Okay my question for you is how do you handle the ample amount of invites for pleasure parties by friends or by a consultant? I mean I know that is how they make money, I use to be a consultant for one of the companies about 4 years ago an made NO money from it. One girl I went to school with is a consultant, I went to a party that a friend had hosted an the lady wanted contact info. No big deal right, WRONG I get emails and Facebook invites all the time. I went to the party last September before learning of Eden's points program at that time I was just doing offsite reviews. I am trying to figure out how to politely tell her I am no longer interested in her emails or invites, I know though that she will ask WHY?! Personally I don't want to say "Oh cause I can EVERYTHING I need for my sexual needs for FREE or little out of pocket cost to me." Any of my friends who I know that use sex toys I have told them about Eden so they can also get the HUGE discounts and what not as well so they are starting to steer away from toy parties to. I don't want to come off rude or anything cause the lady is real nice an I have known her for what seems like forever.
What would you do in this situation?!
What would you do in this situation?!