when you are coming up on a yellow traffic light, what do you tend to do?
Speed through, or Stop?
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Usually speed through. It depends though; of course I'm not going to do that if the yellow is almost over and/or there's a cop. I'm not sure about other states, but where I'm from it's illegal to enter the intersection on a yellow. Most cops won't pull you over for that though.
depends how close I am.
It depends on what I feel is safest at the time.
It depends on how close I am to the intersection.
I usually slow down if I am a safe distance from it, otherwise I just go through it.
if I feel like it would be harder to stop then I just keep going
Speed through!
Depends, but usually I power through. *Makes racecar noises*
Originally posted by
Daniel & Brittany
when you are coming up on a yellow traffic light, what do you tend to do?
I usually slow down unless I am going too fast to slow down effectively.
It depends how close I am to the stop. If I can make it through without having to speed up, I'll usually go through it. Otherwise I'll stop.
If I think I can make it then speed but if Im far away that it will be red by the time I get there then I slow down
Green light means go
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
It depends on how far I am from the light. I only push it if I think I can probably make it under when it just turns red.
In a car, I slow down. When I drive a truck, it depends on how far I am away to stop the 40 tons safely.
Depends on if I think their might be a cop close!
Originally posted by
Daniel & Brittany
when you are coming up on a yellow traffic light, what do you tend to do?
I usually hit the gas and go
Except in those places around here that have red ling cameras.
Originally posted by
Daniel & Brittany
when you are coming up on a yellow traffic light, what do you tend to do?
If I can safely stop I do. If I can't, then I do my best to make it through the light.
The last time I got pulled over, it was because I didn't make it completely through the intersection before the light turned red (but I was pretty darned close). The cop basically told me to either slam on the brakes or floor it to make it through, because either was better than being in the intersection when it changed, and neither of those would get me a ticket while being in the intersection would.
Remember, the rule is ''red light, stop; green light, go; yellow light, go very fast.''
Remember, the rule is ''red light, stop; green light, go; yellow light, go very fast.''
With the proliferation of "Red Light Cameras" in the Chicago area I stop at the first hint of yellow. As well I don't turn right on red anymore. They've got different times for how long you've got to stay stopped or you get that $100 ticket in the mail.
Depends but my car is an old goat so usually I just slow down.
Originally posted by
Green light means go
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
When you're driving in Massachusetts, yellow means the same thing as green. And sometimes red is the same thing as green too. Drivers here are called MassHoles for a reason!
speed though if I can get my back tires over the limit line before it turns red...that is the law in Indiana. If I can stop at the line, I will stop though.
Starman dude lmao, I had so forgotten about that movie
Originally posted by
Green light means go
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
Red light means stop
Yellow light means go very fast
Pretty star to the person that can tell me what movie that is from.
So wheres my pretty star, and it best be really pretty... a Sexy Star even...
Edit: Bahh, Taylor beat me to it so no sexy star for me...
slow down and stop, unless there is no one around. Then I will keep going.
You are absolutely right lol
Originally posted by
When you're driving in Massachusetts, yellow means the same thing as green. And sometimes red is the same thing as green too. Drivers here are called MassHoles for a reason!
if there's time to stop stop, but most of the time there isn't and its safer for everyone else to keep going as long as its yellow when u enter not red generally its safe than trying to stop
ding ding ding, we have winner.
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