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Do you find it rude when as soon as someone finds out you are sick that they react by saying "Don't come near me." or "Stay away from me"?
I have this one friend who whenever I let them know I'm sick before they ask
Do you find it rude when as soon as someone finds out you are sick that they react by saying "Don't come near me." or "Stay away from me"?
I have this one friend who whenever I let them know I'm sick before they ask "How are you doing?" or "What's wrong?" I get "You better not get me sick." I consider that to be a bit rude because the person is only considering themselves at the time. If I was in their shoes I would take measures to stay away from the sick individual and if a situation came up where I was uncomfortable being that close to them I would say something. But saying it right away to me is just rude.
Your thoughts?
I don't think it's rude at all.
I have a crappy immune system, and if I am around sick people I WILL usually get sick. (And I'm a nurse, go figure.) Also, I work with babies, some of them premature, and I can't take the chance of getting my little patients sick. They could DIE! I have to stay away from sick people. Of course, you can't stay away from everybody with a mild cold. But stomach flu? You shouldn't be out of the house, certainly NOT in public. We could eliminate most forms of gastroenteritis in a generation if people just stayed home until they were well. And things like true Influenza? One has no right to be out in public. It's a HUGE health hazard.
Also, many people care about others and wouldn't work or go out in public while sick. If someone who doesn't care gets THEM sick, those people are negatively effecting their time, their life and their ability to earn and income. I don't get sick pay, so if I have to stay home because I got sick, I suffer, as does my family!
Working in health care, I see just how sick people CAN get. There's a reason we wear gloves and a mask around sick people in health care.
People can be nice about it, "Please, if you are contagious, please don't come around myself or my children as we will then get sick and it will effect our time and our health." Again, I don't get sick pay, so if my KIDS get sick I have to miss work and not get paid, because someone else was careless with their own germs. People DO need to be mindful of their health status when being social.
Still, I see nothing more "rude" than someone with a full blown Influenza, or a rampant case of diarrhea showing up and sitting next to me at a dinner party or at Christmas because "I didn't want to miss it."
For the health and well being of
others and for the health of oneself, one owes it to oneself to stay home when contagious.