Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Contributor: Kindred Kindred
I voted for medicinal purposes only because it does have it's applications for nausea and chronic pain management.

I do not agree to legalize/decriminalize it, but that was based on smoking it. If you think smoking weed is not harmful, you are wrong. However, for the same reason, I don't agree with smoking tobacco being legal. Smoking serves no value whatsoever, is unhealthful, and adds to the burden of the healthcare system.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
it can save lives? I thought it only helped relieve pain.

Maybe i was wrong...
Pain can kill. As can the nausea and appetite loss from things like AIDS and Chemotherapy.

I don't use the stuff anymore, no desire and no need to, but it should be available in the same way alcohol and tobacco are. Tax the hell out of it, and let people use it if they want. It's in no way as dangerous as alcohol, and not even as bad for one as cigarettes (WHO smokes 20-40 joints a day? Please.)

It's an herb and should be available for adults to use as they see fit.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Kindred
I voted for medicinal purposes only because it does have it's applications for nausea and chronic pain management.

I do not agree to legalize/decriminalize it, but that was based on smoking it. If you think smoking weed is not harmful, ... more
But, prohibition of such things as alcohol or tobacco only serve to make criminals of normal law abiding people. Prohibition in the 1920s was one of the worst mistakes the USA made. It gave Organized Crime it's ability to run everything it still runs to this day.

I HATE cigarette smoke and of course the smoke from weed isn't necessarily good for you, but not only can marijuana be used in other ways besides smoking, adults should be LEGALLY allowed to use substances as they see fit and judge their own risk, without the Government interfering.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
Originally posted by P'Gell
But, prohibition of such things as alcohol or tobacco only serve to make criminals of normal law abiding people. Prohibition in the 1920s was one of the worst mistakes the USA made. It gave Organized Crime it's ability to run everything it still ... more
Yes! Well said, P'Gell.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Originally posted by P'Gell
But, prohibition of such things as alcohol or tobacco only serve to make criminals of normal law abiding people. Prohibition in the 1920s was one of the worst mistakes the USA made. It gave Organized Crime it's ability to run everything it still ... more
EXACTLY what I was gonna say. Prohibition didn't work then and it doesn't work now.

Another thing is, tobacco is the number one killer in America. Marijuana can save people. What's wrong with this picture?

Who outlaws a frickin plant??
Contributor: Gary Gary
After reading through this I just wanted clarify: I am not a fan of pot. I hate being that mellow! I wouldn't smoke it if it was legal. I am just saying that throughout my travels pot is really not a big deal. Aside from maybe the whole drug dealer aspect, it is not worse for you that smoking or drinking. Not to mention, that if pot was legal and regulated it could probably become cheap enough that the government could exploit it as whole new taxable opportunity. More money could go back into the communities and it would pretty much eliminate the petty drug dealers.

I don't know if it is true, but I saw on a news special that is harder to remove and FDA approval than to get an FDA approval.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by P'Gell
But, prohibition of such things as alcohol or tobacco only serve to make criminals of normal law abiding people. Prohibition in the 1920s was one of the worst mistakes the USA made. It gave Organized Crime it's ability to run everything it still ... more
I did not say marijuana should be illegal. I'm fine with medicinal purposes. And you can't call "normal law abiding people" if they violate the law. I agree, prohibition was a bad idea, but I think tobacco would be a different situation. You can't simply distill a batch, you have to grow and harvest it, which would be difficult to do on a large scale basis.

And the problem I have with people using substances as they see fit, is that tobacco smoking has a greater impact on everyone else, again not only by second hand smoke, but the impact on the health care system. I could argue that it would be acceptable if there was any redeeming quality for tobacco smoking, but I can't think of any.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by Gary
After reading through this I just wanted clarify: I am not a fan of pot. I hate being that mellow! I wouldn't smoke it if it was legal. I am just saying that throughout my travels pot is really not a big deal. Aside from maybe the whole drug ... more
Yes, prior to getting an approval, the burden to demonstrate that a drug is safe and effective is on the drug company. Once the drug is approved, it's much more difficult to have a drug removed from the market. Much of the burden falls on the FDA to demonstrate it is no longer safe, which is difficult given that they previously said it was safe and effective.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Originally posted by Kindred
I did not say marijuana should be illegal. I'm fine with medicinal purposes. And you can't call "normal law abiding people" if they violate the law. I agree, prohibition was a bad idea, but I think tobacco would be a different ... more
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be argumentative; I'm just hoping you could clarify something.
"I agree, prohibition was a bad idea, but I think tobacco would be a different situation. You can't simply distill a batch, you have to grow and harvest it, which would be difficult to do on a large scale basis."

I'm just not really sure what you mean by this. Yes you can distill alcohol, and you grow and harvest both tobacco and marijuana.. the only difference between those two being that marijuana is a weed and is extremely easy to grow on a large scale.. hence why I know a guy who has 4 MASSIVE plants in his attic.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be argumentative; I'm just hoping you could clarify something.
"I agree, prohibition was a bad idea, but I think tobacco would be a different situation. You can't simply distill a batch, you have to ... more
Don't worry, I did not take what you said as being argumentative. I'm happy to have a healthy debate.

The point I was trying to make is that you can set up a still and make alcohol very easily, in a basement, and produce very large quantities. With tobacco/marijuana, it would be more difficult to match the volume/amount that a still can produce versus growing plants. Additionally, plants take time to grow and harvest, not so with distilling alcohol. Can you do it? Of course, people currently do it (with marijuana at least). But I personally don't think it would be able to reach the same scale as with alcohol during prohibition, but maybe that's just my naive view.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
Originally posted by Kindred
Don't worry, I did not take what you said as being argumentative. I'm happy to have a healthy debate.

The point I was trying to make is that you can set up a still and make alcohol very easily, in a basement, and produce very large ... more
Ok I see what you're saying now. I can't find the actual numbers of people who use marijuana now compared to how many people drank during the alcohol prohibition, so I dunno.

At this point the marijuana prohibition has been going on for so long and there's so much propaganda around it, that I think medicinal use will be the only way it becomes legalized. There's no way the government's gonna back down on everything it's been throwing at people for decades.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Kindred
I did not say marijuana should be illegal. I'm fine with medicinal purposes. And you can't call "normal law abiding people" if they violate the law. I agree, prohibition was a bad idea, but I think tobacco would be a different ... more
I agree that yes, cigarette smoke is bad for people around those who use it. So is the fallout about abuse of alcohol for those who love alcoholics etc.

But, I do, in all respect and love, have to disagree that any substance that adults use in moderation should be outlawed. I can't imagine outlawing tobacco would make one single person quit, it would just drive it underground and an entire group of Organized Criminals would take up the growing, selling and regulation of it.

Tobacco is EASY to grow. My Man and I are intermediate gardeners, (not "Master" level, but we have most of an acre planted with our stuff, food, flowers, experimental things)

We grew smoking tobacco this year, just to see how it was done, and because I was interested in the flowers it would produce. The stuff grows like a weed, NO insects I know of touch it (they may, but our plants were untouched, even by bugs and diseases which got our tomatoes, peppers and petunias all related plants.) You could plant a couple of acres and give it nearly NO attention and make a mint IF it were illegal. It's actually easier to make than alcohol. (We've made beer and wine and growing tobacco was virtually maintainece free, compared to the producing alcohol safely)

I understand that tobacco is dangerous, I hate to smell the stuff burning and do not allow it in my house, but we can't make criminals of millions of otherwise innocent people.

I'm just presenting my view. All respect and love intended.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Kindred
Yes, prior to getting an approval, the burden to demonstrate that a drug is safe and effective is on the drug company. Once the drug is approved, it's much more difficult to have a drug removed from the market. Much of the burden falls on the ... more
But, marijuana was legal LONG before the FDA or the DEA were ever organized. There was no "FDA approval" it didn't exist, when hemp was used extensively for medical reasons in the 19th century and before. It was made illegal because William Randolph Hurst had tons of paper pulp and at the time newspapers were made from hemp paper. In order to make ALL papers use the substance HE owned, (and make himself richer) he instigated a "Mexicans and Negros use this plant to get high and rape white women" campaign and thus it was outlawed for both medical reasons and recreational use in the early 1900s.

As it's never been FDA approved, approval wouldn't be hard, if not for all the political shit surrounding it. The entire FDA/DEA thing is bullshit in my opinion anyway. The DEA does nothing to protect people from anything and only makes it harder for people in real medical need to obtain drugs, even LEGAL ones they need in sufficient quantities. The DEA/FDA dyad is nothing but a political mass of red tape and Right Wing bullshit. There are plenty of very dangerous drugs with full FDA approval and plenty of good medications that cannot get approval.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
Yea, that's my thought on it. I'd never heard of NORML, but I have lots of friends who were part of Students for Sensible Drug Policy when it was in existence on my campus (president graduated and the group kinda fell apart).

I just ... more
I just watched this too, through Netflix. Its excellent. I don't think you can see that documentary and not want marijuana legalized.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by P'Gell
I agree that yes, cigarette smoke is bad for people around those who use it. So is the fallout about abuse of alcohol for those who love alcoholics etc.

But, I do, in all respect and love, have to disagree that any substance that adults use ... more
Nicotine can be used as an insecticide. No wonder the plants were untouched.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
My issue with tobacco is the smoking part. I have no problem if people want to partake in something unhealthy. Heck, if we go down that path it becomes a very slippery slope because then we talk about banning a lot of things. My issue is the smoking does not only affect the user, it affects others secondarily.

Also, I don't think alcohol should be prohibited. Someone else brought up prohibition as an example. Alcohol also has known health benefits.

So I guess my beef with tobacco, at least smoking it, is that it has no known redeeming qualities and also impacts others negatively. On a personal note, I also dislike it because I think it adds to the burden of the healthcare system.
Contributor: LikeSunshineDust LikeSunshineDust
I just had a thought, not a comforting thought at that. So cigarettes didn't always used to contain terrible, harsh chemicals. Then they started being mass-produced and look where they are now. I had this thought that if marijuana became legalized and started being mass-produced, they'd contaminate it with all sorts of shit. I dunno, does anyone else think that would ever happen?
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I just had a thought, not a comforting thought at that. So cigarettes didn't always used to contain terrible, harsh chemicals. Then they started being mass-produced and look where they are now. I had this thought that if marijuana became ... more
Yes, that is a good point. It would definitely happen!
Contributor: heisgreat heisgreat
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I'm just curious as to everyone's opinion on this. I realize it's a controversial topic, so let's all be adults here, k?

Do you think pot should be legalized?
This is too loaded (no pun intended) to post all of the pros and cons of every yes/no/maybe/sometimes opinion.
Contributor: Tisbury Tisbury
Legalizing it would produce a lot of benefits from taxes and such. There needs to be a restriction on age for buying marijuana of course. Plus, the death rates that are caused by alcohol and tobacco separately are far, far more prevalent than marijuana.
Contributor: Trashley Trashley
I don't smoke weed, but it should be legal. I just had to have a fight with my best friend housemate and make her move her weed growing operation to another house. Even though she has a card, she can still be caught selling it and I wouldn't be able to go to med school. I just wish it was legal so people can buy it themselves and I don't have to worry about all this shadiness. Alcohol's worse than weed, anyway!
Contributor: pinkzombie pinkzombie
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I'm just curious as to everyone's opinion on this. I realize it's a controversial topic, so let's all be adults here, k?

Do you think pot should be legalized?
I def. think it should be legalized. I am not a smoker and never really liked it although I tried it a lot with friends ect. back in the day. I have plenty of friends who still smoke and I see nothing wrong with it. Personally I think alcohol is far worse. I would much rather chill with a stoner than a drunk. I do not believe pot to be a "gateway" drug. I grew up with a lot of drugs in my life lots of family member addicts.I have tried almost all drugs and it was never because of pot.I feel the only reason it is not legalized is because it is much harder to control. People can grow it and sell on there own. All a government/tax thing. BS!
Contributor: sixfootsex sixfootsex
I don't smoke anything (except cigars, once a year), but I support it being legalized.
Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
Absolutely. Without a doubt, hands down, no questions asked, yes to the millionth power, nothing would make me happier....etc.
Contributor: *Huxley* *Huxley*
Originally posted by Tori Rebel
YES. Legalize it and tax it and save the money spent on prosecuting and chasing after weed dealers and make money on the tax! I'm a member of NORML...and NOT a smoker of anything at all. It's a political/financial stance for me.
I agree, 100%.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
I'm just curious as to everyone's opinion on this. I realize it's a controversial topic, so let's all be adults here, k?

Do you think pot should be legalized?
Yes. I think they should legalize it and tax it!
Contributor: PersonalAngel PersonalAngel
legalize it! Tax it and its a win win
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
If people want to harm their bodies by inhaling smoke, they should be allowed to do so. I think alcohol is a much more dangerous substance when abused and it's legal. I don't drink or smoke, but I want to legalize marijuana. Legalize it! Tax it! Put the violent drug lords who are destroying their countries for America's supply out of business!
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
the gov and our economy makes money off illegal drugs they're here to stay
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by LikeSunshineDust
Ok I see what you're saying now. I can't find the actual numbers of people who use marijuana now compared to how many people drank during the alcohol prohibition, so I dunno.

At this point the marijuana prohibition has been going on ... more
It will when we stop electing Democrats and Republicans to office.