Sex Magik

Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Witchcraft, Tantra, Sex Magik. What is it all about? Do you believe in it?

For those who have experience with Tantric sex or the Kama Sutra, do you agree with Erin that sex has powerful magical energy?

What about those who practice witchcraft? What role, if any, does sex play your practice?
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Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
As a general student of witchcraft (mostly Celtic and Norse with other pantheistic studies), my research into the aspects of sex magic has given me the impression that one must be initiated into such practices by an experienced practitioner instead of 'experimenting' on one's own. Like every other aspect of witchcraft, you have to be absolutely certain with what you're working with, what you're trying to achieve, and where you're going with it. Otherwise, you're just making a big holy mess in your own life on mental, spiritual, and emotional levels.

Personally, I do not know of any groups that had practiced the Great Rite or any sexual magic - but then, it was nobody else's business to know, it was just between the two people involved. Myself, I was never advanced enough to even ask.

Now that I'm a solitary witch, I don't have the experience or interest to pursue the matter. I'll let those with more experience to do as they will.
Contributor: Miss Cinnamon Miss Cinnamon
Originally posted by Chilipepper
As a general student of witchcraft (mostly Celtic and Norse with other pantheistic studies), my research into the aspects of sex magic has given me the impression that one must be initiated into such practices by an experienced practitioner instead ... more
So I had this long, rambling post here, but then I realized how crazy I sounded. So I got rid of it I'll probably repost in the morning, when I am less sick and make more sense.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
Originally posted by Miss Cinnamon
So I had this long, rambling post here, but then I realized how crazy I sounded. So I got rid of it I'll probably repost in the morning, when I am less sick and make more sense.
LOL! Well I'll step in and be the crazy-sounding one then. As a practitioner of witchcraft I believe that yes, sex has powerful magical energy, but it's a chaotic energy at times that can be difficult to direct. I'm sure this has to do with the emotional aspects involved with the partner. I've used sex to raise a cone of power a few times because it's quick and easy, but it required *really* getting into the right mindset ahead of time and being able to hold it throughout the act.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Yeah, a lot of energy can get built up during sheet-wetting. Between the physical and the emotional energy, you're looking at a lot of go-go juice. The problem is concentration.

(former Wiccan, born again Diagnostic)
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Chilipepper
As a general student of witchcraft (mostly Celtic and Norse with other pantheistic studies), my research into the aspects of sex magic has given me the impression that one must be initiated into such practices by an experienced practitioner instead ... more
That is a truly limiting way of thinking about magic and Wiccan practice put out there by those who wish to make this remain a "mystery" religion. The fact is that sex magic is a fundamental part of Wiccan philosophy and it takes no special initiation though a bit of training might help. You're Monad won't let you screw up your life on anything but a physical level so you're pretty safe as far as it goes. For any magic to be effective you need to know clearly what you want, how you want to achieve the results and whether any part of the exercize would harm someone (including yourself). Now this is Wiccan philosophy and since it is possible to use witchcraft and not be a Wiccan I'll add that the only difference might be the 'harm none' clause...or it might not be. There might be different thoughts on the ethical practice of witchcraft for different Pagan paths though in my 20+ years of experience the only difference seems to be the ritual acoutrements and structure.

As Wiccans we follow the Law of Attraction tweaked to mesh with our unique practices and we don't require ANY ritual objects or initiations. This is coloquuially known as kitchen or hedge witchery. There is room for high ritual and many covens practice their own form of it at different times during the year. The solitary can indeed use high ritual with little or no harm to themselves, a simple desire to remain positive is all that's needed.

We don't generally conjure or abjure spirits onto the physical plane so there is usually no need for elaborate protections. It is very hard to mess with your spiritual path as your higher soul is usually unavailable to the 'average' practitioner because they haven't yet learned to contact and speak meaningfully to it. This then is the goal of any Wiccan (I cannot speak to other faiths) and leads to a deepening of connection with Deity, our higher soul being that spark of divinity that lies within us. The Monad is where She is within us according to the Charge of the Goddess.

Sex is the most powerful and primal energy we have at our disposal. During orgasm we are as close to uor Monad as we can be without effort. Rituals involving menstrual blood for instance, and any substance so intimately connected to fertility, are very powerful and fairly straight forward. Magic at it's heart is a fairly simple process to explain though it gives lifetimes of study possibility.

Sex plays a good part in my ritual practice and religious life. Wicca is a fertility religion and sex is sacred in our lives. So much so that we even profess that 'All acts of love and pleasure are sacred to Her'. When I am in a prayerful mood and sex is offered I see it as a religious experience as deep and meaningful as any Sabbat or Esbat. The energy generated and available can be used in many ways and can also be regrounded in an offering to the Gods for the well being of the planet.

Ummm I am advanced enough to be able to tell you that the "Great Rite" is a fertility ritual wherein the chalice, which represents Her, is united with the sacred blade, which represents Him. It is a reenactment of the sacred union that created all that is and rarely, if ever, involves actual humans engaging in sex acts. I have seen groups that do, in fact, use sex during the Great Rite to raise energy for some great coven working but it isn't forced nor is it common. Most groups are content to allow the representation. It is a powerful rite and one that is at the heart of any coven ritual, or solitary should they decide. It shouldn't be shrouded in IS mystery and therefore needs no further magical thinking.

Sex magic can be taught and there have been some over the years that have tried to mask their fantasies by claiming that 'only a witch can make a witch' and that the practice needs to be sexual...those people have been shunned by most ethical groups and their thinking decried as unethical. Sex magic is loving, powerful and can be performed solo, making it available to everyone!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
LOL! Well I'll step in and be the crazy-sounding one then. As a practitioner of witchcraft I believe that yes, sex has powerful magical energy, but it's a chaotic energy at times that can be difficult to direct. I'm sure this has to do ... more
Heh I know what you start to get into the magical thinking and ooops it feels so damn good and there goes the train! The energy is wild, chaotic and primal. Damn though when it works it really works LOL.

I prefer to use other energies for manifestation but I'll use sex energy for protection rituals or to reinforce the bonds between my lovers and children. It's great for that!
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
From the standpoint of an outsider, this thread is absolutely fascinating. While I have Wiccan friends, none of them are very far along their paths; they call themselves "Baby Wiccans" for just that reason. So most of what you've been saying is completely new to me, and really interesting. Do you have any reading suggestions for those who would be interested in learning more about this? I'd love to pass them on to my friends, and I'd be curious to read more (from my usual OMG NEW KNOWLEDGE!!! standpoint, hahah).
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
That is a truly limiting way of thinking about magic and Wiccan practice put out there by those who wish to make this remain a "mystery" religion. The fact is that sex magic is a fundamental part of Wiccan philosophy and it takes no special ... more
I agree with you completely, I was merely voicing my own experience in study and my inexperience in practice. I don't trust myself to be able to direct the energy properly, as I'm still pretty damn new to sex to begin with. So I suppose it comes down to my own self remaining in the dark on a subject I could not explore. I think I should have specified 'training' (since that's what I really meant) as opposed to 'someone in the Know'.

I am familiar with the ancient uses of sympathetic magic, but could not - for the life of me - tell you what the neo-folks are doing with it now. I could only see it as in relation to fertility (human, agriculture, etc), since I approach study from a pragmatic angle. As mentioned, the group I was with was a rather structured path and since I was only first degree, I knew damn near nothing. I just did not bother to pursue study on that aspect after I left.

Bad, naughty, Researcher. :/
Contributor: Darling Dove Darling Dove
I practice witchcraft from a solitary angle and I do not yet practice sex magick. I'm somewhat interested in tantra, but at the same time when I want sex sometimes I just want it in me, I dont want to doof around for an hour syncing our heartbeats or something.

So eh... maybe in the future, if I ever have live-in access to my fiance, and I'm still practicing magick.

Also, I'm not a Wiccan :/ it kinda irritates me that to everyone in the universe I have ever spoken to outside of about 3 people on the net in a specialized pagan forum, magick immediately = Wicca. But that's another thing altogether. I've pondered joining a wiccan coven to learn more, but the ones around here don't want you unless you're in it for good and they're also comprised of men who.. to be honest, kinda creep me out and make me wonder why there aren't any chicks there. I place my own personal safety before getting sucked into something that may work out to be horrible for me, so I havent pursued it much after that- I just continue my self study.
Contributor: Alan & Michele Alan & Michele
I have that exact same problem in that magick= Wiccan to most people. I studied Wiccan briefly and figured out it wasn't my thing, so went another direction with the art alone. Now I just say "Pagan," even though it's not entirely accurate, because it seems easier for people to digest that quick label than to get into a lengthy discussion of religious values.
For anyone who's still confused, I usually explain it by saying that Wiccan is a religion and witchcraft is an art, and the two needn't clash. It's pretty much apples and oranges, because I even met a Wiccan once who didn't practice witchcraft.
Contributor: Luscious Lily Luscious Lily
Originally posted by Alan & Michele
I have that exact same problem in that magick= Wiccan to most people. I studied Wiccan briefly and figured out it wasn't my thing, so went another direction with the art alone. Now I just say "Pagan," even though it's not entirely ... more
I know what you and Darling Dove mean. I worked with a girl who was forever explaining that yes, she was a Reiki practitioner, yes, she was a kitchen witch, but no, she was not Wiccan, she was Christian. Threw a lot of people for a loop with that one!
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Luscious Lily
I know what you and Darling Dove mean. I worked with a girl who was forever explaining that yes, she was a Reiki practitioner, yes, she was a kitchen witch, but no, she was not Wiccan, she was Christian. Threw a lot of people for a loop with that ... more
I appologize guys, I meant to say that my area of experience is Wicca. I am an ordained minister and had put that at the beginning of my post...but my lovely keyboard has an erase all feature and I forgot when I had to rewrite the post! Kinda like what happened this time round...sigh.

I am also a devotee of Isis, have studied Asatru, Druidism and Shamanism for many years. I have been at times Discordian, ChristoWiccan and Pastafarian (Yes his Noodlyness did come to me in my time of greatest need and Bless me with a light dusting of cheese...Ramen!) so I do understand your frustration with being labled.

Anyhow yes, calling all pagans or practitioners of witchcraft or any other mystery faith Wiccan is like calling all Christians, and those people who do good deeds, Catholic. I did not mean to sound pompous and arrogant and I do humbly appologize.

I really wanted to say that being afraid that magic can somehow ruin your life or that it is something totally dangerous and you need years of study is limiting and wrong. Magic is natural and can be as easy as breathing, it just takes practice.