations are a bit distracting.
5) Humping something: rare, but fun. Usually involves the arm of my computer chair.
Contributor: Badass Badass
Generally, I do the same thing. Toy inside, fingers on clit, but sometimes just the clit or vice versa.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I ask my husband to use different dildos/vibrators on me every time, but method is the same, use the toy to stimulate my g-spot while giving me some great oral; this method never fails. When I'm in the mood for additional excitement, I'll have my Pure plug in place before beginning foreplay, the sensation is totally amazing.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Originally posted by ghalik
Clitorally: happens only with a 5 vroom vibe
Vaginally: happens with a dildo or fingers and there are several methods (g-spot and a-spot)
My extra special method: involves dry-humping my hand through clothing. I think it's technically the ... more
Your body sounds like a cookie cutter of how I climax too, everything from the dry humping (not of the hand) the fingers and dildo, and the 5 vrooms. Glad to know I'm not alone in my hard to please-ness.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
I'm usually vibe on clit, but change up the vibes. If I don't have one handy, I do hand on clit occasionally. I also like water jets on clit, either in a fancy tub, removable shower head or pool.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I have particular positions and styles of motion that work best for me, but I like trying to switch things up when I can. It's fun to learn new ways to cum.
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
There are a set of toys and techniques that always work for me, and we tend to use at least one of those in a scene. But I like to add new things in too.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Some love a nap, some love to exercise. How about you?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I feel tired and wiped after a climax.
I feel energized after a climax.
I feel indifferent after a climax.
I feel talkative after a climax.
I feel sad after a climax.
I feel happy after a climax. (I hope!)
I feel angry after a climax.
I feel guilty after a climax.
I feel cuddly after a climax.
It depends on the day/mood.
Total votes: 86 (33 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Calla Calla
I feel kind of spacey and need to lie still for a few seconds, but after that I usually feel energized and want to continue masturbating or having sex. After a few orgasms I get tired and want to sleep or cuddle.
Contributor: pirata pirata
I feel kind of bliss-ed out and really relaxed after. I just lie back and chill
Contributor: phoenixfiress phoenixfiress
after a session of love making I feel energized but in a peaceful bliss that I don't want to disturb so I end up falling asleep happily most the time. Other time like if it is during the day it gives me the energy to continue on with the day.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
I usually just feel calm, and maybe a bit tired. I tend to lie still for a couple of minutes, and then I just get up and go about my day as usual.
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
I feel warm and fuzzy, I like to lye still for a little while, get my legs back. I seem to have leg quivering with powerful orgasms
Contributor: ghalik ghalik
It depends on a lot of factors but almost any of those feelings can occur. I usually need around 5 minutes to catch my breath before I can get up without feeling faint. It usually is energizing.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I usually feel tired for a little bit and just lie still for a moment or two. If the orgasm was really good, I get very wobbly and start humming and giggling a lot. My energy usually comes back after a few minutes.
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
I usually feel happy and tired.
Contributor: Badass Badass
Relaxed but energized and extremely happy.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I'll be tired, but feeling very satisfied and happy.
Contributor: lacybutton lacybutton
Relaxed, satisfied and sleepy (but often because I usually masturbate at night in bed).
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
It varies a lot for me - I'm usually tired right after, but often I'm also energized and ready for more once I have a moment to collect myself.
Contributor: carenautilus carenautilus
I'm usually chatty and enthusiastically cuddly.