Originally posted by
Sensual husband
Do you have a sign that you and your partner share with each other when in large groups or get togethers that signals I am horny right now and we need to go take care of it as soon as possible.
My wife and I have a signal that we look at
Do you have a sign that you and your partner share with each other when in large groups or get togethers that signals I am horny right now and we need to go take care of it as soon as possible.
My wife and I have a signal that we look at each other and share two long slow blinks. This can be used across a room or across a table.
We don't have a set signal but we each know each other's "look" and can communicate that way. Although usually we just find a way to sneak a grab at the other's butt which works as a good signal lol. We've never really taken care of it while we're in a large group or at a party though, so I guess it's just an extended tease until we get home.
My ex and I (we were younger..like 19 and 20) had a signal of him saying "I can't find my wallet" or me going "did you lose your wallet?" and this would signal us to go "look for the wallet". I think it got started because one day someone spied me grabbing him and I covered it (really badly) by saying I was looking for his wallet lol. So, that turned into our signal which was pretty lame because I am sure that everyone knew what we were up to when we went to "look for the wallet" since we'd end up looking for it for a long time behind a closed bedroom door....