I used to shop on two other websites, since it's not aloud I will not post them, I will refer to them as A and B.
My husband used to shop online at shop A, while I shopped online at shop B. We both knew we did this but never knew when the other was going to purchase something since we lived long distance, so we couldn't shop around and compare prices. We both thought we were getting the best deals and both sites still had great promotions. I still get emails from both shops and if its a really good promotion I will shop there.
However, EF is now our main store. The prices really can't be beat. If shop A or B didn't have their promotions for free items, I wouldn't buy from them, not because I don't like them, but like I said, EF's prices can't be beat. I normally just use points since we don't ever have a lot of spending room, but I will occasionally spend money from our bank account if it's something we can both agree on.