Should there be a national ban on using a cell phone while driving?

Contributor: Petite Valentine Petite Valentine
You can tell election season is around the corner, all the politicians are starting crusades.

The U.S. Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, has decided to declare war on cell phone use while driving. He wants a FEDERAL law to ban talking on a cell phone or texting while driving any type of vehicle on any road in the USA.

Do you think there should be a federal law/nationwide ban on talking or texting on a cell phone while driving?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Yes, it's unsafe.
js250 , Beck , Breas , Kitten has left the site , DeliciousSurprise , Kitka , pootpootpoot , Rin (aka Nire) , GonetoLovehoney , Geogeo , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Kithara , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , michael scofield , Rossie , T&A1987 , OhMy! , ellejay , C-Rae , MissCandyland , ksparkles16 , Undead , VelvetDragon , Ice1 , ghalik , Errant Venture , Stagger13 , darthkitt3n , Terri69 , unfulfilled , WD40watcher , ejrbrndps , padmeamidala , Hot'n'Bothered , Falsepast , xOhxSoxScandalousx , MrWishyWashy , dv8 , LoveYouLikeThat , sexxxkitten , brevado , Stinkytofu10 , soe , little miss kinky
Yes, for a reason I will explain below.
No, it should be left up to local/state government.
El-Jaro , Badass , Entropy , Checkmate , Allstars316 , JackRaiden
No, additional laws are unnecessary.
spunkmonkey , Crystal1 , married with children , Badass , ViVix , CreamySweet
No, for a reason I will explain below.
Total votes: 57 (55 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: js250 js250
Definitely! I have seen many cases where there was an inattentive driver due to talking on the phone. And as far as friend's daughter, a close friend of my daughter is now dead due to texting while driving.
Contributor: Beck Beck
YES!!! DON'T TALK ON YOUR PHONE AND DRIVE!!! It's already in effect where I live. However, we see many people not listening. It's distracting and has proven to be dangerous. We see it all the time. If there is someone ahead of us that isn't staying in between the lines on the road we think they have been drinking, but when you drive past them. We find they have their phone glued to their ears. If you are driving, you should just drive. If you get an important call, pull the vehicle off to the side of the road and talk. If you don't you are putting everyone around you at risk.
Contributor: spunkmonkey spunkmonkey
I see more people putting on makeup, shaving, brushing their teeth, reading a book, deep in conversation with someone ridding with them; then I do talking on the phone. Are we going to ban all those activites also? They cause drivers to not pay full attention to the road. What about driving without a min amount of sleep hours? Where do you draw the line on lost liberities for false securities? I know, let's make weed legal, but talking on your phone a crime. I think somewhere along the line, we as a country have lost our guiding light leading us in the right direction.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by spunkmonkey
I see more people putting on makeup, shaving, brushing their teeth, reading a book, deep in conversation with someone ridding with them; then I do talking on the phone. Are we going to ban all those activites also? They cause drivers to not pay ... more
Your comparison to weed and talking on the phone aren't comparable. Weed is only legal (in some places) for medical use. It's used by a person and only effects the person smoking it. Of course if they are smoking it and driving (which is against the law: DUI if your caught) that's a different story. (Though I'd rather drive next to the guy smoking weed then the guy talking on his phone.) Talking on a cell phone puts people besides the person who is driving in danger. Just like drunk driving. By your logic we shouldn't have any laws. That wouldn't do any good. A false sense a security sure, but making a law against it would make it a punishable offense (by ticket.) So they drivers take it more seriously.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
make the damn law! driving the other day and someone talking on a cell phone (a OLD lady mind you!) nearly hit me! this ain't the first time and im sure this won't be the last, but it's dangerous. when andy's phone rings while we're on the road im the one who answers where im in the passenger seat and he can keep focusing on the road.
Contributor: GonetoLovehoney GonetoLovehoney
I see so many people texting while driving and being a general nuisance because they're not paying attention to the road. I end up glaring at them when I go by. Is it really that hard to wait until you're at a stoplight to see what it's about?
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Yes, but I think it will be largely ineffective still. Those who want to be on the phone and drive, still will. Those who never did, still will not.
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
Yes, it's unsafe.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
Not unless they ban other things (like eating in the car), too.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Unfortunately, the "Don't be a dick" rule can't be passed; everyone would break it at one point in time or another.

Sad thing, it shouldn't even be a question. Some things just shouldn't be done while driving - talking on the phone, putting on make-up, reading (yes, I've seen this), and road head (sorry, it's distracting).
Contributor: married with children married with children
Originally posted by Beck
Your comparison to weed and talking on the phone aren't comparable. Weed is only legal (in some places) for medical use. It's used by a person and only effects the person smoking it. Of course if they are smoking it and driving (which is ... more
how does one tell if someone is still high from smoking between someone who smoked the night before? And weed is not legal in some places. States have approved it, but the feds still say its illegal. I deal with this at work everyday. All because my state says it is ok, does not mean someone can come to work and give a dirty UA and still keep their job. I fully agree with spunky. I dont think it is about not having any laws. It is about having smart laws. Which makes more sense? Saying you cant do "X" while driving? Or saying you are responsible for the damages that you caused? Would holding people responsible for their actions be more effective then creating another law? I think it would. And if you try to tell me that people are already responsible for damaged caused by their actions, you have been living with your head under a rock. Take a look around. No one wants to be responsible for any thing they do. And the justice system lets them get away with it every day.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by married with children
how does one tell if someone is still high from smoking between someone who smoked the night before? And weed is not legal in some places. States have approved it, but the feds still say its illegal. I deal with this at work everyday. All because ... more
Your pupil's are dilated when you smoke weed recently. Weed is legal for medical uses in some places at the State level in the US. Sure on the federal level it's not, but you don't see the fed's swarming in all the medical shops and shutting them ALL down, do you? Nope, maybe once in a while, but rarely.

I agree just because your state thinks medical marijuana is fine doesn't mean people should drive, work, or many other activities while under the influence. And the law agrees with me because you can be arrested for this or you can be fired. (Public intoxication doesn't only cover drinking.) I never said that was ok. All I said is I'd much rather drive next to the guy smoking weed then the guy who is talking on the phone. Talking on the phone has proven to be just as dangerous as driving drunk. We have laws against that and for good reason. The same should go for driving while talking on the phone. Activities like road head, reading, putting on makeup, and so on are just as distracting. So should be covered under the law as well.

How else are you going to hold people responsible for their actions without having some kind of law behind it? You can't hold people for responsible for something there is no law against. Common sense doesn't hold up in a court of law.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
yes some people can talk and drive but alot cant even tho they know they cant and esily get distracted they still do it so it is unsafe
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by married with children
how does one tell if someone is still high from smoking between someone who smoked the night before? And weed is not legal in some places. States have approved it, but the feds still say its illegal. I deal with this at work everyday. All because ... more
And there are many people who give a dirty UA all the time who get to keep their jobs. If you have a script from your Dr you are clear. They test for pain meds, amphetamines, and Benzos when you give your sample. Many people have scripts for these. Just because people have medicines they take doesn't mean they should be Fired from their jobs because their medicines give them a dirty UA.

Just because you give a clean urine sample doesn't mean you are actually drug free. There are products you can buy at the health store that clear the "toxins" out of your body. Which make you have a clean UA within 24hours. Or you can use someone else's pee and you can purchase fake urine. There is a huge market of products that help you pass your test. Blood test is the most effective, but you can get around that too. Hair test all you have to do is buy special shampoo and follow the directions.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Definitely should have a Federal law banning cell phone usage and texting while driving, and make sure local police enforce it and crack down all the lawbreakers.
Contributor: C-Rae C-Rae
Yeah for sure. It's crazy because in Florida you can drive and talk on the phone but they out lawed texting while driving which is AMAZING! But wish they enforced it a little better in my area.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
yes, definitely it's a law here.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Yes there should.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Using your phone while driving is already banned over here, which I feel is correct.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
I'm okay with laws like this being passed by local or state governments, but not at a federal level.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Petite Valentine
You can tell election season is around the corner, all the politicians are starting crusades.

The U.S. Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, has decided to declare war on cell phone use while driving. He wants a FEDERAL law to ban talking on ... more
Why don't we just make a law for everything? After all, that open-mouth chewer next to me is a hazard to my sanity.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by spunkmonkey
I see more people putting on makeup, shaving, brushing their teeth, reading a book, deep in conversation with someone ridding with them; then I do talking on the phone. Are we going to ban all those activites also? They cause drivers to not pay ... more
Valid point on the sleep. I'm usually driving with a whole 4 hours of sleep on the nights I work. Thank goodness for caffeine.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by El-Jaro
Unfortunately, the "Don't be a dick" rule can't be passed; everyone would break it at one point in time or another.

Sad thing, it shouldn't even be a question. Some things just shouldn't be done while driving - ... more
LOL. Didn't think about road head either.
Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
Yes, it is so unsafe to drive while using a cell phone
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
It's already in effect where I live, but the other day I passed my local cop when I was dropping off my kid at preschool and he was talking on the phone while driving. Shame, Shame.
Contributor: WD40watcher WD40watcher
I can not believe the amount of people who are so careless when they talk on their phone while driving. They are all over the road and I could tell they are distracted. Then they get mad at me if they drift into my lane on the highway. I've seen so many near misses because of phones and think a cell phone ban is the best thing for safety.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by married with children
how does one tell if someone is still high from smoking between someone who smoked the night before? And weed is not legal in some places. States have approved it, but the feds still say its illegal. I deal with this at work everyday. All because ... more
QUOTE: No one wants to be responsible for any thing they do. That is painting the entire population with an extremely broad brush. Are you the only one who "takes responsibility" for your actions, or you do fall into the group of "everyone" who doesn't? If it's the former, are you the only one in society who does? Do you really believe that?

I think a more realistic and optimistic attitude of humanity might benefit one better. When one thinks "No one does anything right" it effects their entire life, from the way they treat others to how they vote to how they view life to how they act.

In any rate, it's a limited view of human behavior. People are individuals. There is NO "no one" or "everyone" or "all the time" or "never" for most things and most people. Such Black and White thinking can be quite detrimental, not only to one's health, but to the health of the Nation. Really.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
I think it should be. With maybe the exception of hands free devices....maybe.

It's just not worth it people. I get on DH's case all the time when he gets on the phone to talk or worse yet 'adjust the gps location'.....

Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
It should be banned everywhere