I don't normally shave above the knee, how about you?
Shave above the knee?
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I usually do, I don't like feeling the hair.
Im really lucky cuz I have very light color hair so you cant see any hair on my thigh. But I do find I have to shave my arm pits like every other day...
I shave my legs up to my knee, above my knee I epilate (includes my bikini area) I shave my labia and epliate the few little hairs that go up my crack.
I shave above the knee, although sometimes it really doesn't feel like it makes much of a difference, lol
I don't unless im wearing shorts or it gets really harry lol
I'm Mediterranean. (We're "swarthy" people. ) I shave above the knee, it's nearly the same as below for me. I shave from my toes to my belly button, but leave a little landing strip for fun.
I do I like to be smooth everywhere
Always all the way up to the top of the thigh. I live in short skirts.

I only shave up to my knee... My hair is dark, but very fine, so shaving my thighs is lost labor in my case
I don't because it's just too much trouble for my dark, but fine hair. If I'm really self-conscious (like wearing a short dress where you know people are looking at your legs) I'll just use some of that nasty Nair stuff.
I remove hair from above the knee about half as often as I do from the lower half of my legs.
i usually shave to above my knee and stop
I'm really lazy and usually don't shave my legs period unless I am going to be wearing shorts or a skirt. When I do finally force myself to shave I do shave above the knee.
Oh yes, I pluck the little hairs on my toes and epilate the little hairs going up to my bellybutton.
Originally posted by
I'm Mediterranean. (We're "swarthy" people. ) I shave above the knee, it's nearly the same as below for me. I shave from my toes to my belly button, but leave a little landing strip for fun.
I'm not meditarranean but I might as well be, lol.
Never, except for armpits and a very, very tiny bit of bush trimming (the wiry hair irritates my clit if there's too much).
Originally posted by
I don't normally shave above the knee, how about you?
It feels weird to shave half my leg so yeah, all the way up for me.
not at all. the hair on my thighs is so fine and light in color you cant even see it.
My wife doesn't either, but I wish she would.
On very rare occassions because even though I have dark hair that I swear grows too fast. Above the knees it's very lightand fine, I dont really need to. I do it every so often...
Always have to shave all the way up. Tedious but necessary. Where does all this hair come from?!
I never have - only up to the knee. It looks like I shave all the way up, though.
I shave past the knee when I am wearing shorts or a shorter dress. Otherwise I don't bother
I only do it once in a while if I'm planning on wearing a really short skirt or something in broad daylight.
I shave everything, everywhere, all the time.
It is time consuming but I prefer the feel.
It is time consuming but I prefer the feel.
The hair on my thighs is fine and blond. I usually shave it, but if I'm in a hurry I skip it and it doesn't make a lot of difference.
nope! the knee is my stopping point
I do but I don't know if it really does any good. I have dark hair so anything would show against my pale skin. I really don't like body hair.
wetone asked: "Where does all this hair come from?!"
Originally posted by
Always have to shave all the way up. Tedious but necessary. Where does all this hair come from?!
We are mammals. We have as many active hair follicles as a chimpanzee, our closest relative.
Well, actually Bonobos are our closest genetic relative, but no one knows what they are. They are apes, that at one time, when caught were often placed in circuses as "half man-half monkey" exhibits. They are very endangered and only live in one place in Asia.
I do shave above the knee, but not every time. Sometimes I'm lazy and just do up to the knee if that's all that is going to show.
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