Ow! My eyebawwwl.

Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
Well, I wear contact lenses and I think I either scratched my eye from rubbing it too much or somehow I've got pinkeye. I think I just scratched it but I'm not sure. I was up all night long with a bad sinus headache and my left eye was bright red. It burned so bad I could almost hear it! I couldn't fall asleep until 9am. Ugh. Even though I don't have my contacts in and I can barely see as it is I'm still here on Eden. LOL.

I eventually fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke up it didn't feel gooey or gross or anything. Maybe I did just scratch it. I have a package from EF today that I have to wait for so I'm just trying to stay awake until noon or so. OH woe is me! Let's hope it gets better!
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Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
I scratched a bit of my cornea off with contacts before (I wore them for a costume and my latex prosthetics avoided me to put a sufficient amount of eyedrops during the day). You should not wear contacts for at least 3 weeks if that's what happenned to you, and you should use fake tears but in gel form to soothe the eyes and promote healing. And you should really see an eye doctor.

But if your eye is red, you might not only have scratched it. Conjonctivitis is serious business, see a doctor. Unless being blind is a future plan of yours..
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I have contacts and sometimes a little grain of sand *lives in the desert* gets under them and just irritates it. I just take it out for 24 hours and it's fine! If you deeply scratched it and it wasn't just irritated I agree that a more prolonged period of contact-less-ness may be in order, even though I understand how stupid glasses can be. Take care of yourself!

If it isn't clearing up in a few days and it gets worse, you may want to make an appointment. You don't want it to get infected or worsen!
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
At the moment is feels soooo much better than it did. It's a little pink but it's not watering or anything. If it doesn't go away completely in a day or two I probably will go to a doc. I'm pretty sure I scratched it a little. I remember sitting on the couch and rubbing my eye and I know I ahouldn't have done that. Ah! Stupid me.

Oh yeah and my package got here. I got a peach Venus body butter for my mom. =] Smells sooooo good.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by VioletMoonstone
Well, I wear contact lenses and I think I either scratched my eye from rubbing it too much or somehow I've got pinkeye. I think I just scratched it but I'm not sure. I was up all night long with a bad sinus headache and my left eye was ... more
Refrain from wearing contacts if you can, for a few days to let your eyes rest. If it gets worse then you should go to the eye doctor.
Contributor: HarlequinBunnie HarlequinBunnie
Originally posted by VioletMoonstone
Well, I wear contact lenses and I think I either scratched my eye from rubbing it too much or somehow I've got pinkeye. I think I just scratched it but I'm not sure. I was up all night long with a bad sinus headache and my left eye was ... more
I use to wear contacts and I took really good care of them. I only wore them to work or if I was going out (clubs, a date, or concert) and as soon as I got home I took them out. I haven't worn them in 10 years and I've seen the eye doctor many times since then without hearing anything bad until 4 months ago. I got told that I need a cornea transplant because mine are shot. I asked how did this happen and he said it was from wearing contacts and that if I didn't get it done I would be blind by the time I'm 45 to 50 years old.

If you have a problem with your eyes even if its minor (you think) go to the doctor and get it checked. Your eyes are a terrible thing to waste or neglect.
Contributor: LoveYouLikeThat LoveYouLikeThat
I scratched my eye, ended up going to the eye dr over it, and it was indeed a scratch (I thought it was pinkeye too), they put this orange dye in my eye to make sure it wasnt my cornea.

I ended up having to go to walmart and buy drops for my eyes (by the contact lense soloution aisle) and it felt better within a few days.

I would have to wear sunglasses in the stores cause my eye hurt so bad from the lights
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
0.0 Pinkeye sucks...I had it once, it itched like mad so my mom made me go up to the walk in at the hospital.
Although not being able to see well and trying to hang out here on eden could give you a nasty headache.
Hope it clears up fully for you. ^_^
Contributor: Lizard Lizard
Ouch! No fun
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Oh wow, that makes me cringe! If I ever need to wear something to help with my vision it will be glasses. I could never put them in, it just creeps me out/scares me lol.
Contributor: Breas Breas
This has happened to me before when I wore my contacts. It hurts so bad so I totally feel your pain!
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Ouch! *shudders* I hope it gets better real soon!
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
Sometimes it's ok but then at random times it'll feel extra scratchy and it'll water a lot and bug me. I've been feeling depressed over it. I know I'll have to go to the doctor if it doesn't get better and it just makes me really nervous to think about.

I got some eye drops for red irritated eyes that I've been using. I'm not really sure if it's helping or not.

My eye doesn't itch and it's not gooey or gross like pink eye. Pretty sure it's a scratch, just worried about how bad it is though. I'm a nervous wreck but I still want to wait it out a little more. -sigh-
Contributor: LoveYouLikeThat LoveYouLikeThat
Originally posted by VioletMoonstone
Sometimes it's ok but then at random times it'll feel extra scratchy and it'll water a lot and bug me. I've been feeling depressed over it. I know I'll have to go to the doctor if it doesn't get better and it just makes me ... more
How are you doing when you come across bright lights? If you get some intense pain, you are probably scratched.. I'd make an appt to find out how deep the scratch is. They can give you drops there.
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
It was sensitive to light the first night but not so much right now. I looked in my makeup mirror and there's a tiny little speck on my iris underneath my pupil. I think it might be a piece of silver glitter or it might be a scratch. When I close my eye and feel around it only hurts in that one spot. I bet that's it! I tried rinsing over and over but it won't budge at all. =[ There's pink all around my iris too. I bet I'll have to go to a doc and he'll have to scrap it off or something (if it's glitter/dirt). I'm scared!
Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
Nope, it's not a piece of glitter and it doesn't move even when I blink so I think it's a scratch. I had my boyfriend and my mom take a look at me and they said it wasn't sparkly or anything. Day by day it's feeling better and my eye isn't as red now.

I just wanna say, if you wear contacts and think you can get away with taking naps with them in or wearing them a lot longer than you should maybe you should reconsider. =[ This little incident really scared the crap out of me and from now on I'm going to be WAY more responsible with my contacts! I don't want this to ever happen again. Shame on me.