Well, I have OCD. Real clinical Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Not "OMG, I'm so OCD about my shoes." Or "OMG, my sister is just OCD about her phone." That kind of talk is bullshit and an insult to those of us who actually have this emotionally painful disorder. You can't be "OCD" about one or two things in your life. It encompasses your every thought and if you don't give in to it, anxiety takes over and you often can't function. That doesn't happen with people who claim they are "So OCD" about their shoes or their DVDs or simple "cleaning." Not unless not doing it causes them enough anxiety to prevent them from functioning normally. OK, off soap box now.
No, I have real OCD. I have a germ "thing." As with everything with OCD, it doesn't make sense. I'm not afraid of a lot of things other people are, being a nurse and knowing that many "diseases" other people fear really aren't that big of a deal. (like, say the fear a lot of people have about many STDs, which are curable and treatable but many people treat as if they were death sentences)
But, when it comes to public bathroom germs, I'm a mess.
I try not to touch anything more than I absolutely have to in public bathrooms. I often squat, rather than sit, but like most OCD, it depends on how bad my symptoms are at the time. I also use my foot to flush the toilet. (After using a counted number of toilet paper squares.) I'm short so sometimes the automatic flush mechanism doesn't work with me. I use paper towel to turn on the faucets, then grab some paper towel (a certain number, discarding the first one always, SEE? It isn't logical.) and hold it between my knees for later. I then use the towel to open the door (because I've seen people just walk out of the stall without washing their hands and grab the handle of the door with their germy potty hands! And I hate that. So, I usually open the door, and toss the paper in the garbage can while the door is still open.
Then, usually I'm home free.
I'm not a "washer" I don't wash my hands obsessively, so that isn't a problem. I simply wash them well.
I don't understand people who don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom. How difficult it is? It doesn't take up that much time.
I'm not even going to tell you what I do to make shopping carts "safe."
Like I said, I'm a mess.