Still do
Did you believe in Santa?
I remember when my Mother told me there was no Santa and that it was for little kids. I was crushed but didn't show it. Santa is more then just some Macy's ad campain, he's the very essences of youth and imagination. To kill it for a kid, and trust me I know a basturd who told his 8 year old there was no santa just so he could get off not buying him presents and blow it on meth, no shit, is just wrong. They'll come to terms with it eventually but it's about keeping that innocence alive.
Yes I did until I was probably 10 or 11.
Originally posted by
no longer here
I will believe in Santa until he stops bringing me presents.
I did believe in Santa. My kids do as well, but the next time they ask me point blank, I will answer. My youngest figured out when he was 4 that there is no Easter Bunny.
Originally posted by
no longer here
I will believe in Santa until he stops bringing me presents.
This, absolutely!
Originally posted by
Did you believe in Santa when you were little?
Yeah, for a short time.
Oh yes I did.
yes even as an adult i leave cookies out for him and for some reason he only take a bite out of one then leaves
sadly, yes.
I believed to a point I know when I was little my Pewpaw was the "Santa" at the American Legion where we live and I went an sat on his lap and said "Hey Pepaw" some kid told that wasn't my Pepaw I said YES IT IS and pulled his beard down.
Originally posted by
Did you believe in Santa when you were little?
![Contributor: table38792](
No but I did think snowmen would come to life if you left them there for a few days
I did until he managed to find us at a hotel, without a chimney...I was kinda disenchanted then.xD
I believe in him still. The spirit of him anyway.
I was raised in a home where Christmas wasn't about Santa, and I appreciated being told the truth.
Haha, I loved it when my parents told my sister, cause my sister was such a smart little girl, she had figured it out but kept pretending because she thought if she admitted she knew she wouldn't get "santa" gifts anymore.
My sister and I grew up believing in Santa, but still understanding that Christmas was about Christ Birthday and to also appreciate what we had and spend time with family.
That’s not to say we didn’t have fun with the Santa thing. Leave carrots for the reindeer, cookies and milk for Santa (sometimes a beer ). We also use to put baby powered from our doors to our Santa sacks at the end of the bed to catch Santa's foot prints. These 'Santa" memories are some of the fondest memories I have of my dad and I am glad to have them.
I stopped believing in Santa at about 7-8, when some kid at school ruined in for my 4yr Old sister.
That’s not to say we didn’t have fun with the Santa thing. Leave carrots for the reindeer, cookies and milk for Santa (sometimes a beer ). We also use to put baby powered from our doors to our Santa sacks at the end of the bed to catch Santa's foot prints. These 'Santa" memories are some of the fondest memories I have of my dad and I am glad to have them.
I stopped believing in Santa at about 7-8, when some kid at school ruined in for my 4yr Old sister.
I believed for the longest time, and Christmas lost its magic once that was gone.
Not as far as I can remember
yes until I was 6
Originally posted by
Did you believe in Santa when you were little?
I did, not sure when it ended though.
Originally posted by
Did you believe in Santa when you were little?
When I was little, my dad woke me up on Christmas eve to say that he heard something downstairs. As I crept downstairs and peered around the corner I saw Santa putting away gifts. Santa turned to me, put his finger up to his mouth and said "Shhh, go back to bed little boy." My dad said he had never seen me climb the stairs faster.
It was just one of my dad's friends dressed up as Santa, but it had me believing for a good while.
It was just one of my dad's friends dressed up as Santa, but it had me believing for a good while.
Yes until I was 11
Originally posted by
Did you believe in Santa when you were little?
yep. wish i still did sometimes haha
Yes, it made Christmas feel very magical. Even when I discovered he wasn't "real" I would still wait to open gifts on Christmas morning and pretended for as long as possible that he was real. There are still gifts marked as being from "Santa" that I receive from my parents due to my cousin still being at the age where she would wonder about it should she see gifts under the tree without the signature.
Yep, still do. I figure if I stop believing, then I'll have to grow up, and possibly not get any presents anymore. What a bummer that would be!!
I believed with all of my heart when I was little.
I figured it out when I was 4. Or more, I reallyyy suspected that it wasn't possible (guess my young brain was too logical to believe in magic), and I pestered my mom until she admitted it. I think I was also quite freaked out at the idea of the creepy guy in a red suit at the mall sneaking into my house at night.
Yes I did
I did when I was younger.