It's a lemon cookie with lemon chips inside. The cookie is a promotion celebrating 100 years of the girl scouts and their ridiculous business model. They're called Savannah Smiles.
Yuck. Lemon chips? No, thanks! I haven't had a girl scout cookie in probably...oh I don't know a decade? No cookie is worth $4.50 a box and I'm not entirely sure I stand behind their message anymore. (I dropped out of Girl Scouts at the Brownie stage because I refused to sell the cookies.)
Yuck. Lemon chips? No, thanks! I haven't had a girl scout cookie in probably...oh I don't know a decade? No cookie is worth $4.50 a box and I'm not entirely sure I stand behind their message anymore. (I dropped out of Girl Scouts at the
Yuck. Lemon chips? No, thanks! I haven't had a girl scout cookie in probably...oh I don't know a decade? No cookie is worth $4.50 a box and I'm not entirely sure I stand behind their message anymore. (I dropped out of Girl Scouts at the Brownie stage because I refused to sell the cookies.)