I usually have 2 or 3 windows with a combined total of 20-30 tabs open at a time.
How many tabs do you usually have running at the top of your browser?
I usually have atleast a few but even more when I'm on a site like this. I'll open up a good 10 or so threads as tabs at once and then go through them all, closing them one at a time as I finish each page.
I only generally have 3 open, sometimes 4. I try to keep it low because I always forget what I'm doing, I can't multi-task on the computer very well.
I've lost count
Holy moly. you guys are hard core with the tabs LOL I rarely have more than 2. At the moment, just one.
Minimum of three. I try not to have so many open that I can't even see which tab is which. I like to have at least the favicon showing, otherwise I have to click through a bunch of them to find the tab I want. I might have to start using multiple browser windows for better organization. Maybe one could be the main window and the other would be the everything-I-always-ne ed-to-reference window.
I always have six to ten tabs open in Mozilla, and three to four other programs I'm running on my PC.
Right now I have 19 tabs open. I didn't realize I had so many open until I counted for this post.
26 up right now... having two monitors makes it easy to separate them
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Anyone who comes to my house and sees it on my computer thinks I'm crazy! Any more than 4 when I'm using my Moms computer and she flips out and makes me close them...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Anyone who comes to my house and sees it on my computer thinks I'm crazy! Any more than 4 when I'm using my Moms computer and she flips out and makes me close them...
only 2 most of the time.
Right now I have 5. I like to multitask.
Dang, I thought I used a lot at around 6 or 7!
threes the average.
Dude, I work online so I always have numerous tabs open. I'd say Sam has me beat, though. lol
Lately it's been one tab for eden fantasys, one for facebook, and one for my e-mail.
I generally have a bunch of tabs going at the same time. I like it that way!
Lots. Usually at least 6, but often more, especially if I'm forum-ing.
I'm glad to know I'm in good company. Having multiple browsers open is my husband's pet peeve (he says it slows down the computer's operating speed), but I always have plenty open and go back and forth between tasks.
I usually have at least 6. More if I'm working on a project. I have everything up at once and go back and forth. I'd rather do that then do everything separately.
My name is bunny love, and I'm addicted to tabs.
Sometimes I keep the same tab open for WEEKS! *sigh* I need help!
Sometimes I keep the same tab open for WEEKS! *sigh* I need help!
Haha. I'm chuffed to bits I'm not the only one who has more than six up and running at the same time! If I ever use the computer in front of my sister, she looks at me as if I'm some sort of freak for jumping from one site to the next every other second.
I voted two just because that's what I have going right now. It's always different. Sometimes I'll be on for hours in only one tab, sometimes I'll have twenty or so going at once, and everything in between!
Right now I have 11...
3-4 at a time. For whatever reason I just like that many open. I usually close one and then open another.
I have 4 that automatically open. Then I open like twice as much as that.
Right now I only have 5 up, but usually it's many more. I almost always have a tab up for Eden, facebook, youtube and hotmail and then a few for whatever else I'm doing
I can't help it I have alot going on lol
I have a bunch of tabs and my WOW game too!
I love tabs. I don't remember how I lived without them. Oh, yeah I do. I opened multiple windows until they slowed my machine down
Oh, this is me.
Originally posted by
This browser currently has 35 tabs open. Honestly, I don't need them all, I just haven't gone through to decide what can get shut down and what I want to leave open, lol